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Posts posted by LVVS

  1. Maybe this topic is old and enough has been argued wether or not there has to be an ugly cyst in the game or not, but I really want to set loose of these feelings already, I need to let this word out:

      I have a friend who WAS FORCED to STOP playing warframe when the cyst came along T-T

    He has got a problem with the cyst because of a phobia or illness, this is for real! He says it broke his heart, but simply just couldn't play the game anymore solely because of the cyst, or more likely the look of it! I was wondering a lot about a solution to that, and somehow I hoped, that he would have the courage to make a forum post about this himself, but then somehow he went along with the situation, handled it and just walked away from the game as it was no big deal.

    Fast forward: These days I tell him about FORTUNA and all kinds of stuff, praising warframe above everything else I played (or am playing ) so far and so on... And all of a sudden we remember what went wrong months ago, why he had stopped playing and in a subclause he deeply sighs "Aaaah if it weren't for that ugly cyst, I wish i could play it again some time..."


    Today, maybe for the last time ever, I shall whine about that damn ugly cyst, because I wanted to share my or muchmore  his  sorrow!

    But on top of that: How many similar cases are there out there? What do you think? Would DE maybe think about adding some solution to a real, I mean a damn real problem that occured for players out there?

    Maybe altering the look of the cyst to, let's say some sort of "cactus " or maybe even a "flower" a pretty neat FLOWER / Blossom / flush ? Wouldn't that be awesome?


    On a sitenote: Why was it designed so.. repellent? Does anyone out there actually like the look of the cyst? What was the exact intention to make it repellent?  

     Finally as a matter of fact: Did maybe someone find out a trick how to alter the graphics settings so the look of the cyst is without its "tail", or that it vanishes completely?

    And what do you think, would DE give us an option to turn the cyst off in the graphics settings when they understand that players were really actually forced to look away and walk away?


    Thanks for reading / listening!

    Take care fellow Tennos! 




  2. On Prime Time whilest other Tennos joining Megan and Rebecca in the sortie mission, it was said that they should just stay back and watch them, ... wouldn't it be great to be able to join friends matches to watch them? Even if the squad is full... I often waited for a friend to finish a mission, so we could play together, and it would be so much fun to be able to pay a visit as spectator for the rest of the mission. Of course it would be a request every time that must be answered by "accept request" or something, maybe via typing /allow in chat or something like that , if that is possible ? 

  3. On 4.3.2017 at 11:44 AM, (Xbox One)XXX REBIRTH said:

    •  Chakkar
    • Faction - Corpus
    • Grip Type - blade and whip

    Description - The Chakkar is a Modified chakram with a blade whip wound in the disc. The Chakkar uses a modified energy field generator from the Nullifier crewman at its core, which allows it to be morphed into a blade when channeling your attacks or form a shield when blocking.


    This made me instantly think of that it could be 2 weapons, either a glaive or a whip, depending on used stance !! It's a shame their stances don't have the same polarity,

    I still wonder if only the "grip-style" is important and DE will be making new stances for great ideas... or if it was meant as, "just weapons that can use already existing stances"

    it seems DE made no explizite statement to this, so it can be understand the first way, what is absolutely nice-because of all the great ideas :), ( I really hope that DE just meant the grip style, but am a little afraid that "stances" were meant)

    but either way, I love the weapons with more possibilities, so I just want to quote some more of my personal favs and try to influence the  DESIGN COUNCIL :awkward: 


    On 4.3.2017 at 3:39 PM, sonofvader2000 said:

    my plan for the serpentine is to have it as a double function weapon that would have as its default dual scythes that individually proc heat and toxin and when combined (probably through an alternative to a charge attack) it could switch do a dual sided scythe that would use radiation damage (the elemental mixture between heat and toxin). in the dual sided form it would do more damage per hit but would have a lower attack speed. also the weapon will belong to the grineer/tenno faction.2hhf052.jpg

    here again, great ! And with the potential of a new glorious stance for each polearm and dual scythes, to swap between both DRUING MISSION, that would be sooo awesome indeed !


    On 4.3.2017 at 4:27 PM, JackofKnives said:



    Dual Dagger / Glaive Hybrid

    • Weapon type depends on equipped Stance;
    • Tenno origin;
    • Dual Dagger: Charge attack causes player to perform a whirlwind strike, causing Slash damage in AoE;
    • Glaive: Charge attack throws as per usual; left-clicking while the glaive is flying causes it to proc a Slash wave instead of exploding;


    I wish i could give more than just one thumb up :D, but then again, the decision is up to the DESIGN COUNCIL

    On 4.3.2017 at 11:05 PM, kodemaster said:


    heck yeah!

