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Posts posted by VRKestrel

  1. Hi all,

    just some small feedback concerning heavy attacks on Nikana-type weapons.

    I feel like their heavy attacks (both variations) have way too much forward momentum. This causes you to miss your actual target a lot even with auto targeting turned on.What happens is that regardless of your inputs your warframe will always lunge in the direction you're looking often "overshooting" and missing the enemy.

    What I would like to suggest is to allow the player to move freely during heavy attacks, giving the player the option to either stand still if the enemy is close or approach the enemy (or even move back if you anticipate the enemy approaching you instead).

    Just a small annoyance I've noticed recently since Phase 2 of melee 3.0. I am quite sure heavy attacks (at least on nikanas) have always been like this, but since heavy attacks were not really used all that much before the new melee changes it never bothered me.



  2. Hello to whoever ends up reading this.

    I have been trying to use the embolist lately, and I have to say it could use a few usability/QOL buffs.

    Stat-/Damagewise I think the weapon is fine-ish. It could however, use more range. I guess it's supposed to be a shorter range weapon, but in its current form the range is a bit of an issue even with ruinous extension. 

    I would love to see this weapon get a range increase or some other form of QOL change. Maybe it could even get the Ignis treatment, where it "punches through" enemies (as long as there is no geometry inbetween).

    Right now it feels like you have to go out of your way to be event the slightest bit effective with this weapon.


    • Like 1
  3. Hey all,

    ever since Update 26's melee/combo changes some abilities that scale off of combo counter have been affected. 

    Quote from U26 patch notes:


     ANOTHER SIDE NOTE: Abilities that use the Combo Counter (such as Ash, Atlas, etc.) will scale at 25% of their former values, to make up for the ease of building a much higher Combo Counter Multiplier. This value is pending review for balance passes. 


    Personally I feel like 25% is a bit harsh. If you compare before and after you will see that affected abilities at max combo counter (12x) will never do more dmg than what they did with a 3x multiplier pre U26. I feel like 40% ish of the former value would feel a bit more appropriate, especially since you are supposed to be spending your combo counter so much due to heavy attacks and whatnot. 

    To whoever is reading this: How do you guys feel? Is it ok the way it is now? Too strong, too weak? I hope whoever is in charge of this can at least consider this feedback 😄


    • Like 2
  4. So after having played around with melee 3.0 phase 2 for about two weeks-ish, I believe I have made up my mind on how I feel about the balancing/stat part of the changes.

    As much as I would rather not have to say this but, I am (overall) really really not happy with the stat changes. By desing, shouldn't melee weapons always do way more damage than primaries/secondaries? After all you have to (at leas in theory) sacrifice safety and range to go up to the enemies and attack them. Right now, I feel like melees are a bit weak, I also have somewhat of a problem with where the meta is seemingly pushed. Let me elaborate:

    The good: 

    Normalising ranges: Whoever came up with this, we're buddies now. I love being able to pick "smaller" weapons and not having to go up to an enemy's hugging range to attack him. This alone feels like it makes pretty much 100% of the previously underused weapons viable again while also keeping the long-ranged weapons reasonable. Same goes for the reach mods. I am really really happy with that. That feels great.

    The bad:

    Heavy attacks: I have several issues with heavy attacks from a balancing/stat perspective.

    -Firstly: From where I am standing, it seems like either heavy attacks are either never going to be worth it or normal attacks are never going to be worth it. Depending on the build either of the two suffers greatly.

    If you decide to build towards heavy attacks, having to constantly sacrifice combo counter is going to hurt combos/normal attacks. If you decide to ignore heavy attacks altogether, why are they even there in the first place?

    Builds focusing on heavy attacks boil down to: "spam heavy attack all the time". My question is, would that really be so different from "spam slide attacks all the time" which the developers are seemingly trying to move away from? Replacing one form of spam with another is questionable to say the least. At the same time however, especially with the changes to blood rush and true/sacrificial steel it seems like the devs want us to move away from combos and shift the meta towards heavy attacks. I just do not see this happening as in most cases, heavy attacks feel clunky. What's most likely going to happen ,if things stay the way they are, is that the weapon types with the most passable heavy attacks become the meta and every other class goes out the window.

