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Posts posted by Kairo-Kuraku

  1. 5 minutes ago, Urlan said:

    A better thought is that you might need more things buffed before one decides to weaken the things that do. Logically speaking, nerfing things before stabilizing the environment is both reckless and shortsighted and suggestions for doing so don't really seem to be motivated by making the game better.

    Going through and nit picking on who gets buffed is unproductive too. You get really bad scaling because they over do it. "Logically speaking" nerfing all of it to hell and back is best because they all "lift together" Nerfing all of it to get a ground zero of where things are at is the most productive way to scale the mess they made.

  2. That won't help. You'll get the people who say Warframe is supposed to be a "god simulator" and won't accept any type of nerf to their god level frames. The biggest issue Warframe is facing right now is that is doesn't have an idea of what it wants to be in the end. Either its a game or a dumb "god simulator" and you can't have both. When you start the game up to about Uranus, depending on what you focus on the time varies, is when you start entering those mid to high tier stuff. That's when I think the game is at its best. It's tough, not party oriented, but fun still. And you still get new things. It actually feels like a good game then. Because in the beginning, it is a good game. 

    I think a better solution for DE would to balance everything out. EVERYTHING. Just absolutely nerf all the frames to the ground. No survivors. This way they can build them back up to how they should be. This is a very effective solution, but DE would never do anything to their favorite frames like Mesa and Saryn, who get all the kills anyway and don't play the game. 

    I also think a better idea would be to set some sort of class system. Make some frames stay within a certain boundary like DPS or Healer or Tank. Some people don't like this system type, I don't blame them, but what's the point of Trin or Oberon when some high DPS frames can heal themselves? Wukong, tank. Rhino, tank. Make some of these characters matter and that might kill the dumb meta-frames used for everything or from being the go-to. 

    Just some thoughts

  3. 3 minutes ago, Zilchy said:

    Oh yes they will. If it in any way allows older players to get more nightwave standing than they can, they will flood the forums with their salty tears. That's what they've been doing since day 1 unfortunately.

    Yeah, yeah that's fair.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Zilchy said:

    Actually Kuva is the best reward we have. I never suggested using prime mods as a reward? I also sell primed mods and still don't need endo and again I'm sure I'm not alone, you want these rewards to appeal to everyone, I'm telling you right now that they don't. The best reward is kuva because it's irritating to gather and we always need more of it. 
    Again with the assumption that "no one likes doing anything longer than 40 mins". You're trying to appeal to everyone remember, once again it isn't. There are plenty of people who like to do endurance runs, what about them? 

    Yes I did miss that last bit sorry.

    You wanted feedback, I'm giving you it. Don't get hostile because you don't like the feedback, that's how critique works.

    I didn't mean to sound hostile. I did come off that way and I apologize. 

    I only included the bit about prime mods cuz I was more of a prediction as to what you might have said or what people might think so I just threw it in there. Kuva is something I completely forgot about because I don't mess with riven mods too often because of Kuva. And these missions are necessary to appeal to everyone but they are to appeal to the majority. You can't please everyone, that's a prize that fails from the start. And you would find that I am appealing to more people than you think when it comes to the 20 min/wave thing. Besides if you want an endurance challenge you can do something else. 

  5. On 2019-04-12 at 2:27 PM, (PS4)Hikuro-93 said:

    Yeah, except most people already whine because they can't do elite. While this wouldn't affect me I can already see the crying: "Can't reach x mission before the week ends! Unfair!". I do like it, but I'm afraid many won't.

    That is true and that could possibly happen. That's where the Mr Lock would be handy because people who couldn't get there in the first place wouldn't cry about it as much as I think, like syndicate weapons. Unfortunately no matter what change, people are going to be a little whiny about it. Just depends on how many people are. With nightwave, not a lot of people are vocalizing that they hate it because they're just leaving entirely. I get what you're saying though.

    On 2019-04-12 at 2:27 PM, (PS4)Hikuro-93 said:

    But nightwave's biggest problem isn't exactly implementation, even if it could have been better (which I'm sure will be mostly corrected for next season), it's something else.