    On 5.3.2017 at 1:49 AM, Manta8 said:

    Dragon's Tooth Rope Dart


    Name : Ryu-Ha

    Faction : Tenno

    Brief description :  This weapon attached to the wrist has a long rope and has a tip or blade at its end with a flag (sail) that serves to disorient the opponent, with this weapon you can attack several enemies, That it steers with lightning strokes or quirky movements.

    Normal attacks

    Puncture : 50

    Impact : 35

    Attack speed : 1.25

    Critical chance : 20%

    Critical multiplier : 2.0x

    Status chance : 15%

    ^now this woulb be a total new  "grip style", or at least a whole new weapon category, but one that HAS TO BEcome a real thing , please DE !

    21 hours ago, AliasMilPorCento said:

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaannnnd we have a winner :v

    Aaaaaaaaaaaannd , wouldn't it be great if one of the winning designs would somewhen in the future be elected by the community? Once in a year a weapon will be seriously concidered by the Design Council, that was voted most for in the steamworkshop , or maybe this is already a thing somehow (?) and I don't know yet ? :blush:

    Anyway..great thread, great idea by the staff making this creation contest, "melee thanks" !

    Anyone complaining about how they make us do their work doesn't get this, period ! 

  4. 17 hours ago, nyxtasy said:





      Reveal hidden contents

    Name: Don't know yet  (but can't wait any longer to share my idea :)

    Faction: Tenno

    Weapon Type/ gripstyle: Glaive (throwing blade)

    Damage Type: I can't decide between slash and electricity, why not both?!  -> Edit-1: Electrical it shall be :) !

    This is the most heavy glaive so far, and it's signifficantly larger than the others, therefor has got signifficantly slower attack speed.

    ->Edit-1 : I totally forgot the Orvius. I think this one will just be almost as big as the Orvius then, with an attack speed between the glaive prime and the Orvius.

    Since the glaive prime can explode I thought of something really really cool for this one:

    While channeling: When thrown, the Alt-Fire teleports the Warframe to the glaives location and a jump-attack is instantly performed 






    I really hope it's ok when I quote myself now, since I wanted to edit my formal first entry on page 27 properly.

    I changed the look drastically, now it fits the basic idea a lot more, still not more than two pictures as allowed :)


    But I have to say:


    All these ideas are great! And some are just outstanding! the Lotus like glaive probably beats mine, but it's ok, as long as we got a glive! I love glaives :P


    You guys are great!                 Keep them awesome ideas rolling in!                  This is so far my favorit thread overall <3 

  5. E8kFrps.png





    Name: Don't know yet  (but can't wait any longer to share my idea :)

    Faction: Tenno

    Weapon Type/ gripstyle: Glaive (throwing blade)

    Damage Type: I can't decide between slash and electricity, why not both?!  -> Edit-1: Electrical it shall be :) !

    This is the most heavy glaive so far, and it's signifficantly larger than the others, therefor has got signifficantly slower attack speed.

    ->Edit-1 : I totally forgot the Orvius. I think this one will just be almost as big as the Orvius then, with an attack speed between the glaive prime and the Orvius.

    Since the glaive prime can explode I thought of something really really cool for this one:

    While channeling: When thrown, the Alt-Fire teleports the Warframe to the glaives location and a jump-attack is instantly performed 






  6. 5 hours ago, (PS4)Eluminary said:

    If it's just the Ignis Wraith I'm not worried about it,  but it sets a bad precident ...


    I generally like to solo or just get on and go to join randoms occasionally done raids mostly a solo Clan,  it's a storm Clan (i inherited) with maybe 15-20 active ( higher-than-normal actually some one invited a bunch of new people to game into the clan ).  So no real chance we will have a way to get this . 


    Again ignis wraith is not so great no big deal but if in future some, all or most of the best new weapons are put in this way...  It would kill warframe for me. 


       Ive never said that on forums before  I'm not just some random Whiner complaining the sky is falling every update,  I've supported the game buying all PAs since rhino,  I'm maxed out Mr 23 I play every day  but if they're going to put a system that puts me further and further behind and there's nothing I can do about it, short of abandoning the only clan I've ever had in Warframe and joining an elitest hyper competitive clan,  I'm probably done.


