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Everything posted by Aldain

  1. I still say a large amount of his usage number problem stems from a combination of being mid and having what is in the top 5 of worst farms in the game, if not top 3. Needing both Railjack and Narmer bounties (the latter being an RNG hellhole) is a huge death knell for a frame's usage rates. As awful as Citrine's farm can be at least theoretically the pity system will eventually kick in, Caliban...not so much.
  2. That's the other end of the burning candle really, the damage candle is burning at both ends (player and enemy) and it's fast eliminating gameplay avenues in every direction. Though there's sadly a very loud subset of players who I swear want everything to be ESO...
  3. ...Are there any Incarnons that already have an Alt-fire? I don't think so. In fact I'd probably wager that having an Alt-fire would probably disqualify a weapon for an Incarnon sadly (be it manual detonation or a even the Veldt's range change) because DE spaghetti code.
  4. Like I said earlier, look at the incoming Inaros rework for evidence of that being possible. It's a strange specific stance to take when they're clearly capable of having their cake and eating it too.
  5. Sure, but Switch Teleport still has no business being an entire separate ability when it could be a hold cast on Decoy and actually give way to an ability not used exclusively for the meme of "I'm invincible for 9ish seconds". Keeping with a frame's identity doesn't exclude making it not comically inferior to myriad options and/or barely held together by scotch tape via an augment mod. Hell Inaros proves this in spades as he's still basically the same but ACTUALLY DOES SOMETHING with his coming rework, maybe not "blow up the entire tileset" something, but at least more than he used to.
  6. I'm honestly shocked that it isn't in the Nightwave mod rotation.
  7. Ask DE, they're the ones who made him like he is. That's more hateful than anything that comes from the players, his farm is a pain in the arse (needing both Railjack and RNG bounties), his abilities are mid at best and he's gotten basically nothing of value since he dropped.
  8. Don't forget Loki and Frost, Frost in particular is so bad they needed to release a passive Augment just to give him something worth a damn.
  9. Bro you don't need a source for something that has probably happened to you already in regards to hosting, start a mission up and watch as people join once you're loaded in, the number 1 player slot (which is always the host) won't change as people join no matter what system they're hosting on. If an iOS player jumps into a mission before the matchmaking phase is done and is joined on mid-mission, they'll be hosting regardless of the systems DE has in place to prevent that.
  10. Not gonna lie, that's why I like the new Radiation mods that DE released, especially the Primary/Secondary ones. That extra Reload Speed on my Quellor was something I never could have reasonably modded in without a Riven stat, but thanks to the Radiated Reload mod I get to keep half of a 60/60 and get almost a Primed Fast Hands worth of reload speed on it. That's what we need more of, double action mods that have less raw benefits of pure damage with secondary stats that are generally helpful. We already had some like that, things like Chilling Reload and Wildfire exist and I use those when I need an element but a 60/60 wouldn't benefit as much, but personally speaking we need more "side grades" in Warframe imo.
  11. I'd like to contribute, but sadly I'm 90% sure my data would muddy the waters a bit much, I started filling things out and the amount of "Unsure"s I was clicking made me realize I have no idea about most frames whatsoever. But it's always nice to see a survey again.
  12. Honestly that's why I play Excalibur, can't have an issue with anti-synergy if your abilities don't really matter (aside from the occasional Exalted Blade smackdown). But I don't bother using Slash Dash for anything other than mildly embarrassing Volt/Gauss players by beating them to extraction somehow, so that's probably just a me thing.
  13. Probably things like only like 4 enemies spawning per group, also strange and aggressive rubberband lag and taking even longer to load into a mission than I used to on Switch (2 entire minutes of loading while everyone else was done was the worst I ran into). I've been unfortunate enough to run into a small handful of iOS hosts probably on McDonald's wifi unironically, and it was painful every time.
  14. I'm not super over the moon about him from what I've seen personally. Really I'd be most worried about him having to do more work for the same output as other one-button solutions. Also chances are he's gonna cost Entrati Lanthorn and *$&# farming that.
  15. My Fragor Prime longs for those slam buffs too. But honestly? I'm most excited for the new Incarnon Arm Cannon if you can believe it.
  16. I'd say Frost's Passive Augment is mandatory if you want Frost to actually have a passive remotely worth a damn. Frost's passive is even less useful than Loki's, and that's saying something.
  17. Doesn't help that he's an insufferable pain in the arse to farm...I'd rather Farm Citrine over him simply because he needs both that damn Narmer Isoplast (40 of the freaking things in total) and 9 Anomaly Shards from Murex...which involves Railjack which is annoying. So on top of being a pain to farm he's also staggeringly mid at best and a joke at worst is it any wonder even DE doesn't care about him?
  18. This happens literally every time DE tries to implement "High Level" content as far back as I can remember. People complain about DE's attempts/methods to not have content instantly negated, have it on AFK farm in a week or less, and then go back to demanding things like more Steel Path activities that they will have on farm before it even launches. All the while losing their minds when things like Helminth Nourish get toned down. *$&#'s exhausting and I'm not sure why DE even bothers at this point.
  19. The problem with Augments imo is that they run the gamut of being insanely strong to being a singular band-aid/excuse to not improve a frame like with Loki's Switch Teleport Augment. Augments just are so massively inconsistent in what they enable and the benefits they give.
  20. It's the fallout of "BEEG NUMBAR" chasing, it just always happens whenever something that disrupts that is introduced, even though there's probably still absurd levels of overkill available without it.
  21. To me that says more about the insanity of incoming damage creep than anything else. If "briefly immortal" is the standard to not explode instantly then I think something is fundamentally wrong here personally.
  22. You're kind of missing the point. Melee Incarnons demand a Combo Build to even be practical/usable, they can't be refreshed and have to run out before they can be built back up. Guns just want headshots (and for the Torid/Angstrum not even that) and can be triggered with any small amount of charge if needed, hell the Burston Prime doesn't even need half of its charge to get an insane amount of ammo in my experience. There is no specific build needed for these Incarnons, you don't need to spec into headshot damage for example to get the full mileage out of them. Melee exclusively being tied to Combo Builds makes them equal parts boring (for some people like me at least) and demands a specific build/playstyle to even activate, that's the rub that some people have, especially when there are other builds for melee weapons (I enjoy my big dumb 2h Nikana Corrupt Charge Heavy Attack build for example) that exist but are pushed to the side more and more for Combo spam.
  23. I remember a lot of people in a panic about Inaros being "ruined" somehow. I never understood that because honestly there was nothing to ruin in the first place, aside from maybe pocket sand but that's still there so yeah strictly an improvement.
  24. I'll say it again, I find combo builds boring and that's why I find Melee Incarnons boring.
  25. If these "restrictions" weren't in place I'd imagine people would just blitz the content mindlessly with the same gear they always do and go back to demanding harder content because "2ez". Assuming people don't just do that anyway, I'm honestly so severely disinvested from "difficulty" in Warframe because it always just devolves into "MOAR ARMOR MORE DAMAGE" from the enemies most of the time, when it's not just plain ass damage attenuation.
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