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  1. Warframe have too much timegates now which makes too much duties and people want to get through those as fast as possible so they can play the game. Weekly archon hunt, weekly netracell, weekly kahl, daily sortie, daily standing caps, then there is nightwave which makes us a lot of variety stuff. People can't farm what they want, they do what they can and when they are not in the mood to do these weekly gates but know they won't have time to do it later and they miss out if they don't, this is what you get. Now it's even worse that we even have a timed event to get eidolon arcanes. I can't blame people quitting netracell missions early on newbies, because out of the 10 missions I never had a complete competent party where there wasn't someone who kept killing the enemies outside of the circle. It hurts to see how disconnected people are when I'm doing steel path effervo. Most of them have no idea where they are.
  2. Circuit is not RNG though, they deliberately present you your least used S#&$ so you buy and upgrade those. Edit: So they can wing you a purchaseable circuit stuff and you even thank them. Take a look at yourself and try not to laugh
  3. And now I'm feeling bad because at least I spoke with you and you still don't get it. Well have fun fellow losers.
  4. Congrats I have sticks to sell exclusively to you, not even mediocre warframe players could get these. Thank me. I'm here.
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