    " How they should do it is that everyone has the research in their dojo at the end of the operation (as long as their clan was involved a little bit), but the top 10% get it fully researched without paying the cost. 

    Everyone wins. The really active clans have a reason to compete and get a huge head start (not having to pay the resource costs would be a big deal) and others would have a chance to research it eventually if they grind it out over time to get the resources. " 

    @Tesseract7777 : I created the thread to hear that exactly what I understood first would be wrong - hopefully, ...and i kind of hope(d) that DE would give EVERYONE the opportunity to the ignis wraith research. I agree on your idea here!


    I will earn my Ignis Wraith, that I'm sure of,

    and I will have to live with the fact, that I won't be able to sell ignis wraith BPs for good plat -unless I quit my clan and join a top 10% one


    The reason I quoted Eluminary is, that I agree 100% on what's been said !

    If DE decides to put in other weapons that way, I'm not sure if I will keep on playing Warframe. It surely is no big deal for me, that I can't make plat out of it whilest others CAN.

    I don't think that i am getting punished here, hey we all get a new weapon eventually, yey


    What I am afraid of is, that my Clan will become redundant because I somehow won't be able to get to research 100% of everything there is to be researched!

    am a "complete everything" gamer. I played skyrim till every other sidequest was done, played it multiple times to see the outcome of the different decisions in quests..

    I once collected every single pickup in GTA San Andreas , if you know what I'm talking about. Same for Assassin's Creed .. I want to visit every m*f*ing corner of the games I fall in love with, can't help it. ( It is an addiction, I know it, I slowely work on that )

    Now for warframe it is a little bit different:

    I won't ever get Excalibur Prime, because I simply wasn't there to fund the game, it's a shame -.- , I barely can live with that, BUT 


    somehow I can live with it because I know : Warframe is different

    I am now MR 23 , and there already are achievements to be aquired till MR 30 ... I love Warframe soo much right now, that I can imagine still playing it in 12 years from now

    I think with the frequence of new stuff comming out we'll have the first MR30 Tenno in what, like 4 years? (Don't care atm, someone else do the math ...!)

    I do hope so very much for Gorgon Wraith dropping at some distant point in the future maybe from invasions... I will lay my Tenno hands on every single weapon I am able to aquire in any other way. 

    I know for shure:

    I will die a little inside if there will be a waepon researchable in the dojo that the ignis wraith is a requirement for 

    Eventually I would be forced to make that decision: To leave my beloved small clan , consisting of my real life friends - - -

    (,of whom I hope they will join me again some day, because Warframe has got just the MOST FUN gameplay out there ...with the parkour, the melee, the guns... the different mission types.. the fashion...!!!)

    - - - to aquire a gun somewhere else, because I can only get to MR 30 when I join another clan...

    That is just my greatest fear: I won't ever get to 99% completion because I won't reach MR 30 because I am not a founder and don't play in the top 10% of clans !?

    Please DE promise us, don't make that happen.

    If there are players out there that only can enjoy the game by owning something the other 90% won't ever be able to have, that's just sad, and I hope that this isn't the fact !

    I often whish to be able to turn back time, if i could, I would make sure to get an excalibur prime, before erasing my fails in RL :crylaugh:

    thanks for reading and sorry for bad english!



  7. So here / hear my concerns:

    Packground: I am one of those "Lone wolfS" , all my clan-colleagues somehow eventually lost interest. I want to stick with my clan though, a lot of love and effort went into building the dojo and "we" have everything researched except 1 waepon (guess which) so far. I think I will recruit more players in the near future, but did i understand this correctly from other posts in the Forum: 

    When players join our clan during the ignis wraith event, it won't help because the points of new members won't count towards the clan ?  Is that correct?

     If this is true ^ ...WHY WOULD someone make such a rule d*mn  !  Is it because, for a moon-clan that would grow in numbers RIGHT NOW -just for the event- to get into the top 10% that would be "cheating" or  what ? ... and therefor this rule that everything stays as is right now? Well f*ck me, ok, I shall live with that.

    But here my actual whining:



    Ghost Clans must earn a score that puts them at the top 10% of scores within Ghost Clans.

    [end of quote]

    Do I understand correctly, that only the top 10% of clans will have it "fully researched without spending resources" as a reward? (thank god if so, or more or less DE!)