    I'm sure for the next season they will fix things, and honestly they could fix it for the better and everybody could be happy with it. From my experience with digital extremes they'll make it worse before they make it better. Or they just will take ages to fix it. How long have raids been gone? How long has it been since dark sectors disappeared? I am a little bitter towards digital extremes because lately it seems they focused odd or more pointless tasks than the important ones. However I hope they do turn a leaf with this one because it needs help in some fashion.

    • Like 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, Oreades said:

    No... ?

    I'm talking about how we've had multiple instances of the Nightwave mission "Use X Forma" I could have easily swapped that with "Complete X Sorties" or "Open X Relics". Where people have taken issue with the fact that if those where allowed to stack in a way that say Four "Use Three Forma" Missions all activated simultaneously that Player A who had been there from the beginning would have used a total of Twelve Forma over the event and Player B who came in at the last minute would have only used Three Forma to clear all Four missions. 

    So for that instance of duplicate missions I agreed with them that they should resolve sequentially instead of simultaneously.  Where dissimilar missions resolving simultaneously would be totally fine. 

    Okay gotcha. After re-reading your original post I get what you mean. Yeah In those situations that would be the best. Honestly anything that requires you to expend something in your inventory that you might not have use for then or have no reason to, should be abolished or stacked like that.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Zilchy said:

    To put it bluntly, no thankyou. If you're going to make elite missions elite, make them actually hard, lvl 90 - 150 is a joke in this game. As for revives you forgot about arcanes. Your elite rewards are not rewards, save maybe rivens. Forma is ok, potatoes and exilus are absolutely not needed and endo is not wanted either and I imagine that's the same for many vets. And by the way what you've literally done there is just add another sortie to the week, nothing else. Also inifinte missions to 20 mins are a joke and simply kill the whole point of having an endurance mission challenge. 

    Personally I like Nightwave except that it's far too easy.

    First off, Warframe doesn't have any elite rewards. So saying that those items aren't elite rewards means nothing because that's the best we got. You can't say prime mods are elite rewards because those are accessible to anybody and everybody when Baro comes around. And throwing them into the pool would upset a lot of people. Also you would be surprised on how many people would still appreciate having those items among vets. 

    Also we have a very different range of what makes you a veteran player. and this idea isn't meant for veteran players it's meant for high-level players and which vets fall into. Saying Endo is something vets need would be a complete wrong statement. Sure there are people who have hundreds of thousands of endo and they don't use it for anything, but there are people like me who buy a crap ton of prime mods and use all of our Endo filling them up to rank 10. A lot more people including me use our Endo to sell items then you think. And freak that's 40000+ per mod.

    Things would be locked at 20 min / wave because no one likes doing anything longer than 40 minutes and average people only play to 20. those missions aren't necessarily endurance missions as they were intended. The word endurance doesn't even fit Warframe. the only endurance that would be expressed as people's ability to play such a boring mission for longer than 40 minutes. 

    Also you must not have finished reading because I specifically said, 

    On 2019-04-12 at 2:14 PM, Kairo-Kuraku said:

    Sorties have been around for a while now, this is just a different version of that essentially.


  8. On 2019-04-12 at 2:26 PM, Oreades said:

    Overall I think Nightwave would benefit from a UI overhaul that let players know the current week and how close it was to expiring. Because IMHO that uncertainty of being able to determine if you are "on track" to hit your desired reward tier is where a lot of the stress related to Nightwave is coming from. 

    Some of the challenges could definitely be toned down a bit cause they IMO have crossed the line from "challenge" to "tedious" in a couple instances. 

    Tho they wouldn't be nearly so "bad" if the challenges didn't expire at the start of the next week. Instead staying available to complete at any point until the end of the event. Which would avoid a scenario where the event (intended to get people to log in) could become a deterrent to people logging in if there was no way for them to reach their desired tier. 

    People have brought up issues where people would potentially get by with less effort if multiple "Use X Forma" where allowed to be stored and triggered off the same forma near the end of the event. For that I'd personally be fine if the event triggered them sequentially. for identical challenges. But that would probably be a fairly complicated whoozle to code. 

