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  1. first lets get one thing straight I'm not pushing this I'm against this I have been here for 10 years I'm only making all of you aware of this issue ok. if you think there is no cheating in warframe conclave you are wrong check this link this is a huge problem conclave needs some love because this game mode is being overrun with modders please up the security and add prestige via blue Kuva. This is making sick and scared that my information could be threatened. please fix. this is person is making money off you for free are you Gunna let this person do that to you DE he or she has been up for a year and making money off of you. if you don't fix this up this cheating might get into other parts of the game, and I want to keep my wallet safe. PS ill leave a link to my channel have a look channel name is the same as me I'm a legit player wins and lose there is an old saying. be better do better when your feet mess up you get up, I do not do illegitimate.
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