    Or is it, that ONLY the top 10 %  will be "able to research" the ignis wraith in the first place? (Sure thing that can't be, right? It's just me not fully understanding the english language, it must be!)


    i fear that my clan won't be able to research everything there is to be researched , becasue of the possibility, that the HEMA will be a requirement for something else... and now this ignis wraith construct I do nut fully understand yet ... I am really frustrated right now :sad:



    - Toggle Prime Parts on immortal skins please?! (Toggle Prime Parts EVERYWHERE please :D)

    - Feral Kavat skin for our kavats please?!

    - idle animation for warframes with equipped melee weapons please?!

    - Instant throw with Alt Fire for glaives please?! (can be weaker than the charged one holding E maybe?)


  9. Thanks for that advise. I just tried it (again), and with help of various youtube tutorials. I managed to set the resolution to 1900x1080 with the "Radeon Crimson" software.

    But as soon I start the game it just ignores, that I selected another resolution overall in windows and or radeon crimson software.

    So My desktop in 1920x1080 but the game still in FULLSCREEN in 1920x1200 ...no thanks!

     The game just  won't "detect" that I selected 1920x1080 as my resolution in general... " I am at the end with my latin here " 

  10. You say "1080p norm" , and I understand why that is the norm. (I think assassin's creed aslo has the wide-screen norm, lot#s of games use it as norm, and I myself like it more, too)

    I let out the issue with the aspect ratio completely for "understandeable reasons" ,sorry, but trust me, i tried everything, and it didn't work, it even got worse. For some reason to slecet the ratio 16:9 plus selecting 1920x1080 won't make it the way I want it, no matter if fullscreen is selected or borderless or what else there can be selected. When i try to select ratio 16:9 and resolution 1920x1080 the outcome is even a stretched image with eggheads ( i think with borderless + 16:9 + 1920x1080 )...so it's worse

    I can add images, if you want ( already would have, but imgur won't respond right now)


  11. Hey fellow Tennos, i have a question, and maybe an eyeopener for some of you:

    Which resolution do you prefer (if you ever tested out different resolutions) and why? -Because long story as short as possible:

    Some time ago I had a 16:9 monitor ( 1920x1080 ). Not so long time ago I switched to a 16:10 monitor ( 1920x1200 ). That meant I switched the resolution for warframe as well. What I recognized pretty fast, when I visited my operator, was the focus circles got stretched in the menu, what botheres me till today! I guess all the menus get stretched, but nothing is so bothering like the ovals in the focus-menu. But having a bigger screen, I just went with it because of course from 16.9 to 16:10 is an upgrade - right ?...,yeay !.. until just recently... I discovered, that with the resolution of 1920 x 1200 I do NOT get a larger field of view. In fact, some parts are being cut off right and left. See the images I add below and compare it yourself! My conclusion now of course: 

    I switched back to  1920x1080 -> but windowed, <-> since switching to 1920x1080 fullscreen apparently is basically the same as 1920x1200 fullscreen* Don't know why.[ DE HAAALP  please^^] It's got more cinematic feeing again either way! But playing the game in window mode, I had to make a few adjustments , as for example blending out my task-bar automatically and  select black as window color as well as pictures in the background that are 1920x1080 too ...

    * I wish the game would allow me to select 1920x1080 fullscreen and add black bars on top and on the bottom for just the best experience for sure, just like the vlc-player does when playing a movie..you get me....

    Note: I am aware of the 'Field of View' selection in the display settings, all I did as mentioned above i did while not making any adjustments to the FoV settings! 


    notice how the red circles are cut in half on the 1920x1200 images, while they are full in 1920x1080 !



  12. thanks very much for the "default skin" option!

    And the "toggle prime parts" for the Tennogen Skins as well!

    Nooow: just wanted to equip the immortal skin on my nyx prime, ...and without the prime-details, but... well, you know...^-^*

    Can we have a toggle prime parts for immortal skins too,please? Or maybe a "toggle parts switch" in general..?:blush:

    (I am so sorry for whining on this high end particular point, when you JUST brought out these long wanted options! So sorry ! Really am -.-)

  13. Thanks soooo much for the default skin option <3 !



    I just wanted to equip the immortal skin on my nyx prime, but then the prime parts are there again, and the "toggle the prime parts" seems to be "only" available for the Tennogen skins(?) :( ..., hm, guess i keep on playing with my normal nyx then :) ...thanks again anyway though! But maybe the toggel switch could be added soon for immortal skins too, please? :blush:


  14. 1 hour ago, k05h said:

    Still no increase for the mutagen sample drop rate :sad:

    please fellow Tennos, be aware that clanleaders invite  Tennos, who want the HEMA, to their clan (temporary^^) to get a bp.