    Dailies would expire as per normal

    I don't know about using forma in the way I understood it from your statement, that might be a little too easy. I understood it as you can use a certain amount of formula to buy your way up to tiers. Interesting tho, will look into it more.

    It is possible that a lot of deterrent is the fact that things are time gated. I get that there could be a stress factor among people who don't know if they are on track to get the tier 30 or if they have done everything before the clock resets. Even my idea doesn't address that too much which might be a bigger flaw in it.

    I do appreciate the idea the chores not expiring after Time and and just building up. This way you're not pushed to finish them and it's a little bit more free will as to when you do it. the only thing I could see here being an issue, is you could do a lot of the similar chores like "kill x enemies" and like one go. Other than that I think it would be a great step in the right direction.


  9. On 2019-04-12 at 3:01 PM, (XB1)Sumosan13 said:

    Probably more fitting to end that with "IMO" or "for me".  I feel the exact opposite regarding Nightwave; I really like it.

    That was more meant as in, "it has destroyed more than it's helped" or "its divided the community more than anything has" 

    You have to admit, a lot of people hate it and a lot of people hate the people who hate it. And like I said up there community wise, I have never seen a system cause more people to leave in the 4 years that I've played.

    I'll edit that in, since you aren't the only one to bring this up.

  10. On 2019-04-10 at 9:52 PM, (XB1)WhiteKnightBlsm said:

    In regards to the top of nightwave i dont see what other types of challenges they could give vets that arent just lengthier check list.

    Like what would be the challenges? Spend 3 hours in a surv? Im a vet and i wouldn't even bother doing something like that.

    Lifeofrio did a great vid about the "end game" conversation and i think his reasoning is correct.

    You misunderstood. NW shouldn't be needed by older players entirely. Old players should just be able to do it if they so choose, but not necessary to get any of the rewards. Older players should have a different type of system they can use that aren't meaningless "challenges" but rather the level difficulty should be changed. Much like they did with sorties, (even tho that's moderate level content mostly)

    "Then just do the challenges on higher difficulties", they said (Someone did I'm sure) NO. That is not at all a solution, that just makes things worse. Challenges that aren't challenges, but lengthy tasks like Survival for 60 min, or anything that requires you to play a certain mission multiple times, catch fish you don't need, etc, are a great way to make people stop playing and get bored, especially when shoved in your face. 

    And Yes, they are shoved in your face, NW should be tucked away where all the rest of Nav stuff go. And frankly shouldn't show up on your screen with a progress update, at least not in the middle. Should move to the side or something and make it smaller. Minor issue, but still annoying when playing and not doing NW intentionally. 

    End Game, which has nothing to do with most of this, needs fixing. Fashion Frame isn't "End Game".  Missions that are insanely hard to do that are higher level and require you to basically be smart going in, but aren't raids, would be great. Like, Sortie part 3 (this is where "mostly Moderate" comes in 'cause that one can be a *@##$ sometimes) is a good example of the bottom end of what "High Level" content should be.  High level, can be challenging at times with the modifiers, and you get a decent reward after it (though in Sorties case after all 3 missions). That is perfect in my eyes.

    More in-depth here 



  11. Night Wave has undoubtedly been a Nightmare.(I mean it has split players immensely not "The whole system was a mess")

    Players are by far split on whether it is good or bad and that's fine. Personally, I hate how it is now, and I'm not the only one. It was a good start to fixing Alerts, but is by no means an end and should be altered a bit for everyone to enjoy. People who don't like it are as justified as those who do like it. Anyways...


    I figured a possible way to keep NW but trim the fat. Throw away the meaningless tasks disguising as "challenges" and turn them into missions. Daily and Weekly missions, are missions of various types range from LVL 10-45, this way it encourages players to get to Sedna and also gives most players access to all the story by then, giving them a reason to have an Umbral Forma. 

