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  1. there's no lesson when everything is forced lol you know the specific chat bans that happen all the time, it's silly at this point, calling a ban like this a "lesson" is sooooo dumb, it's like rewinding to 2010 and calling someone "salty" is grounds for ban lol...
  2. 11 year player, seen the game evolve, i'm insulted as an original player at the game's direction towards the community, why is it now NOT shoot stuff and have fun, now if you say gem something, or a warframe is somewhat girly as a boyish amalgamation, we lose speech or accounts idk anymore, that is my real question shouldn't it be right to own up to those ideals and stand with them than shut people down?
  3. is it bad to ask questions or do we get shut down for asking specific questions? :o
  4. being called a troll question is an easy skip but i appreciate the response but i'm guessing i should expose it to get deleted?
  5. what is hate? what is "zero tolerance" if there has to be some form of tolerance btw
  6. can someone define "woke" why are some jokes accepted and then some things are just straight up exiled, an instant ban? what is considered offendable and what makes that bad if no one is offended? just a question
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