    Simply search for "HEMA" in the forum and you'll find the post eventually!


    Spread this! please... and let's be aware that DE could put HEMA as neccessary research for upcoming stuff, just so they can prove that they still are "at the longer lever"  , Oh I can't wait for the peace in ditant future, when we all are friends again DE, and we players, when we all can laugh about it and call it the "HEMA INCIDENT" :crylaugh:

  15. I quickly have to let this thought here: Your idea isn't "that new" at all. There are already the augmented mods of course! DE "only" would have to 

    make these new abilities as part of augment mods. that way it would be not that far away to put it in the game!

    That way, we would simply decide on let go of some mods that are specifically just for our own frames, and let us decide to play more team-orientaded and team-dependent.

    Would be nice if Frost would be able to pick up his globe with x , and becoming a mobile shield, for example! Oh the possibilities, wow !

    Trinity could be able to link not the enemies but allies with health regenration link under that globe.

    Rhino's buff not instantly working on everybody, but continously on every ally in a specific range.

    Vaubans passive "armor-rising" not just for him, but the whole squad...

    At the moment I don't know which of these are already a thing! Don't know the augment mods all by heart! .. Make a new threat  post with new augment suggestions? :D


  16. Thanks for your reply, and you're right in oh so many ways, yes. No whining detected. I did not think through my idea completely. (strange grammer, sorry, not my native language^^)

    Somehow my post turned out to work out just fine:

    Yes, let's do this, thisgonebegood:satisfied: , let's play it the "ninja-style" sometime, my fellow Tenno!


    And you should probably begin just a new threat with the special abilities that open up for players with maxed warframes as you described ,you know: the "rhino team tank" And the "Loki superior stealth outpost deluxe"^^ ,awesmoe creative ideas my frind! The "make it deeply-complex" nishe(s) , that not only we endgamers would enjoy, that I am pretty sure of!

  17. 17 hours ago, FINNSTAR7 said:

    Just unequip your secondary and primary and ask those joining you to do the same. The bonus affinity on no alarms is nice though, adds extra incentive to actually play it as a spy mission rather than simply blowing through it without a care.

    Thanks! That said I probably should split my suggestions into two different discussions. The "melee only" part, and the " reward stealth" part ...buuut:

    17 hours ago, (Xbox One)ThermalStone said:

    Warframe is not a stealth game.  It's a shooter game with a few detection mechanics.  Don't try to make it what it isn't when the game is just fine now.


    @Zeclem mentioned earlier. I somehow do see now, why it would not be a necessary addition to the game, as everyone already can play the game just the way he/she wants to. You guys (/gals^^) say it's a shooter game, and then it truly is for you. For me it has a lot more to do with ninja and stealth than it seem to has got for others. And the fact, that I already can reach out in the chat to find players, who want to play it the same way as I want to play it, - already just is what makes this game feels so "complete" after all.

    To be honest, of course I hoped for a lot more agreement/approval. And therefore confirmation and acknowledgement, that the way I (every now and then want to) play the game would be approved to be  "the right way", but there is no "right way", or "how it's meant to be played" for instance. No, that discussion is obsolete :)

     It dawns on me, my sytle of playing the game is "just my ninja style"-nothing else. And now I know, that out there may be players like me, but it seems we are a dare minority, and so we don't need an implementation for melee only style. Still, reward the "stealthy way" please, would be awesome :P 

    [Ever did a spy mission without actually killing any enemy? Like a real spy would do probably? That would be funny haha, totally opposite world within this game :crylaugh:, but hey, as i am now MR 23  these kind of tasks are what somehow keep me up enjoying the game a lot!] [[and then again, maybe at some point we all already run solo through a sortie spy mission with that maxed continuity invisible Loki, just to get the sortie missions done quickly :satisfied:]]

    Thanks for contributing your thoughts to my suggestion! :lotus:


  18. What came to my mind instantly, when i saw it live in the devstream, was to just knock it down with a kick. Then spot it's vulnearbility whilest it lays "staggered" on the ground.

    (You all know, spacebar+ctrl performs this useful kick that can knock down pretty much every single enemy  with a bit of luck, don't you ?!)

    I wonder how many players know how to quickly just find the best strategy of dealing with any enemy that comes at you ... of course in a crowd dealing with such an opponent becomes far more demanding.

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