    Elite Missions should be like LVL 90-150 + modifiers to make it better. (Could also make these MR locked too at like MR12, but that doesn't matter to me.) New Players, would be able to do the missions if they wanted, likely wouldn't finish, but they could try. And decrease Revives to 2 per player and not 4 to make it more interesting. 

    Any "infinite" missions shouldn't be higher than 20 min/wave/zone, because that is average for most players and sucks when it's any higher.

    All missions still give the standing like current NW standing and should have a reward after each, the higher the level, the better the reward. (Imagine like the old Alerts, but these aren't the purpose)

                                     Daily missions: 50,000 credits or so, Potatoes, Endo, Forma.  Enough for New Players to be motivated to do it, but not a ton cause they are daily.

                                     Weekly Missions: Oxium, Tellurium, Detonite Injectors, Fieldrons, Mutagen Mass, Potatoes, Forma, Exilus Adapters, Rivens, etc. Respective amounts, not to overshadow other aspects for the game

                                     Elite Missions: Potatoes, Forma, Exilus Adapters, Endo (large amount) Rivens, All previous Items, but scaled accordingly. 

    All of that, (It's just an Example of what it could be like, but I wouldn't know how to balance it. Potatoes, Forma and Adapters should be on all tables tho. Just rarity is scaled) + NW standing 

    Maybe a bit too much, but you get the point. Each mission type, (Daily, Weekly, Elite) has its own reward pool to attract every player group. This way it's not all up in your face to do random tasks while playing, but gives you purpose to play that mission outside of what you were going to do anyway, like Eidolons, Fissures, Giant Fortuna Spider Psychos, whatever.

    Current NW lacks reward. When I did it, it seemed very empty and boring, but if other items were up for grabs and aren't stupid tasks, I would be more inclined to join the fun. I love the game, but I hate it when I'm told to do something while playing. These missions wouldn't be in your face, but they would be like Syndicate missions. There, but easily ignored. 

    This obviously isn't perfect for a solution, but I feel like it would be more publicly accepted and would stop driving players away. Sorties have been around for a while now, this is just a different version of that essentially. Don't kill me, please 🙂

    • Like 3
  12. 1 hour ago, (XB1)WhiteKnightBlsm said:

    Arcanes were locked behind thise trials and barely anyone had arcanes.

    This is why I also said, 


    1 hour ago, (XB1)WhiteKnightBlsm said:

    There should be at least be copies of that stuff available elsewhere. Where only old players will get it.

    The raids had one issue, they sucked. They had the issue of grabbing an audience because  they were also daily tasks and frankly players chose to speed run them, and if you weren't up for that, you didn't do it. I know people who enjoyed raids, but the lack of them being played was more the lack of enjoyment for the rest.

    Most Arcanes also don't dramatically change gameplay so the Raid risk(cost)/reward didn't help.

    All Items are generally accessible to everyone passed MR 12, but why do MR 20-27 have to play LVL content to get them? 

    My suggestion to fix this issue would be to add a secondary option for the older players do get the same items but in a different fashion than doing chores. oddball tasks are great for new players because it does get them to play and enjoy the game in a different way, but it shouldn't Force older players to do the same thing because daily things and stuff like that does not bring a lot of attention to us/them. 

    Take fights like eidolons and the orb fights into account. Those fights are open to anybody that's moderate to high level in the game and there's really no issues there because they're not time gated. everyone can do those missions and enjoy them at their own pace regardless of how long they like to play because it's their choice, the game isn't telling them they have to do this or they don't get the rewards later.

    Really, all high-level players want is: missions and objectives/content that newer players can't do and to be rewarded for that as such. Also, That 10% of players for 20, 25, or whatever percent of high level players, that you are saying are a waste of resources is not a good marketing strategy to get others to play your game entirely.

    Instead of saying they are a waste of because they didn't play what they were given, it's "what did we do wrong that didn't bring them in".

  13. Chorewave needs heavy trimming to get off all the fat. Being MR 26 and having played 99% of the game, logging in to do the tasks feels very empty and unrewarding since the items of desire are are at level 25-30. This system is great for new players, but us older ones kinda get screwed a bit. 

