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Posts posted by IllumiMahdi

  1. Venus should be a rocky planet covered by a cloudy layer of gas.

    Would be cool for Warframes to install a part in them that gives them immunity to toxic gases prevalent in Venus. Going through a cloudy planet would look really cool, obviously something would change later on so the gases are mostly gone so we can see. :P

  2. 1 minute ago, WhiteMarker said:

    So you are saying yourself, that your first statement with "pay2win" was wrong? Because it is.

    No, that was not literal haha. 

    Battlefront 2 is pay2win. And Warframe Rivens are lootboxes with inflated prices, DE isn't changing rivens because they know that people will pay up. It is a pay2win system, Sicarus riven disposition isn't getting nerfed because Rebecca has a good riven. Rivens are lootboxes that are pay2win. Some dude gets a good riven, people pay up to 200AUD in plat for it. Money in DE's pockets by a system that is flawed and designed to make people spend money on them. Rivens are just hidden lootboxes, and these greedy antics won't change because of people like you.

    I never said Warframe was pay2win, just the ludicrous riven system. 

  3. 21 hours ago, WhiteMarker said:

    Never needed any riven to play the game.
    Never needed any riven to perform better than anyone I played with.
    Rivens are far from pay2win. People are just greedy. People want good rivens. That's why the pay absurd amounts for them. In other word, people are stupid.

    Well, you never needed to buy lootboxes in Battlefront 2 to play the game.

    You never needed a lootbox to perform much better than anyone I played with.

    Lootboxes are far from pay2win. People are just greedy. People want good lootboxes. That's why they pay absurd amounts for them. In other words, people are stupid.

  4. 1 minute ago, Yagamilight123 said:

    You could simple farm fridays and just log the week days to give quills the cores (less than 5 minutes)... you have no excuse aside from being lazy and you didnt care till the arcanes and new eidolons came ... now you want all without effort .

    No, absolutely not. It is the same effort either way, and me caring has nothing to do with this. I was preoccupied with other stuff, and then I hit a wall and started walking sideways, leading me to the Plains where now I spend most of my time (mostly night time but anyway). 

    Topic is over anyway man. 

  5. 1 minute ago, WhiteMarker said:

    Then you will end up with the same problem you just decribed before.
    You said something about ranking up and then not having enough standing to buy something interesting. This can still happen, even with a limit of 40k.

    And why do you have so much trouble to do, what we said you could do?

    The limit isn't as apparent when it is 40k. It is enough to get to Adherent with the quills, still having extra reputation to buy stuff from there.
    Either way, it probably isn't gonna happen so I'll just end it here, thanks for the discussion.

  6. 1 hour ago, WhiteMarker said:

    Okay, let's say DE removes the cap.
    Longtime players max out the Quills in one day. Then what? These players lose interest, because new content is just for one day.
    Again: A game shouldn't be balance around people that barely play.

    And the Quills aren't like the other syndicates. For the other syndicates you have to play every day to get your daily standing.
    For the Quills you just farm a lot of Eidolons, get a huge amount of cores and you are set for some time.

    I wouldn't see a harm in changing the cap to 40k standing. Faster, not too fast, not too slow either. 

  7. 7 minutes ago, sh00chu said:

    Progress to what? What are you in such a hurry to achieve? Maxing your rep with the Quills isn't going to magically unlock some hidden area of the game. You could ignore the Quills entirely and still be able to participate in the same amount of content. Don't be another one of those players that maxes out everything as quickly as you can, only to later complain that there's nothing left for you to do.

    Amps, building them.

  8. 2 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

    The cap won't get changed. People like you aren't what's most interesting for DE. DE is focusing more on people that play every day. Imagine there was no cap. As someone already stated these people could have maxed the Quills in one day. I finished them in 3 weeks or so, and now I'm bored. It would kill the game if you could finish stuff even faster than you can right now.
    As I said, farm cores when you can play and spend them every day. Doesn't take you 5 minutes to spend them. It won't kill you to wait for something one more day.


