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Posts posted by Hjalmthrimul

  1. I liked Limbo, I really did.  He was the only frame who could challenge a single enemy to a duel ... with the deck properly stacked, of course.  Sure, this had its downsides; Limbo was more or less forced to meticulously kill his enemies one by one.  Now?  He's just another CC frame, who plays just like the other 6 CC frames.  But wait, it's even worse than that.  Rhino, Frost, Nezha, Volt, and Vauban all stop enemy motion like Limbo.  I use them a lot, freezing enemies then blowing them away with aoe weapons like Penta.  Limbo?  I can't do that because in order to put a grenade or rocket in blast range, I have to literally stand in blast range, because the projectile is frozen the instant it leaves the barrel.  So Limbo has to go around meticulously killing enemies one by one ... sound familiar?  Even that would be okay if this patch hadn't simultaneously nerfed Limbo's damage to 1/4 what it used to be.

    Let's talk about Rift Surge.  Rift Surge used to give a damage multiplier while in the rift.  It made the process of meticulously killing one by one rather more bearable, amazingly more than making up for the time spent casting banish on each and every target.  Rift Surge was one of the major draws of Limbo, because that Bursa you just pulled into the rift was likely to die before it recovered from the stagger.  Without Surge, you may as well just spam Banish for the small amount of damage dealt on entering rift.  What does Rift Surge do now?  Instead of bolstering Limbo's meagre offensive capability, Rift Surge now replicates the effect of spamming Banish.  In fact, it's pretty much the only way to spam Banish, given how that particular ability has been changed.  Under the guise of improving the variety of Limbo's skillset, the one ability that served to mitigate his downsides was changed to replicate lost functionality of another ability.  Why?

    I cannot wrap my head around these changes.  I freely admit that Limbo was extremely limited.  I'm very thankful for giving the ability to carry things through the rift, even if you have to step into the danger zone to pick them up.  I appreciate attempt to streamline the process of pulling multiple enemies into the rift to be slaughtered.  But in the midst of these changes, the unique character of the frame has been lost.  Instead of being the cool calculating operator who chooses targets carefully, Limbo is now a Rhino without his Roar.  A Valkyr without the armor, damage, mobility, or healing.  An Ivara without stealth attacks.  A Vauban without mines.  He has lost more than he gained, and it hurts to see.

  2. Where: Corpus Reactor Sabotage, overheat path.  It was a Void Fissure mission too, if that matters.

    Who: Trinity Prime, client

    What: When attempting to hack the console to open path to exit after triggering meltdown, no dialog came up.  As this is part of reactor sabotage, the hacking target is an object that normally does not have interface.  My frame entered the hacking animation (gun away, both hands tapping on an invisible screen) and I couldn't move.  I was able to move by hitting esc to bring up menu and returning to game.  From that point on, any powers used would lock me back into hacking animation.  Nobody, including myself, could interact with the console at all.  Because this console hack is required to reach the exit, it made the mission unwinnable.

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