    This is really the only thing I have issues with, the stuff everyone wants is locked behind new player to moderate player  content. There should be at least be copies of that stuff available elsewhere. Where only old players will get it.

  14. On 2018-10-13 at 6:55 PM, ReshyShira said:

    Here's my idea to overhaul arbitrations, as in their current form they come off as rather boring, repetitive, and not as challenging as players were led to believe.  It doesn't give what Veterans really want (access to really high level enemies to fight) but rather goes in the opposite direction of making extremely long, boring games that are everything people hated about endless modes but even more so.

    Arbitration Difficulty Levels:
    Arbitration enemies are currently sortie-level only, which isn't anything we haven't already done before, just the missions take far longer and the rewards can be far less.  So here's my idea:  Make Arbitration tiers that scale rewards and drop rates in conjunction with their level tier:  Level 100-200, Level 200-300, Level 300-400, Level 400-500.  This allows players who really want a challenge to jump straight into the deep end without needing to spend hours letting enemies slowly level up.  Furthermore, rewards from the tier should increase respectively, for example at Tier 1 (level 100-200) you might get 1 Vitus Essence per rotation, but at tier 2 (level 200-300) you might get two Vitus essence per rotation, as well as having increased odds of getting rare stuff off the drop tables.  Arbitration levels can scale theoretically endlessly, like regular missions, and scale their rewards appropriately, though players cannot start at a tier higher then 4.

    Variable Durations:
    Arbitrations currently take wa too long to complete and scale very slowly in difficulty.  This  will retain the current ABC rotation cycle, but take half the time to get to that level (5 waves, 5 minutes, etc. per rotation).  After the A rotation, enemies should have scaled +33 levels since the match started, on B they should a level of +67 from their base, and by the end of rotation C they should enter the next tier at +100 levels.  Once you have gone through a lower level rotation, the game will load the next higher-level rotation, improving the drop tables accordingly as well as starting the level up cycle all over again.  This means that enemies will very quickly gain levels over the course of match, rather than a very gradual increase in levels.  So, over the course of an hour long survival (ABC-ABC-ABC-ABC) enemies will have gone from level 100 to level 500 in that time.

    Return Bleed-outs:
    Currently in Arbitrations, you die instantly without any revives in Arbitration, this is fine and all but it causes several issues in that you can just straight up die because you didn't immediately refresh your shield buff when it ran out.   I'd recommend reintroducing the Bleed-Out times to allow some level of forgiveness in the game mode, but in conjunction with the very large increase to enemy level scaling.  Furthermore, with the bleed out timers being your primary means to be revived it gives a mod such as Undying Will a niche when it is otherwise not very useful.

    Arcane Revives:  
    Similar to returning bleed outs, I believe Arcane Revives ought to be included as your secondary means of reviving.  Arcane revives right now are in a place where they rarely ever matter since you get 4 revives at the start of each mission, if you make your base revives start at 0, and then be increased by your arcanes up to a maximum of 2 revives this I think would make really testing your end-game equipment matter more as Arcanes matter more.

    Earning Revives:  
    After each rotation, any players who are currently dead are given the option to lose that rotations rewards and respawn, or to keep the rewards and drop from the game (So if they die in the middle of Rotation B, they keep their Rotation A reward if they respawn, but not the B reward).   At the end of each Tier everyone gets a free revive, and if players have dropped the game temporarily opens up so that people looking for the newly achieved tier can join this game that's been in progress for a while.  DE should also prevent the Anti-AFK from activating for dead players who are still actively watching the game/chatting.  

