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Posts posted by SprinKah

  1. 2 hours ago, Vevis said:

    My only feedback on this event is the following, i did'nt realise the event had hit, so missed it going live. I got on the following day thought ok bit of catch up to do, only to find that because my clan had completed all the collections needed for stage one, i am totally locked out of doing the event.  So can't farm for any of the new stuff, can't access the boss fight, nothing. 

    So i will assume i was not the only person caught out by this. 

    damn...but alright...thanks for the...uh...feesback

  2. 1 hour ago, Xionyde134 said:

    If you want to buff the Ambulas because it doesn't do as much damage than the Bursa, then probably every boss in the game should be buffed because they don't do as much damage as Corpus Techs.

    Also, I can't take you seriously when you say that the Bursa is better at withstanding damage when you spent probably half a clip shooting at its front instead of its weak spot on the back. 


    well yes I know for the fact that Bursa has a weak point and yes I know that the way I damaged it in the video is well...not the BEST way to kill Bursa

    but I don;t know...I consider it the more...practical head on approach. It should also be noticed that Bursa is fast as hell and yes while I think that the indestructible front shields of it is a bit of an...unfair advantage, plus with its fast speed,it's probably harder to take down than an Ambulas...well in some cases.


    There are other factors that I can say that...Bursa is very much better than. Like I said in my argument, it has all sorts of tools and weapons and stuff:

    Nullifier bubbles, rocket barrage, sapper mines and stuff, LASER SHOTGUN that deals huge damage over time, reactive stomp spams that leave the players knocked down for like 5 seconds, grappling hook, etc...

    I found that a Bursa alone can kill you faster than an Ambulas. Also for the fact that DE is probably going to keep the whole...Condor Dropship Ambulas thing...I know this is a...more of a personal issue than anything but....how would dropping in an Ambulas that only spawns in open aie be better than I don't know..1-2 bursas that spawn everywhere corpus...like I don't think an Ambulas really does anything special or unique that makes it somewhat a more different threat than Bursa....I hope all that makes sense

  3. 44 minutes ago, Gwenwed said:

    As for the OP, I thought it was a fight between a Bura and an Ambula. Funny cause a friend and I were farming beacons yesterday and he played Nyx. We actually stop fighting for a few secs to look at a Mind Controlled Buras fighting an Ambula. What an epic battle that would have lasted for a century if we had not intervene.

    I thought OP would have shown that... :D


    Ugh... man, I gotta be honest with you, it took SUPER DUPER LONG.

    also....Bursa doesn't really do much honestly.

    I tell you though, the Ambulas does manage to kill the Bursa (level 15) but only with the vertical beam attack...which I think is well...punch through.


    I don't think it really matter all that much because Enemy vs Enemy doesn't really go the same with Player vs Enemy.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Gwenwed said:

    As for the OP, I thought it was a fight between a Bura and an Ambula. Funny cause a friend and I were farming beacons yesterday and he played Nyx. We actually stop fighting for a few secs to look at a Mind Controlled Buras fighting an Ambula. What an epic battle that would have lasted for a century if we had not intervene.

    I thought OP would have shown that... :D


    I will try and do that.dunno if it'd work honestly...

  5. Just now, DaftMeat said:

    Isn't a Bursa more heavily shielded from the front, because of their 2 shields?

    Also, what kind of damage was your gun modded for? Bursa armor is weak to Corrosive while Ambulas is weak to Radiation. 


    I know that whole thing...but you know....it's supposed to be god vs man....not man vs man.

    AMBULAS, considering itself as a damn boss with a buncha investments and stuff and a cool &#! design put on them....yet...they're not really THAT MUCH BETTER at withstanding damage and stuff

    Also...Ambulas is slow as hell, whereas Bursas are FAST....and as you can see, when that Bursa got stunned in the video like 3 times, its vulnerable area was exposed like you know...3 times....it did VERY WELL for like...a quite common enemy.

  6. 2 minutes ago, JeyciKon said:

    exacly, not even the boss fight is that level.. the only time you can see that is in sorties and long endless runs like in this event..

