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Everything posted by Aldain

  1. I seriously don't understand the appeal of Jujutsu Kaisen.
  2. ...Honestly the closest I can think of one Warframe being functionally replaced would be Revenant basically replacing Nyx in the "Enemy Control" and "Functionally Immortal" niches, and that's definitely me pushing it (and also a result of Nyx being in a bad spot to the point where her primary gimmicks are being completely overshadowed).
  3. I've gotten a comical amount of mileage out of them myself, doesn't hurt that Radiation is like the 3rd best combo element (not saying much when the other half are Mag Blast and Gas...) and a soft CC, my Quellor in particular loves it because it can self-prime with Galvanized Aptitude and 6 status effects (IPS+3 others). The biggest issue is that I don't see anyone purposely slotting in Blast, Magnetic or Gas unless the secondary effect is better than the damage boost, unless those elements become worth using I don't foresee those elements being as effective as the Radiation ones.
  4. The new Radiation mods make it so you don't have to pick between the two these days if your build can accommodate for one.
  5. Huh didn't know that, I just always assumed that was the case since everyone ducks out at the earliest moment in all of the Zariman/Sanctum missions regardless of if I'm doing a bounty or going from the star chart for some reason.
  6. The problem with that is because the missions are also bounties on the Zariman, which means getting in and out for the bounty reward is all that matters to a lot of people. Endless missions don't mesh with the "bounty" design of these hubs because they only ever give that bounty reward once, why DE did such a thing I'll never know.
  7. I don't play the Steel Path out of spite for the number bloat, but honestly no I don't even bother with damage matching. Magnetic is terrible because Toxin does its job better, Gas does basically nothing, Blast does basically nothing...half of the damage combinations are terrible or worse than a single element that makes them up.
  8. Every chat tab is out of control since cross save/play dropped. Kind of the drawback of a unified playerbase, it turns into a massive noise pit.
  9. I couldn't see playing Warframe on a mobile device in the first place. I mean I get it, untapped market and mobile players have a history of being...incredibly bad with spending habits, but gameplay wise I think I'd rather staple my scrotum to the ceiling than play Warframe on a touchscreen.
  10. Ah yes, at max rank 1 bullet for every 10. Totally worth it.
  11. I recently Primed a lot of things in my inventory and got rid of the base versions...as well as got rid of some things I never was going to use like Gara's non-primed weapons. I REALLY wish I could have extracted the potatoes from them though, even if it took 24 hours per potato because now I'm HILARIOUSLY in need of potatoes and trading for plat for them is a huge pain in the arse.
  12. I'd be down with a Vosfor-like system for some of these INSANELY old relics I have in heaps that don't actually drop anything of actual value (seriously, some of them are only good for Ducats or Forma BPs).
  13. I'd have no issue with a toggle for "Always Sprint' being implemented, though I will say I'm more of a movement tech guy than a sprint guy personally. I get where I need to by chaining Bullet Jumps, Rolls and Slides.
  14. That's because the principle of "Human always falls painfully" cancels out the "Bread always falls butter side down" principle sadly.
  15. I tell ya, it's kind of nice to see people actually going "Turn that *#^@ off" rather than "Get stronger hardware 4head" like I usually do in other parts of the internet. If there's one thing I find an issue with gaming lately it's the increasing hardware requirement bloat for minimal returns, here's to DE letting their shiny new graphics be turned off if they're a huge hardware strain.
  16. You wanna know the biggest issue Warframe has imo? Comically inconsistent numbers curves. You go from the standard Star Chart, in which everything is made of paper, to open worlds where things scale wonky as hell at times, to Steel Path where there's so much raw number bloat that it makes me physically ill. Warframe's numbers problem is in consistency or lack thereof, it's completely non-Euclidian in how it develops (which is fitting considering Warframe itself) which creates this giant gap between "insipidly easy" and "annoyingly hard unless you out stat everything by an absurd degree".
  17. I just applied the principle of "Bread always falls butter side down" to a potato and coated the entire potato in butter. Anti-grav technology achieved.
  18. I think if there was one thing I'd want filter wise is like a catch all filter or two, like how you can type [Riven Mod] to pull up a menu for your Rivens rather than type it out manually. If a general [Riven Mod] setting could somehow catch any and all Riven Mods I'd probably turn that filter on in a heartbeat too. But really I still do think that the sheer quantity of Riven possibilities and ever increasing number of them in the wild makes having a dedicated chat tab for Rivens and only Rivens makes more sense to me.
  19. For one, that's a comical amount of filters and a huge pain in the arse. For two...it literally gets in the way of any and all postings with the sheer volume of spam. If Riven mod trading is so important, why shouldn't it get its own section of chat? Wouldn't it facilitate better trading for them by them not getting pushed out of the way by people wanting to buy Prime parts or Non-Riven mods? Basically I'm just looking for a separation of a Farmer's Market from a Stock Exchange more or less.
  20. Honestly I'd rather they just make a separate trade chat exclusively for Riven mods and make them not able to be linked in the standard Trade Chat. That way I could disable the Riven chat tab and go on with my life.
  21. Doesn't the Cold status amplify crit multipliers? I don't know if enemies have the ability to crit or not, but that could explain the sudden spike in damage.
  22. It was even worse at launch, the starter Railjack was so utterly fragile that it would get completely wrecked in seconds on the FIRST DAMN NODE. ...Seriously the initial launch of Railjack was painful, the fact that Archwings (well Amesha specifically because durable) were actually the better option than a fresh Railjack speaks volumes about how utterly useless the baseline parts were. It took me piecemeal farming the tier 3 Sigma parts from the Dojo to even be able to progress anywhere and I'm pretty sure several other players had that experience. It would be like if your starter Warframe died in 2 bullets on E Prime when starting the game out, it was insane and I don't know how that got past playtesting...hell I'm not sure DE even tested the base Railjack at all it was so bad.
  23. I more wish they'd update the base movement speed to at least Duviri Drifter levels. Yes I know Mind Step is a thing and I'm working towards unbinding it now, but GOOD LORD the move speed so obnoxiously slow without it.
  24. Exactly the opposite if anything, I've recently maxed out all my intrinsics and the only real challenge I still run into in Duviri are some of those damn Kaithe races (usually the ones with gates in the air...because "Always Moving Forward" feels terrible for precision air movement). I've never run Steel Path Duviri either (only the Circuit) so I couldn't tell you if it's a bug causing that or not.
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