    Better Reward Tables/More uses for Vitus Essence:
    Right now the drop tables for Arbitrations are the kind of things you don't need:  Endo.  While Endo is a nice if you have mods needing it, by the time players can access it they likely don't need that much Endo anymore.  However, the sculptures are slightly better as a drop, as they are a form of Endo you can trade, so I'd recommend dropping all of the raw Endo drops in favor of the sculptures.  But, besides for Endo rewards there should be a decent amount of other types of reward between the current Niche mods.  
    Some examples that come to mind are:  Any Vaulted Relic, Kuva, fully-built Forma, a rare chance at Orokin Reactor or Catalyst Blueprints, a rare chance at a fully-built Exilus Adapter, Rare chance at Arcanes, Ducats, or more elaborate things like a chance at a mod from an Arbitration Mod Set or special Arbitration Weapons (like how ESO has the Lato and Braton Vandal).  Failing that, rewards could simply be solely given in Vitus Essence and instead revamping what can be done with Vitus Essence.
    Right now Vitus Essence has a very limited pool of things that it can purchase.  If the reward table itself isn't meant to be enticing, then what you can exchange Vitus Essence for should be.  
    Some examples of what Vitus Essence could be used to exchange for things beyond what I mentioned in the drop table suggestions (Such as Vitus Essence to Kuva or special Arbitration mods/weapons), to things such as being able to buy random riven mods, Arbitration Armor set for your Warframe, Arbitration Cosmetic set for your Operator, Pet/Sentinel Cosmetics, Arbitration Sydana, 3 day Boosters, or something more unique, such as a special Umbral Forma that creates the Umbra mod polarities?


    Specialized Arbitration Arenas:
    Right now Arbitrations does what ESO does, it just reuses old maps to try and make something new-feeling and falling flat because it's just the same thing as always.  Replacing the recycled maps we've all seen before with something entirely new (or using older deprecated maps with a new furnishing) would be an interesting change of pace and may make room for more experimentation.

    Also, This guy ^^^

  15. I think the Arbitrations are mediocre. All they are are tier 2-3 sortie missions that are endless and have a rather awful punishment for dying. I don't think the perma death is the way to go. The best way consequence players for dying is for them to die that round then respawn. (i.e 10 min, 10 waves, 2 excavators, etc)

    Also, there should be more than one going at all times too. I love survival missions as much as the next guy, but they show up far too often not everyone has 40 min to spare on a mission. A fix for this would be either shortening the rounds to like 7-8 min and increasing the time intervals between the life support drops from 90 seconds to like 120.

    Defense missions are way too long, almost twice as long as survivals. 20 min average for 10 waves and the enemies don't feel like they are aggressive enough and hang back away from the target. Then it becomes a hunt for the last 2 min of each wave cause you gotta kill the stragglers. A fix for this would be getting rid of the waves and turning it into like 7-10 min rounds of constant enemies while protecting the Hostage.

    Excavations are fine, but the infested one I did the enemies were not aggressive at all and they wouldn't hunt down the excavators at all. I don't know if that was a problem for just the infested, but that needs to be fixed. You can't do the mission if the enemies aren't gonna give you power.

    Interceptions are ungodly boring. Both for arbitrations and regular. With arbitrations though they are 2 captures per round and they fill at half the speed. The heck is with that? Interception needs more interaction than just standing around and killing things, at least with survival you can move around and defense you have to watch the dumb hostage. And killing is only an option the whole time. 

    Just some thoughts on that. I think the best thing for Arbitrations would be altering the missions to have completely different rules. Similar missions, just different rules. A lot of what the missions suffer from is they are too long and too boring. Time doesn't equal difficulty. 

    Take the missions and create new rules for them so they are special to these lethal alerts, I feel like that would make them a lot more worthwhile to do.

  16. 13 minutes ago, (PS4)LubzinNJ said:

    Ahh I did misread your first paragraph, which is why when you directed me to your last paragraph I was confused.

    edit: wait now....I didn't misread it at all. " I assume you don't count mods outside of the Warframe itself when considering tanks. You could, however, use the Augment to replenish Iron Skin with roar. " I read that to mean "mods outside of the Warframe itself" as in the Warframe sans mods.

    Whatever, it's a misunderstanding on what you were trying to say. Point is you should include the entire package possible with a frame when determining "tankiness".

    Totally, no one should compare frames without their mods first. 

    You should always count in all the possibilities with an entire kit rather than just the Warframe.

    Anyway, good day to you, sir.