    Damage potential:

    From what I have seen, the players' damage potential has seen a drastic hit. This due to three reasons:

    -Combo counter: Not gaining additional damage on your normal swings is very noticable. Most weapons had their base damage (more or less) doubled to counter this. However, most of the time you were able to keep at least a 3x multiplier quite comfortably so this is a hit in damage.

    -Condition Overload: Obviously everyone and their mother are complaining about this. Having CO be calculated the way it is now has really really hurt not only players' maximum damage potential but also purely status-based weapons. To be honest I did not really see the issue with old CO. If you wanted to do absurd amounts of damage, you had to go out of your way to make sure every enemy has several status effects on him before you hit that enemy. In low levels this was mostly impractical and in high levels you need all the damage you can get, so I am a bit curious as to why CO had to be hit this hard.

    -Blood Rush: It's relatively clear that getting to red-crits (or highter) is very very difficult now. So critical builds have also taken a hit.

    Seeing how the "steel" mods were changed in the recent hotfix instead of blood rush shows that the devs might want us to move away from this mod and builds that rely on combo counter in general. That is fine to be honest. I would however, like to have an option of building my melees to do comparable damage to before the changes. (a sidegrade so to speak). At this moment however this is not possible.

    It is always annoying to have your damage nerfed but this is definitely a bit much. I hope some things can be changed.

    I know this was quite the long post. I hope it's not too "all over the place". In conclusion though, I can say again, I am not happy with the balancing of melee right now.

    Peace & Love

  5. After two weeks of playing around with the new melee changes I believe I somewhat come to a conclusion about how I feel about it. From what I understand this thread is purely for the mechanics/stance changes and not for stat/balancing changes, so I will leave my thoughts on the balancing out of this post.

    Overall I can say I am almost happy with the changes. There are some small annoyances here and there but the changes are mostly good.

    The good:

    I love being able to switch to melee mode by simply pressing the melee button whenever I want. This was already introduced in phase 1 but it feels so nice and fluid that I think it needs to be mentioned here again. 

    I really like how accessible the combos are now. Not only are they easier to pull off consistently but the fact that you can more or less expect what each combo is going to do is great. What I mean by that is, for each weapon the forward+block combo is always going to involve some form of forward momentum, which makes everything more accessible even if you are unfamiliar with the stance.

    The bad:

    You can clearly tell that most stances have simply been chopped into bits and rearranged to fit the new combos. In general this is fine, but some animations look a bit "off" now. It's hard to explain but I think whoever knows what I mean knows what I mean.

    Some stances use the same animation for 2 or more combos in their kit. I have noticed this in some polearm, dagger and dual dagger stances. Having these stances do the same thing with three different inputs just feels like these stances were rushed. Even if that makes sense from a utility/balancing standpoint because that one combo ticks all the boxes for neutral forward and block combos, in the end this just feels a bit cheap.

    Heavy attacks feel pretty clunky. More often than not I find myself missing my targets. This obviously depens on weapon type as some weapons have more forward momentum on their heavy attacks than others. 

    The "lifted" status also feels a bit awkward. While it does look really cool I am sometimes annoyed by how easily enemies can "fly away" (not a Lenny Kravitz reference -.-) when hitting them. Having them stay in place would be better?

    In conclusion, I am mostly happy with the mechanical side of things on melee 3.0. Although I seem to have more negatives than positives here, the negatives are just minor/polishing issues. In the end I would say the positves outwheig the negatives and we have a net positive here.


    Iz nice!

     cohen baron GIF


    Peace & Love


  6. So I've had some time to fiddle around with the new melee system and overall im on the fence with it :O.

    The good:

    Everything feels and plays fantastic :D 

    Stances (for the most part) feel great :D . The fact that every weapon uses the same inputs for each weapon makes everything easier to learn. I also like the idea of every block+forward combo having forward momentum. This makes it easier to actually do what you want to do faster. 

    Normalizing weapon ranges is a godsend. This makes every weapon feel like an actual weapon instead of some options feeling like you're bringing a toothpick to a gun fight before the update.

    Most of the time you look really stylish with the new stances and especially the heavy/slam attacks and the lifted status :D

    The idea of being able to suspend enemies in the air with an aerial slam is great :D Some innate CC is always great.

    The bad:

    The negatives boil down to mostly one thing: much much lower damage potential.

