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  1. I hope i don't miss my chance. I hope the site and game servers don't crash. I hope I don't lose anything. I hope I can merge or link and play on pc.
  2. I downloaded it on my switch to see how painful the game is for switch users. Dear lorddddd.
  3. I was asleep and they did this an hour ago. I hope today I get my chance to merge later on. Once they re-open it. Getting so close to come back to my all time favorite grindy game. God speed tenno!
  4. So I am going to assume that console players, such as myself. Who bought prime access in the past on console(s). Will possibly be able to "Gain access to cross-save" in the next *possible* phase? *IF* things go more smoothly? I just want to move from slow xbox one to pc for that sweet sweet SEXY load times and fps.
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