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Posts posted by llorange

  1. If Titania ever use her 4th skill during a mission, all the enemies will use AA missile against her even if she is not in archwing mode.

    This problem is quite annoying cuz AA missile in higher rank mission can just instakill her,

    and the tracing missile is quite hard to see and dodge. (there's no missile indicator if player is not in archwing mode)


    Additionally, some human like units won't be affect by her 1st and 3rd ability sometimes, or they just stuck and stop moving rather than walking approach the "lantern".

    Those enemies are crewman like and not androids.

    I can cast skill on them but nothing happens.


    And pls make most of the enemies can be affected by her 3rd ability... that would be a great help.

    Its quite confusing to recognize who can't be affected by 3rd in pool of enemies.

  2. I've come up with another idea to make Titania able to cast more frequently in razer wing mode.

    Anyone who is affected by "Lantern" has a chance to drop energy orb when killed. 

    This will make her not only a crowd controller and also a better support frame.

    Players will also willing to give more buff to teammates if they have sufficient energy.

  3. 1 minute ago, peterc3 said:

    This is like saying builds with Blind Rage mean the entire Energy system needs to be changed because there isn't enough Energy to use abilities.

    That's a little different.

    Blind rage is not a problem on a tanky frames.

    But there's no other way to solve Titania's energy draining problem.

    Especially the augmentation mod requires "casting ability while in flying mode" to activate.

  4. Okay let's just cut into the point.

    The main problem of the skill "Lantern" is that the effect aura can't penetrate through objects, even the enemies.

    So if the target affected by Lantern floats a little bit lower, then some enemies behind others will not be confused by the Lantern and start to fire at her...

    Object penetration issue has to be considered in further reworks. Or maybe just let the effect does not be blocked by enemies and minor landscape (especially on POE, any dune will block the effect. That's quite annoying)


    As to Razer Wings, 

    energy is a big problem to our little pixie...

    Anyone who loves playing "Razer Wings" might try to maximize the duration, especially using "Narrow Mind".

    As a consequence, if someone wants to play Razer Wings build, and than all the remaining 3 skill are useless in this build.

    In my own opinion, the "Razer Wings" can design as a "mode switching" skill which only cost energy on switching between two modes,

    and the drones can be respawned by long press 4 again during Razer Wings mode. 

    So she will become the true pixie that can really flying around and casting spell as well without worrying about being out of energy in the mid air.


    The other problems that everyone trying to play Titania may encounter is her low survivability. 

    She really lacks of tanky or survival skills.

    (Even Nova has a 90% dmg reduction skill...)

    Some might says, "she still got 50% accuracy reduction!"

    Sorry about that, but I must say that accuracy reduction is kind of useless in warframe.

    Cuz any inflict single shot of higher level enemies will instakill Titania.

    Not to mention that accuracy reduction doesn't have any effect to tracing missiles (e.g. vruush turrets, grineer launcher)...

    In conclusion, this mean her 50% accuracy reduction needs to have some changes.

    For example, the buff can be stack up as a 90% dmg reduction or maybe just increase the percentage of accuracy reduction (this work better if the "shield gate" is added).

  5. Titania is my favorite frame, too.

    The main problem of the skill "Lantern" is that the effect aura can't penetrate through objects, even the enemies.

    So if the target effected by Lantern float a little bit lower, then some enemies behind others will not effect by Lantern and start to fire at her...


    As to Razer Wings, 

    energy is a big problem to our little pixie...

    Anyone who loves playing "Razer Wings" might try to maximize the duration, especially using "Narrow Mind".

    As a consequence, if someone wants to play Razer Wings build, and than all the remaining 3 skill are useless in this build.

    In my own opinion, the "Razer Wings" can design as a "mode switching" skill which only cost energy on switching between two modes,

    and the drones can be respawned by long press 4 again during Razer Wings mode. 

    So she will become the true pixie that can really flying around and casting spell as well without worrying about being out of energy in the mid air.

  6. 6 hours ago, ToxicK9 said:

    I have noticed this as well, seemed wonky to me and my Ice Chroma build was failing haha, so I wound up switching to fire and being a bit salty but just gunna stick with fire till this is answered cause as of right now, Ice Chroma just winds up getting wiped out easily. 

    I have mods (mostly corrupted) that boost his strength and duration btw, that extra armor should be plenty to stop his health from failing as it did in the past many many times because armor>health>shields. But now that extra armor does jack squat for me as well as his second being useless for some reason and not properly stopping enemies and their bullets, instead they just chew through me. 


    I think the armor bonus isn't the reason why players are using chroma cold build.

    400~500 armor increment is ignorable while vex armor is on. The benefits of 450 armor is quite low while the total armor is really high.

    The crucial point of the cold build is the cold proc that makes enemies' machine gun shoot at a poor fire rate.

    Now this problem is exactly the death sentence to cold chroma.

  7. Cold chroma's 2nd skill has been bug out after chimera update. The reflecting mechanism has changed.

    Bullets or projectiles should reflect back to the way where it came from.

    However, bullets from enemy will now reflect ridiculously away from its track after this update which cause reflected bullets can't hit the enemy and grant cold proc.


    I found this problem when I was testing my build in Simulacrum.

    20 corrupted heavy gunner shooting at me but no one get hit by the reflected bullets.

    I started to go on the test by summoning 20 tech unit.(because the bullets from supra have flying time that I can observe how it reflects)

    Then I found out that the reflection angle is so big that bullets reflected to the sky or to the ground rather than sent right back to the way where it come from.


    This cause tremendous impact on cold chroma's 2nd skill.

    Enemies don't get any cold proc that decrease their fire rate, causing the dramatic drop in chroma's survivability.

    The cold build is dead after chimera update...



    Additionally, I found another problem during my test.

    Warframes no longer have knockdown immunity while using heavy melee weapons.

    Player performing combos can be knocked down easily by slam attack , hooks or flame walls from eximus units even if a heavy sword is equipped.

    This considerably affects the gaming experience during the combos of heavy melee weapons.

    The attacking speed of heavy sword is slow enough compare to other types of weapons,

    and now player can be interrupted during the combos?

    Hoping this is only a bug in the update not a nerf in heavy weapons.

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