    Don't get me wrong, the base dmg and range increase is going to make most weapons feel much stronger in the short run when breezing through weaker enemies. Against tougher enemies however, it seems like your max damage output has taken a serious hit. From what I can tell, this is due to three reasons/mods in particular.

    - Combo multiplier not affecting base weapon damage: Most weapons' base dmg has been (more or less) doubled, meaning your swings are going to be doing as much damage as when you had a 2x multiplier before. Since this dmg does not increase with combo anymore, building combos feels much less rewarding. Before the update the difference between having no combo and a 2x multiplier was like day and night (also because of blood rush, more on that later), now the difference between no combo and 12x combo is barely noticable outside of heavy/slam attacks. Feels disappointig :O

    - Reduced scaling on blood rush: Blood rush has seen a drastic hit. The scaling is much much weaker than before. (Example nikana prime with true steel and blood rush would occasionally orange crit on 1.5x combo, now it needs a 6x combo) This causes two problems:  Firstly significantly lower (crit) damage due to not beeing able to orange-/redcrit consistently. Secondly crit based weapons have become far more inconsistent. It feels really annoying to have to build a 5x combo (or more) to make a crit weapon crit (as stupid as im makin it sound right now).

    - Reduced scaling on condition overload: Obviously I'm not the first (and probably not the last) to say that the CO nerf is very noticable. I'm usually a bit reluctant to say these kinds of things because I can imaginge how things work when developing games, but I simply don't buy the explanation that the old way CO was calculated was not intended. Even if it wasn't, I feel like CO had been in the game so long that it should have stayed. Again this is a change that will not be too noticable in short low level missions, but against higher level enemies you need every sort of dmg increase you can get.

    All in all I can say melee weapons feel great now but perform poorly. I hope this can get tweaked in the future.

    • Like 6
  7. When melee 2.9 was first released there was an issue regarding bows and using the melee button to switch to melee mode.

    There was no way to immediately switch to melee after firing your arrow. You always had to wait for you warframe to draw the next arrow from the quiver.

    This had been removed/fixed rather quickly.

    This issue however, has resurfaced with the launch of Update 25.6 . 

    As small and irrelevant of an issue this may seem this delay is just noticable enough to get quite annoying quite fast. i would love to see this fixed (or at least looked at)

    Peace & Love ✌️ ❤️

  8. Recently i have been experiencing issues when using melee weapons.

    They seem to be missing the enemy even when you're standing right in front of them. From what I can tell all weapons are affected by this issue, even weapons with long range.

    This might be an issue related to hit-/hurtboxes?

    At first I assumed this had something to do with the changes to melee weapons not dealing damage through walls anymore earlier this year (? maybe last year not sure when exactly).

    This issue however, can be reproduced in areas with very little geometry in the way (i.e. Simulacrum).

    I hope this can be looked at 😄

    peace ✌️

  9. When ash's Bladestorm is active, i.e. your clones are out attacking, you cannot use your teleport for anything besides joinig your clones and starting the bladestorm animation.

    Example 1: Your clones are out and you want to teleport to a previously unmarked enemy => That enemy gets a mark and you join your clones

    Example 2: Your clones are out and you want to teleport to an object/ teammate/ cryopod => Teleport simply does not activate. No message such as "out of range/ invalid target" 

    From what I understand,while bladestorm is active, you were originally supposed to have all of teleport's normal functionality plus the option to join your clones by casting it on a marked enemy.

    Just an idea: how about adding a way to stop ash from attacking once he has joined his clones in case you did it by mistake. Doesn't happen too often but would be a nice qol addition to have the option.

  10. Wow, 

    so far this new system feels great 😄 It's very intuitive. Almost weird how much stiffer and more unnecessarily inconvenient the old system seems by comparison😮

    There seems to be an issue with bows and switching to melee mode however.

    If you press the melee button after firing an arrow, you don't go into melee mode until after you have drawn the next arrow from your quiver (reload animation?). This leads to an awkward delay that wasn't there with the old quick-melee. (old quickmelee used to cancel the arrow draw until you were done swinging).

    From what I can tell so far this is the only weapon type with this problem 😮 

    Personally, I think the melee swing should have priority over the arrow draw=> Pressing melee button should immediately cancel any "cancelable" animation and start swinging immediately.

