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Posts posted by Soulless_Spartan

  1. 12 hours ago, (XB1)Kuva Queen said:

    It's because you cannot get those rivens easily. They were out for less than a week then taken out of the game so the chances of finding one are so so low. 

    ...I so very much want to say something snarky and smart-arsed about how I was already aware of that... seriously, what made you think I didn't know about that?

  2. I like this quite a bit. Although I have one comment (not specifically for DE, but just a general comment.)

    To the person who coughed up 16,500 plat for an Artax riven... damn. Just... damn. You do realize you just spent $1,100 USD for that, right? (Assuming 75 plat ~= $5 USD)

    EDIT: I looked through that list again... I'm sorry, but who the f**k in their right mind would pay 60,000 plat for a Vectis riven?!?

    • Like 3
  3. Spoiler


    So... yeah, there was a screw-up somewhere under the hood today in Sortie 2. I doubt it's related to Sortie 2, but more related to the host migration. Still could move, slide-dash, but couldn't use my abilities or Amp, couldn't jump, couldn't open the chat window or Pause menu, couldn't interact with anything on the map.

    Already sent a ticket in to support (#1662425), just posting here for visibility. Anyone else had this happen to them?

  4. 1 minute ago, Kerberos-3 said:

    IT's not optimistic, if anything it's just the way the whole thing has been set up from both a lore setup and a practicality standpoint. Locking a frame behind an event that only occurs every few months is not great for DE's public relations, and the lore explanation for Thermia Fractures(pumping too much coolant into the ground too quickly) means that DE has full control over how frequent the event occurs. Even then, thats only for the fractures themselves. For all we know,  we could access the Exploiter fight at any time provided we have Diluted Thermia on hand, and it's just the ability to farm it that is time locked.


    2 minutes ago, Cubewano said:

    This is all information Steve shared with us before the update even launched last week. Hildryn was going to be tied to an event as a drop, said event would occur frequently on the Vallis, Ghouls were referenced as a vague example of just how frequent said event would be. 

    Do what you will with that information.  

    I'm not on Twitter. I don't hear stuff through the grapevine like y'all do. I'm a filthy casual that gets miffed when info comes up that (if accurate) is damning.


    1 minute ago, [DE]Helen said:

    Hey Tenno! I hear your concerns about acquiring Hildryn - here's a bit more detail to clarify how that will look.

    We've set up Hildryn in this event to be similar to Baro Ki'Teer in cadence. In the same way you can get Sands of Inaros from Baro Ki'Teer with Ducats when he visits regularly, you can use Thermia to get Hildryn. Fractures will occur often - like ghouls - to keep thermia in high supply. We’re also working on fracture improvementsOperation: Buried Debts will be frequent to make sure Hildryn's available to all!

    I don't think it was helping that Hildryn wasn't immediately available for farming like, say, Baruuk, Garuda, Revenant... y'know, pretty much every frame before now... even still, thanks for the clarification.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Kerberos-3 said:

    Well, seeing as Hildryn is locked behind Exploiter, I'd imagine that Thermia Fractures will be at least as common as Ghoul Purge, if not more common given the lore explanation for Thermia Fractures in the first place.


    1 minute ago, Neo_Ganryu said:

    DE said they would have it as a reoccurring event in the same fashion as the Ghoul Purge events, so it'll likely be the same wait time that we have in between each of the Ghoul Purge events. It's not going to be the once-in-a-blue-moon Plague Star levels of a reoccurring event.

    I'm glad the both of you have an optimistic streak. I'm not so much. Especially given how the melee rework eff'd up my polearm Zaw...

  6. So, what you're saying... is that Hildryn is going to be locked behind a timegate for people who don't have the plat to plunk down for the pack AND weren't able to do the fractures this time around? Is that seriously what you're saying here? Do correct me if I'm wrong, because I sure hope I am.

    EDIT: And before you pull the old line about this being a recurring event, just how often will we be seeing fractures here? We talkin' PLAGUE STAR frequency?

    EDIT AGAIN: Put away the pitchforks and torches, folks.


    Hey Tenno! I hear your concerns about acquiring Hildryn - here's a bit more detail to clarify how that will look.

    We've set up Hildryn in this event to be similar to Baro Ki'Teer in cadence. In the same way you can get Sands of Inaros from Baro Ki'Teer with Ducats when he visits regularly, you can use Thermia to get Hildryn. Fractures will occur often - like ghouls - to keep thermia in high supply. We’re also working on fracture improvements. Operation: Buried Debts will be frequent to make sure Hildryn's available to all!


    • Like 2
  7. Didn't know which category to plunk this in, but the title sums it up well enough.

    Was checking out my arsenal when my Bluetooth headset decided to automatically shut itself off. Literally the second it does so, Warframe decides to crash HARD for whatever reason. I've attempted to reproduce this and it's hit-and-miss; most of the time, the game has a slight (but still noticeable) hiccup in performance as it figures out to switch to my laptop's onboard speakers, or it crashes as mentioned earlier. I had sent in an automated crash report a couple days ago when it first happened, but I forgot the WAR-# that went with that one.

  8. 5 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

    No offense, but at some point DE needs to step up the system requirements. Nekros and Mirage have both been nerfed because of low spec machines, and the earth remaster might be hindered so it runs fast for garbage computers/consoles. I understand toning down for console, but PC needs a raise in spec requirements :/.

    While I do concur that DE shouldn't be catering so heavily towards low-end machines, it would be nice if they made some optimizations to their netcode. I mean, my computer's got 8GB RAM and a beast of a processor (and I tend to not have my graphics quality very high on Warframe to begin with) but when I can go pick up my mail (200 yard driveway; I live on a farm) and Baro's still loading his wares when I come back, that's pretty bad.

  9. Everytime I pick an empty instance of a relay (say, Larunda 14 or something of the sort) during a Baro weekend, I always get plopped into a busy one. Like the first instance. It's annoying to have to wait for the buffering because there's like 50 people in the relay...

  10. 1 minute ago, JesterTheNight said:


    "Going from #1 to #13" does not tell me squat because rankings are not hard, crunchy numbers. Getting first place by a minute is a far cry from getting first place by a millisecond... they're both first, but it doesn't give the full picture...

  11. Nyx Assimilate fix when?
    I should really read the notes better instead of speeding through them. XD

    Also, can we see how effective the balance pass was at getting people to use weapons OTHER than the Tonkor, Simulor and Boltace?

  12. Wait a minute... what happened to the Dread!!!

    Goes from 50% crit chance and... whatever it had for crit multiplier to 20% base crit chance and 1.5x crit multiplier!!!


    Wait, Simulacrum testing showed me still getting crits with my Paris P, which also got "nerfed"... your arsenal QoL update is buggy...

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