    Games shouldn't be founded on exclusivity. DE wants Warframe to grow, and if they are intelligent, they will make their game inclusive. People like you aren't all people, and what's interesting to DE should be expanding their game and growing their playerbase, Plains of Eidolon wasn't advertised to your kind of player, it was advertised to everyone. I'm MR16 even though I do not play a lot, I do enjoy the game. The only time I really can play is Friday, Saturday and Sunday. When I am hardcapped on those days, the only days I have time, it is very frustrating.

    I know it's hard to put yourself in my shoes, or in the shoes of others who need to commit themselves to different things, but just listening would help. 

    The best analogy I can make is a political one, so I'll just say it (not accurate at all, just swapping names to make it relevant to society). Muslims (Players like me) are gated off from entering the US, it isn't a problem to people who are not Muslims (Players like you), Muslims aren't what's most interesting to the US (what you said). However, if they were let in, they could work hard and make the economy (Warframe) better. (Note that THIS IS NOT A REAL SITUATION AT ALL, not even the case in the slightest, but the names work.)

  9. 11 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

    focus != syndicate

    What does the cap have to do with playing every day?
    If you can't play every day, then just farm a huge amount of cores the day you can play. Then just log into the game each day and spend the cores for reaching the cap and then log of.
    If you can't figure that out by yourself, then you still have a lot to learn, my fellow student.

    I know focus doesn't, but both are processes of farming, one is forgiving and hefty, the other is not.

    The cap gates progress, you cannot obtain a BP because you ranked up and your daily cap stops you from progressing.

  10. 10 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

    focus != syndicate

    What does the cap have to do with playing every day?
    If you can't play every day, then just farm a huge amount of cores the day you can play. Then just log into the game each day and spend the cores for reaching the cap and then log of.
    If you can't figure that out by yourself, then you still have a lot to learn, my fellow student.

    Well, let's say you rank up and you can't spend any of your standing due to the cap. 
    You could have built your first amp, but you were gated off due to the small cap. 

    (my situation atm haha, and I cannot play on weekdays due to school having taken over my life)

  11. Some people don't have time to play the game everyday, especially students.

    25k standing for the Quills per day is absurd. 250k is the cap for focus, why can't it be the same (or similar) for the Quills? It hardcaps your progression and the fun you are having by gating off items necessary for you to perform better or play the game. 

    I really don't have much to say anymore, it is absolutely absurd to cap the standing like that. The Plains is already a massive grind and gating progress makes everyone annoyed. 

  12. 4 hours ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

    Warframe constantly takes risks while staying true to what works to power their risk-taking engine.


    Developers laughed them into failure in the beginning and no one would back them.  So they self-funded, and got support from a daring few investors.

    Steam hit around 100K last year because PoE was so completely different and transformative for Warframe.

    Just like the Second Dream was.

    Is PoE a bit like a Big Game Hunter and Fisherman vacation?

    Yeah, kinda.  DE wants value for players who take the trip but doesn't want to penalize players who don't want to invest long-term in PoE offerings.

    But if you think Venus is just gonna be a rehash, you haven't paid attention.

    Well, let's see what they do.

  13. 5 hours ago, Cloud said:

    There are plenty of games like that out there, warframe does not need to become the same. I prefer to have a low number of quests but meaningfull instead of the usual "Hey kid go grab me a tea cause I'm too lazy" 

    Moreover the whole "cities develope with your help in the first 2 hours" is not worth the cost of programming it. Since as clearly stated, the event would last just 2 hours and those who could not join the game during this short time would miss totally the experience. 

    Okay let me reiterate, these "quests" are not Warframe quests. They are like revamped bounties. Ones that do not give you RNG rewards so players can have a little bit of fun.

  14. If you seriously are against this change just because you happened to have logged in to Warframe for 700 days then wow, you must not have had many problems.

    I have played around 280 days and this change would not be bad. New players wouldn't be able to get the Zenistar right away because of the MR lock. It is better for them to progress towards something more their level, or cosmetics. Choosing a path of progression or choosing the reward you get would be amazing. 


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