  17. 8 minutes ago, (PS4)LubzinNJ said:

    Yeah I read it, and I didn't get the idea he wasn't including mods in his point. You don't get the ungodly HP pool in Inaros without mods. You would never consider how good a frame plays without mods because that would just make no sense, why would you bring a frame on missions with no mods at all installed? The lulz?

    edit: and he's specifically talking about Mot after 2 hours...you think any unmodded frame is standing up to that?

    I'm still convinced you dont read very well at all. I SAID OUTSIDE OF THE WARFRAME. Meaning melee mods and weapon mods.

  18. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)Mahd2_7 said:

    The simulacrum... infamously known as having not too perfect calculations when compared to actually playing the game90% of the time the numbers you get in the simulacrum aren't entirely what you get in let's say Mot For example  

    This is true. Simulcrum the enemies focus on you and only you are positioned to put you in the center. In a real game they aren't so kind and are a bit more spread out. It can give good ideas, I usually try the sortie by myself before confirming anything works.

  19. 1 minute ago, (PS4)LubzinNJ said:

    How could you not factor in mods to a warframe to determine it's tankiness? That makes no sense.

    For this case, the guy doesn't sound like he considers mods outside of the Warframe, I said that specifically said that for this post. Did you even read the last paragraph?

  20. Warframe doesn't have "face up tanks". Even rhino, with the most powerful iron skin you can think of, will die in the blink of an eye after level 150. You just can't get Iron Skin to scale who ever your fighting unless you use something like Gaurdian Diversion, but I assume you don't count mods outside of the Warframe itself when considering tanks. You could, however, use the Augment to replenish Iron Skin with roar.

    If you think about it, even Nidus is a tank if you get his stacks up fast enough and his abilities contribute to that pool, I would send a Nidus to a large wave of enemies before Rhino because when Iron Skin is down you have seconds, where Nidus dies 3 times then goes, "I should probably leave" Again at Levels 150.

    Wukong isn't considered a tank, or acknowledged for that matter, but his Defy ability gives him a decent upper hand if modded correctly with Rage/Hunters Adrenaline and others. I have survived to 150 with him as well.

    There is no one class of Warframe that designates what a tank is. Too many frames, more than what I talked about here, can stand in the middle of a crowd and laugh for a while, Inaros is one of them. Besides, someone who plays for real, doesn't just count the abilities of the Warframe, but the weapons as well. Life Strike with Inaros is ungodly.


  21. Scourge is the master spear gun. What it lacks in gun mode it makes up for in spear mode. 

    The headshot bubbles it disperses every 7 or so seconds is undeniably the best of all the spear guns. Take a pyranna prime or some other power house secondary and cheese all the enemies.

    Not to mention, the scourge is built perfectly for harrow and his abilities, mainly 3 and 4. You couldn't get better support with that.

  22. 12 minutes ago, (PS4)Zwaks said:

    So do you suggest that MOAs, Bursas, and other mechanical enemies should be unaffected by Stasis too?

    Yes. It gives his Stasis a loophole and Limbos something to watch out for. I don't want a perfect ability, and neither does DE. That's why we have frozen bullets currently.

  23. 19 hours ago, kapn655321 said:

    What if we took a separate spin on Limbo:

    Control over the 4th dimension. Time. A T-vo for enemy actions.
    Rift no longer being a physical plane, but control over time and energy.

    That's a completely new frame. The only thing left from present Limbo is Cataclysm and that doesn't even seem to be the same. I do not want a rework, none of the current Limbo players want that and neither does DE I'm sure. You have some interesting ideas, but that's not for this thread. We only need a change in functionality and some changes in rules for Limbo.

  24. 17 hours ago, dopey_opi said:

    You people are really overcomplicating this.

    1. Stasis no longer affects friendly projectiles and

    2. Being Banished/Cataclysm'd no longer interrupts console hacks or prevents interaction with map objects

    I feel like I didn't over complicate it at all. I gave that first suggestion, I think DE would be against it as it would be a one size fits all for every situation. I included other options because only giving one would be worthless and unpreductive. 

    As for the second, that's just a change of rules for Limbo, which has been brought up before here and I just need to edit the OP

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