    One thing, I don't think DE is going to keep Ambulas only restricted in Pluto Hades and going to go all out like the whole Condor dropship and stuff in Corpus open air tileset...


    But I mean, how's that going to be better than a bunch of Bursas spawning EVERYWHERE Corpus....like how would an AMBULAS make things better...

  7. I'm sorry guys if this is getting a bit...well...annoying to talk and read about. But it doesn't hurt to well...make discussions about this.

    I got a video, a quick one. ANd I want your...thoughts and opinions on it.

    To summarize: BURSA is better at withstanding damage. Better at many other stuff.   I'll elaborate.


    There are many factors to consider honestly.

    - Their SPEED

    - Their DPS

    - Their utilities and stuff

    - Their raw health and durability

    - etc...

    To say the least...Ambulas does indeed prevail in the raw HP and durability part I THINK....

    but consider other factors, they're SLOWER, they deal LOWER DPS ( Seriously, Bursa has like damage over time laser shotguns, rocket barrage, sapper mines and stuff, etc... )

    And well...bursas have stomps that can leave the players knocked down for like...5 seconds, and they're reactive, they don't initiate randomly, nullifier bubbles and other stuff.....grappling hook.

    And you know, I don't think the whole "NEW PLAYER" factor is a problem, considering AMBULAS is on PLUTO and Bursas spawn everywhere.


    What do you guys think honestly? I've done a lot of tests guys and I can confirm, if you just sit still, Bursas can kill a lot faster than Ambulas.

    I made a discussion here

    And well, some suggestions are pretty cool and reasonable in my opinion:



    - More Agile: Faster movements, better reflexes, maybe jumping around frequently and dash sideways a lot to dodge incomign attacks. The mobility and maneuvers like the Hyena Pack would be nice.

    - Beam attack that follows players: works like the CORPUS SHIP artillery beam that FOLLOWS you, keeping you on your toes constatnly. I think that'd be a nice addition. Because the 3 existing beam attacks are quite...ineffective.

    - Better shield and some utilities to help them fight against us


    I think buffing Ambulas to make them just better than Bursas is a good thing. Because if DE decides to keep the whole...Condor dropship flying in, dropping AMBULAS in the fight thing AND Ambulas is weaker than Bursas which spawn everywhere CORPUS throughout missions and not just in open air.

    I mean, personally...I think it's just not right that AMBULAS is weaker than a BURSA.


  8. 3 minutes ago, redeyedtreefrog said:

    bursas are fully susceptible to crowd control effects, and their back panel takes some absurdly high amount of bonus damage (I think something to the tune of 400% dmg if dealt to the back panel). Alternately, ambulas resists hard crowd control effects, and, in my opinion, has a much more varied set of attacks. True, at the level that you'll encounter ambuli after the event, they'll be pretty underwhelming, but then again, what boss isn't?


    that's true. But just imagine

    if they're going to treat Ambulas as like....occasional enemy dropping in from CORPUS open air  like how it is now ( Which is very much  possible )

    I mean, if that is going to be the case AND Ambulas is weaker than Bursas, which are spawned in EVERY corpus missions, inside and outside....you see what I mean there?

  9. 2 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

    They do not. Otherwise my fight against Ambulas wouldn't be worth calling a fight, considering how many Avalanches I was throwing around.

    I certainly think that the fight was amazing. It was one of, if not the most, fun I've had in a bossfight in a while. And I would certainly like to see some token buffs to Ambulas. But I don't think he's as weak as you're making him out to be. 


    I agree with you, one of the better and more unique boss fights out there...it's just that...Ambulas just seems like background fillers to me....it's a REAL SHAME...

    2 minutes ago, OvisCaedo said:

    I mean... It was certainly different. But instead of standing and waiting because of a boss being invincible, I found myself largely just standing around waiting because there was nothing to do BUT stand around waiting, killing a handful of weak generic enemies now and then.

    The ship bombardments were extremely cool, but also very easy to avoid.


    I don't know if I got what you meant entirely but I think the corpus enemies around were very helpful to the CORPUS. you know they deal a lot of damage in groups.

