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Everything posted by Fyrscha

  1. I wonder why the devs do that? It's already punishing enough to have to forma basically every weapon in the game 5 or 6 times, so why twist the knife with nonsensical Exilus polarity choices? I hope either a dev answers or someone replies with a link to a post or stream clip to explain this odd choice, because at this point I can't see it as anything other than an ignorant design choice or outright punitive malice.
  2. Why does the Ocucor have a default Madurai polarity in the Exilus slot when no Madurai Exilus mod (other than Spry Sights) affects its performance? Is this an oversight by the devs, because I can't think of a legitimate reason for it to be this way.
  3. Why do Voruna's shoulder Pack Heads count as armor but her hip Pack Heads don't? If you let us remove the top two why not the bottom two? that's so frustrating! It's like you gave us only half of something useful to tease us! C'mon man!
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