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Posts posted by Kiaune

  1. I know some players have abused 4th ability, but for me bladestorm was handy as survival/escape ability. For example, If ash begin to lose shield/health bladestorm can save life with invisibility plus restoring shield and killing in meantime. Sadly, with targeting system ash more likely will die, 'cause is matter of miliseconds.

  2. A lot fun abilities were nerfed, crap rewards were introduced. Only fun frame left is Banshee now, but probably will be nerfed soon. I understand DE good wishes to bring some dynamism in game, but why I should use Ash now if I can take Mirage/synoid and without any problem can clear any 140lv map.

    Old players do not need more nitain or formas imho. Hell, I dont need focus lens reward too. 

    Why not finish focus system first?

  3. [Riven Mod] string in chat open new window with mod selection. It is fine, but situation can be worse if you have active profile window. In result you cant see mod selection because profile window always on top. ESC dont work either . Only way to quit profile window is a game restart.



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