    The leeches were annoying, Anti moa grenades are also annoying too.

    But you know...there isn't ENOUGH AMBULAS...and that's the problem with the boss battle.

  10. Just now, PrVonTuckIII said:

    Personally, just a general buff to accuracy would be great. They deal plenty damage. The problem is I can literally crouch in front of one, and it will never hit me.

    or you know...do that following beam thingy like the Corpus ship, will keep you on your toes all the time.

    and yeah...I think damage is...OK ish. but you know...their...hitbox is quite buggy. especially the laser ball shots one.


    It'd also be cool...maybe like make their stomps more reactive....they just need something to protect them better...they're super big and easier to shoot at...

  11. 3 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

    Buff Ambulas. No need to nerf Bursas (no, they're nowhere near the level of OPness that people make them out to be). 

    Yes, Buff Ambulas.

    I mean, no need for like one shot or anything...

    maybe just make them move quicker...and more agile than bursas...give them better shield or something.

    and the lasers....I think they only deal like 250 dmg....and the spinning beam attack...only the thrid spin really hits you.

  12. Just now, PrVonTuckIII said:

    Pretty sure that they're not immune to Bastille.

    Aside from that, Frost's Freeze and Avalanche work on them, Rhino's Stomp (IIRC) works on them, and so on.

    Frosts are the bane of any Bursa.


    I don't have those frames but I think freeze proc affects ambulas...

    nonetheless though....I think they're pretty small factors, considering Ambulas is an actual boss and Bursas can spawn in a number of quantity everywhere Corpus. 

  13. 2 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

    To be perfectly fair, while the Bursa can tank and deal more damage, unlike Ambulas, it. can be trivially immobilized using abilities, whereas Ambulas can't. On a whole, the Ambulas is weaker, but it also has less weakpoints to exploit. 


    Bursas I think are immune to a lot of abiltiies really.

    Like Bastille and Vortex, nothing to them.

    Molecular Prime...I think it affects both Ambulas and Bursa...


    honestly...they're pretty much the same when it comes to that...

  14. I'm sorry guys if this is getting a bit...well...annoying to talk and read about. But it doesn't hurt to well...make discussions about this.

    I got a video, a quick one. ANd I want your...thoughts and opinions on it.


    There are many factors to consider honestly.

    - Their SPEED

    - Their DPS

    - Their utilities and stuff

    - Their raw health and durability

    - etc...

    To say the least...Ambulas does indeed prevail in the raw HP and durability part I THINK....

    but consider other factors, they're SLOWER, they deal LOWER DPS ( Seriously, Bursa has like damage over time laser shotguns, rocket barrage, sapper mines and stuff, etc... )

    And well...bursas have stomps that can leave the players knocked down for like...5 seconds, and they're reactive, they don't initiate randomly, nullifier bubbles and other stuff.....grappling hook.

    And you know, I don't think the whole "NEW PLAYER" factor is a problem, considering AMBULAS is on PLUTO and Bursas spawn everywhere.


    What do you guys think honestly? I've done a lot of tests guys and I can confirm, if you just sit still, Bursas can kill a lot faster than Ambulas.


  15. I agree with you there, the boss battle is very different...

    One thing though...




    Their DPS is worse too....

    The problem with the boss battle in my opnion is...it's not exactly fighting AMBULAS...well yes, you are fighting them but they're treated more of a....side objective more like...

    the AMBULAS should be the focus here and well....they're so insignificant and underwhelming that I can't even consider them a BOSS. Quite a shame of a good design rework...

    They lack the imposing feel, like the Raptors, Razorback, Vay Hek or Lephantis. Their...role in the boss fight is just so confined that you just can't really marvel on their rework all that much....like them alone.

  16. 9 hours ago, low1991 said:

    Pls not drop ships... like the current event, where the dropship comes into range to 'drop' off heavy duty units. This is like asking players to focus fire on it... especially, where it somehow must circle around the map or area...

    Might as well go with borderland 2 style... where units are sent by these 'drop' pods. (like current excavation drill method).

    Y not both, variety!

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