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Everything posted by Almagnus1

  1. Here's a thought for fixing conclave: Let me buy all the mods for their credit cost directly from Teshin with no other requirements. I tried this years ago, saw that to be on the same power level as the experienced players, I'd have to be sacrificial fragbait until I had enough rep to piece together a haflway build, and realized that the game mode bascially boils down to being the seal that gets clubbed by the vets until you have pieced together something functional isn't a fun way to play Warframe. IMO things work best when you can level the playing field because that's when skill becomes a bigger factor than gear.
  2. FFXIV did PvP better cause they go "here's your PvP skills and your stats" and completely removed gearing from the equation. If DE did that, they might have a hope at balancing it... but as it stands right now, it's a complete cluster and tbh, it has never really been worth the effort. IMO DE should just open up the rewards for anyone to be able to purchase from Tenshin and throw in the towel.
  3. I'm referring to the Red Veil, Steel Merridian, New Lokha, Cephalon Suda, Arbiters of Hexis, and Perrin Sequence mods..... NOT the ones that are +Damage to Corpus/Infested/Corrupted/Grineer mods. That you automatically jump to the later set of mods only shows just how bad that collection of faction mods truly are.
  4. So I'm going through my weapons again for the first time in a very, very, very long time for some, and noticing a trend: Almost all of the faction mods simply aren't worth using. In other words these mods could use another dev pass and almost all of them could use a buff.
  5. I play Warframe on both the home PC, and also on the travel laptop, and something that's incredibly annoying to deal with is the favorites for the color palette because that's actually a client side setting, and not something server side. It would be really awesome if the color palette favorites would be stored on DE's side, and that's going to be an absolute necessity when it comes to cross-save.
  6. One other thing with the location of the PC game data... it's got your personal color pallete choices, since those aren't server side.
  7. Custom key mapping makes this a nuisance, then there's other config options between the two that aren't in sync (especially since I'm having to do this on the laptop with what I can recall from a desktop that's over a thousand miles away). Tbh, I don't mind the waste of resources for stuff like Google Drive and OneDrive because that keeps the configs synced between the systems so all I need to do is long in and play and not think about it, especially when I don't have much downtime right now.
  8. This is not a bug. but a highly technical ask. Something that'd help with managing Warframe across multiple computers is to move the local config settings to a folder in My Documents on Windows, and then for the stuff likely to be system specific (like most of the display and audio settings) be flagged as <computerName>\setting in the document folder. Being able to grab whichever system is the "default" system and use that as the initial system settings if it detects a system that's not got data in the save folder. This way I can sync my document folder across multiple systems, and then have warframe just work on a new system with minimal setup. As of right now, I have no idea where the configs are, and setting up warframe on other systems is a giant PITA. It's be a huge quality of life improvement.
  9. So... why not have valence fusion for Rivens?
  10. So something that'd be a huge QOL feature is the ability to favorite (and unfavorite) a weapon. This would be helpful with the loadout screen because the game should sort the favorite ones to always be first, but using whatever the selected sort method is.
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