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  1. Ok, long story short, I spent hours upon hours testing different builds for this Gunblade, also comparing it to stropha, sarpa and redeemer, man, slash is king and this thing has it! :D It really blew me away how a non damage buffing trinity (no subsume etc), without armour stripping, can kill an entire squad of 20 heavy gunners with this melee influence build :O It was literally 2 heavy attacks! :O It also has a satisfying + great sound effect ^______^ Really tired now so I'll go sleep, but i spent at least an hour editing this little vid for your viewing pleasure, hope you have fun watching it
  2. Great reply, glad you also enjoy her (: She's just so tactical and fun, I love the Time Warp skill & they dynamics it opens up, how cool is it that it resets energy, shields, health, (ammo?) (skill cooldowns??) It's also really fun to see the big explosions on temporal anchor ( i refer to it as time warp :P), after you armour strip + gather a group, wreck havoc :O All in All, i love the direction they're heading in with giving all frames viable niches, and not simply having a linear "this is best" ... although saryn and dante and so on come a bit too close to that for my liking honestly :P Makes it especially cool when you see a frame you hadn't thought of do crazy meta breaking things once in a while, such as lavos running aqua blades with insane damage + status proccs per second! only strengthend through valence formation now I have to admit, kullervo, protea and certain other frames, after just asking around a little how bad is their grind, I skipped them with the platinum I earned. Kullervo i did end up grinding for his subsume, it was quite a grind, but as I was going for all the incarnon adapter resources anyway, it was on my to do list. I find it weird how certain frames, take dante for instance, are soooo easy and fast to grind, and others are really a bit too tough and random. Equinox springs to mind from wayyy back in the day xD Circuit now offers a nice alternative way to grind parts too, but, perhaps they can re-evaluate how hard certain frames are to get. I find it a shame the new disruption mode offers nothing, after you have the 2 weapons, sim. key, & dante, would have loved it to be similar to Tyana Pass where you can get arcanes and the weapon parts are tradeable for plat.
  3. fair enough, not every frame can be attractive to every person (: we think much alike! as for okina prime weapon farm... i saw yesterday that you can buy 25 relics per week from Teshin, hadn't put 2 and 2 together until now to save steel essence for primed release and do that ;o I did get some cheap Rivens for her various weapons before the news went public though :o (Reb's news leak kind of flew under the radar at first)
  4. Dedicated exilus might be nice (: Arcanes... carry over, at least secondary outburst does. Also, ceramic dagger "gun and blade" evolution is triggered by noctua even though it states "primary kill". Another way to buff noctua is with afentis, for 40 seconds if you land a kill from within its thrown buff aura, then you carry it outside. interesting info here (sry for shameless self promotion, just can't type it all out and it's relevant for noctua enjoyers :) ) other ways to do this secondary outburst noctua buff are of course with melee crescendo but that takes quite a lot longer as it is on finisher kill, not just kill with primary. Also, not to be rude to you as this is your thread @Prof-Dante I agree with your sentiments for the most part, the tome mods need some love, they're just too awkward to use. The timer on Archon mods for instance, and energize, could be a good rebalance and application to the tome mods. The thing that's wrong about "gain 10 energy per second when you attack 10 enemies with alt fire" is that... you don't tend to need loads of energy when you're fighting a big horde, as they drop orbs, but when you only have 1 enemy, and it's a tough one, that's when the tome mods fail and you actually need assistance :< I guess it's another incentive to use grouping - cc - gathering tools like cordon, void snare e.t.c perhaps there is hope for a change, we saw the arca titron go from 100% dmg buff per 1 kill, capped at 1000% , to 250% per kill, capped at 5; 1250% Perhaps they can read in their statistics that barely anyone is touching the tome mods, and it isn'T because they aren't cool, they're just not competitive really ;<