    Anyways, great job :thumbup:Can't wait for what you guys have in store for the next phases 😄

  11. Basically what it says in the title.

    I remember being able to stop Bombards' rockets from following you by turning invisible. Once invisible, rockets would fly towards your last known location. Now however, bombard rockets will keep following you once they've been fired - invisible or not- .

    If intended, this is a pretty big (and annoying) nerf.

    If unintended, I hope it gets fixed soon.



  12. Greetings Tenno,

    as of update 22.20.0 there is a minor bug concerning melee finishers from the rear.

    Instead of playing the proper animation for the respective weapon class, all weapons seem to play the standard Nikana-class finisher from the rear.

    Front finishers seem fine, so far.

    This is only a very minor issue, to be honest. Nothing too annoying or anything.


    Peace & Love


    P.S.: Not sure if this belongs here or in Art&Animation. Please move this thread if necessary.

  13. Aloha,


    I've been noticing a bug regarding nox enemies and invisibility. I shrugged it off at first, but after witnessing and testing it several times over the last weeks I can confirm that Nox enemies can see and target you despite being invisible.

    They will keep shooting at you with their blobs regardless of whether you move, attack or do nothing at all.

    So far I can confirm this with ability-induced invisibility, arcane-induced invisibility (trickery) and companion-induced invisibility. Curiously enough, Operator void-mode seems to work fine, meaning Nox will not attack.

    I hope this gets fixed :surprised:

    Thanks in advane :smile:

  14. Heyo,

    as stated in the title of this thread, there has been an issue with the Klebrik (Tier 3) Scaffold and Nullifier bubbles.

    Instead of continuously damaging the Null-bubble (like other beam weapons and even the mote amp), the Klebrik scaffold does one tick of damage to the Null-bubble. In order to keep damaging the bubble you have to keep "turning the beam on and off" as if it were a semi-auto weapon.

    This issue has persisted for a while. It is weird that yesterday's hotfix/update 22.17.3 has supposedly resolved the issue of beam weapons and Nullifier bubbles but not the issue with the Klebrik scaffold specifically.

    Seeing as how the mote amp works on Null-bubbles the way you would expect, I assume this to be a bug.

    Thanks in advance.

  15. Greetings fellow Tenno!

    Lately I have noticed Ash's Seeking Shuriken Augment not working the way it is supposed to.

    Every once in a while (I'm sorry I cannot be more precise than that) Seeking Shuriken will simply refuse to shred enemy armour. You can tell that it should have done so from the the green aura around the enemy (similar to a corrosive status effect) and the fact that attacks deal the same amount of damage before and after casting shuriken. 

    This issue has been around for "a while" but it seems like it has occured more often recently than it used to. This has happened to me as both a client and a host of a group.

    Increasing power strength well above the needed ~145% does not change anything.

    I hope this gets acknowledged. :smile:

    Thanks in advance. :smile:


  16. Salve !

    Lately I have been noticing some inconsistencies concerning stealth damage multipliers to melee attacks when invisible. It seems like the dmg bonus is applied too "rarely" and much less frequent than it used to. Unfortunately I cannot exactly pinpoint when this started happening.

    I first noticed this (what feels like) a few months back when I realized I didnt do as much damage with melee weapons while invisible as I remember doing in the past.

    At first I brushed it off because all damage numbers were yellow, which indicate either regular crits or stealth damage. However, when I used a weapon that has a very low critical chance to remove crits from the equation (in this case the lacera with 2.5 crit chance).

    I started noticing that almost all of the damage numbers were white (normal hits) and the damage did not change when I turned invisible. If i remember correctly stealth multipliers are temporarily removed when physically "touching" or "bumping into" an enemy, so I made sure to keep my distance and to never attack the same enemy twice.

    Maybe it's just my imagination, but it definitely feels off for some reason. Btw, the type of invisibility (arcane induced or ability induced), the frame, or even mission type did not matter.

    Anyway, I hope this gets looked at.

    P.S.: If this happens to be just my imagination, ignore everything I said.

  17. .Heyo Wf-Community,

    so after the recent change to beam weapons (which was very needed and is very appreciated) I decided to take another look at the embolist. The first time trying this weapon "way back in the day" left a rather dull impression. Now it seems like it has made a step in the right direction. However, I still think it lacks something in terms of handling/ease of use.

