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Posts posted by Makarimorph

  1. Hey all I recently started making guides along with my Twitch content.
    My recent guide is of Zephyr if your interested take a gander. their not perfect but I hope you guys will enjoy the information.


  2. 6 hours ago, SetAbominae said:

    Me likey.

    Probably unwanted advice : you might want to consider a harder brush for shading any texture that is not cloth; in the case of metallic surfaces, harsh contrast + hardest brush = instant metallic feel.

    Thank you for the advice i have a tendancy of using a method which alots for time as i only give my self a maximum of 45 minutes for each, the method I use is time efficient but gives a pretty soft apearance, but il definatly try a harder brush and see if it can still work with the way I do these stream sketches!

  3. https://www.twitch.tv/makarimorph


    Hello Everyone! my name is Makari I am a streaming personality whos soul dedication is to give back to the community! The stream is dedicated to the followers and Its aiming to let the audience geting involved in as many ways as possible.

    We host give aways and games with followers every day!

    As a community we are called the Tophatters! so come join us as we game through the world of warframe and other games!

    (also sorry if this is in the wrong thread)

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