  5. yep, i prefer the deluxe instantly, at first i bought the collection because of the throwing weapon skin, but now i actually started playing her and i don't regret it (: i'm looking forward to seeing any new augments or minor reworks of her abilities. (not that she really needs it, but you know, we often get a minor rebalance on launch) oh damn, i'm stunned, have to entirely agree with you on that one. -- I for one am excited about protea prime, I don't like the model as perhaps stated in the video, but the deluxe is nice & tennogen tends to be cool too. I hope they launch her with an augment and perhaps some slight changes here and there. In the video i showed the artillery can nuke an entire squad of 215 heavy gunners in a few seconds, that's supremely powerful, like, incarnon + riven + meta warframe setup, and the thing is, i had 115% power strength, +100% from her passive, and the temporal anchor augment, that's it! :O didn't even fire a single shot, just let the turrets do the work. If that's not powerful, idk what is. She's quite tactical and midway between a nuke frame, a camping frame and a supportive buffer :D I just love her time warp + the big explosions you can get with it :D
  6. Hope someone finds this helpful! Beyond the vids, here's also some resource links: https://www.warframe.com/droptables https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Protea https://www.warframe.com/news/protea-prime-access Protea news & review of frame currently :) (+4 signature (2 unofficial, but released during same time) weapons) Kullervo build overview :) Get your ceramic dagger this week while you still can ! :D (really, it's so great both as a melee and as a secondary buff stick)
  7. good input here. Very short answer in reply to this thread: Don't do it if you have to ask. Do eidolons first till you get great gear + good at grinding in general + quite knowledgable about the game + make friends who you play with regularly. Sorry if that sounds harsh, it's not meant to, it's just that orphix (veil) is a harder alternative to eidolons that drops LESS rewards :O
  8. useful info :) ' citrine's 1 seems an amazing subsume over a lot of classes 1 if you want to go high in eso & be carefree there! (it gives you health + energy orbs, has no target limit within range, inflicts slash proccs)
  9. So, really late here, 2.a.m, but i was happy to hear the news that Protea is releasing on the 1st of may, so I made a Video with useful info about her, getting her, and preparing for & profitting from ,her release :) Hope you enjoy, Tenno, and perhaps share some of your fav things about her & fav memories e.t.c ?
  10. definitely one of the best free to play games around, with the fairest microtransaction system & trading & positive long term development that you can look back on. Just not amazing on the pvp front, but hey, who knows what will happen ? :P
  11. would love to see a short trailer of this in action before reading all that text (: <3 2 a.m now so will sleep, but i appreciate that you took the time to write this :) played with our friend AdyB today and he showed me the instant shield stripping with Cedo + Lavos and I was impressed by that too :o
  12. take a look at furious javelin + wrathful advance subsumed over 1... you won't be disappointed :D also, madurai for +50% cast speed +40% strength for 20 secs on switch to operator (double dash the latter)
  13. LAZORS! (: Nice, you must have a riven for boltor? or... enjoy aiming for those headshots with galva. scope hyped about lex prime ! (: i'd been sleeping on it, but let's see what this baby can do I clearly don't understand how melee influence works then... 9m does indeed sound nutty. I thought it was locked for 20 seconds once you trigger electric on a target? Spreading all the status on that target to all other targets within range? Saryn with dual ichors is my default loadout, will have to try hate too :D what's so strong about it? looked at its evolutions and they didn't do much for me... i traded a riven for it for a braton one xD now ya got me doubtin' :D
  14. equinox day form is male equinox night form is female 1st skill swaps :) emissive (or energy colour...) determines which form you start off in Xaku is a "they" (mesh of 3...) as for the title of the thread... hmmmmm... too much work for [DE] probably, and i'd prioritise other things over this. There's no big pay off for doing this. Also "gender swapped" sounds annoyingly Lgbtq (sorry, the agenda irks me), warframes are essentially bio-bots, not human, not sexual, not "gendered"... although, that whole argument... you can say you feel like a male hildryn and a female rhino and voila, because you said it, it is so :P
  15. that's great :) I guess you chose to subsume over his 1 though? special build for just that purpose ? I actually subsumed xaku to power up my excal before wrathful existed, was worth it, earning him second time round now, kinda forgotten how he even works (if i ever knew :D )
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