    IIRC the Embolist used to have "Ignis-like" punchthrough which seems to not be a thing anymore. This and the fact that its range is still very very subpar is making it quite a pain to use, especially considering not only the builing requirements (5 mutagen mass, 1 Forma) but also its MR requirement of 9. I personally think either increasing its range drastically or reimplementing an "Ignis-type" punchthrough mechaninc would help tremendously. You could of course do both ;D 

    As far as everything else goes, the weapon seems fine/appropriate.

    I hope this gets read somehow :D

    Thanks in advance.

  18. Heyho! :blush:

    Since update 22.12 (Weapon/Warframe revisit) there have been several issues with Ash's teleport while Bladestorm is active. 

    - Teleporting to an unmarked enemy, while Bladestorm is active, still forces you into the Bladestorm animation. The unmarked enemy receives 1 mark and you immediately go into the animation.

    - You can not teleport to allies, cryopods, crates or any other non-enemy units/objects until the Bladestorm animation is finished.

    This happens regardless of whether you are the host or client of the group. Augments/Builds also don't matter for this issue to be reproduced.

    I really, really hope this gets fixed soon (or at least noted) as this is starting to get slightly frustrating. :sleep:

    Thanks in advance :laugh:


  19. Bonjour from (undisclosed location),

    these changes are (mostly) really, really amazing and definitely needed. Great job :satisfied:

    Some small things, I think could be slightly improved:

    - Maybe increase the Bows' charge speed even further? => For example: Increase charge speed of "regular bows" to 0,4 and the Daikyu's zo 0,75. 

    - Slightly increase Akmagnus's crit or status chance (while keeping the other stat the same) => 27% crit chance at 22% status or 30% status at 22% crit chance. (to help consistency)

    Other than that I'm really, really happy with this update. It definitely brought some new life to some old weapons from "back in the day" :laugh: Much appreciated.

    Keep up the good work! :thumbup:


  20. Greetings Tenno!

    Basically immeadiately after the update went live, I went straight to the simulacrum to try out the new warframe/weapon changes.

    One Thing I noticed with Ash is the fact that you cannot have your clones attack a group of enemies, while you yourself teleport to an enemy that is unmarked.

    Meaning: If you have your clones out and you teleport to an enemy that is not marked, that last enemy will automatically get marked and you get forced into the Bladestorm animation.

    I'm pretty sure this is not intended, hence I'm posting this here instead of under "Feedback". If I understood the patchnotes correctly, you should be able to have your clones attack a group of enemies, while you teleport to an unmarked enemy to do a "regular" melee finisher attack.

    In case this is in fact intended, I can gladly open a new forum post under "Feedback"

    I hope this gets seen :D Thanks in advance :D


  21. Boy oh boy, I can't wait to get my hands on these frames after the tweaks/reworks :D


    Just for clarification though: Are the changes mentioned in this thread the only things that get changed about these specific frames? Personally, I think this would be a great opportunity to "finish up" these frames for good :O 

    In case anyone wonders, here are some of my suggestions:


    - Maybe add some (more) punchthrough to shuriken ? (Have the augment strip armor of each enemy hit by the same shuriken?)

    - Have "Teleport" increase your finisher animation speed?


    - make it impossible for enemies to leave a magnetize bubble (even with pull; maybe remove/decrease suction outside of bubble for balancing?)


    - have "Petrify" heal tectonics? (over time of course)

    These are just some of the suggestions I can think of, off the top of my head.

    Anyway, fantastic work as always :D I'm super excited for whenever these changes go live :D

    Lok heb DE! 

  22. Greetings WF-Forums,


    recently I have encountered something rather peculiar in regards to napalms and their projectiles when using "shield-like" abilities.

    It seems that every once in a while (about 1 in every 4 shots) the Napalm's projectiles simply passes through shield abilities as if there was nothing there.

    So far I have seen this with Volt's Electric Shield and Frost's Snow Globe. Abilities that do not allow enemies to pass through like Gara's Mass Vitrify and Atlas' Tectonics seem fine.

    I honestly doubt this to be intended. I would appreciate if this was at least noted as a bug and maybe eventually fixed. (Napalms are already strong enough as it is :O) 


    Thank you in advance :D

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