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Posts posted by VanPwn

  1. back then i used syndicate survival to farm ash i think,had maniac spawn 1-2 minutes into mission everytime,and if the desired part didnt drop, one could just abort and repeat.


    i dunno if this still works though. and it had to be on a grineer tile ofc

  2. hello,

    i am talking about the "reset sprint state after ability use (after using hildryns 4 f.e.,) and the swapped buttons on a mission start (fixed for me after i go into operator, leave operator, go operator, leave again).

    those bugs are in since i started playing again last autumn, were supposed to be fixed in a patch i cant remember and are still in right now.


    while not game breaking, they are quite annoying and interrupt the game flow, especially the reset sprint state one.



  3. i got the same problem, and also had the one you have underrevision, but rebinding melee charge attack to the left trigger again, fixed it for me.

    i also still get swapped buttons at the start of a mission, which fixes itself after i enter operator mode, and leave it.

    and also all those reset sprint bugs after entering, exiting archwing and using lots of abilites.


    this game definately got the worst controller support ever^^

  4. swapped buttons at mission start, was fixed or a day or so then you put it back in.

    sprint state reset on archwing, out of archwing, and a lot of abilites

    and now with fortuna 2 update my right trigger just stops in the middle of firing a weapon, and i gotta release the trigger and hold it down again



  5. im a gamepad player on pc and i still get the sprint state reset after using certain abilities (inaros 2 and 3, hydroids 3 f.e ).

    also, often at the start of a mission, when i enter operator mode for the first zenurik void dash, the controls bug out in a way that is hard to describe. its as if the game thinks rb is held down and also lb becomes rb until i reenter and exit operator mode again,then its fixed for the rest of the mission.





    the chat controls for the gamepad are buggy, too. i cant select the name in the tab of a concersation, instead i have to select the players name in the actual chat to be able to bring up the menu that lets me close the tab, or all, invite etc.

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