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Posts posted by SprinKah

  1. Just now, HalfDarkShadow said:

    Or if anything, having to manage a bit more of them since I think we only needed to defend at max 2 at a time. Makes sense for soloing I assume but with players, just bumping that to 3 (or even 4) could go a long way!


    I doubt, they're like...reasonably easy to kill...

    well, maybe for the whole remech part, who knows, that could prove a problem, I have not played with a party vs Ambulas boss yet so idk. But honestly, even so, not the point I was trying to make really...if that's really the case, they'd just make it a CORPUS SHIP boss fight or something and ambulas are just mere flashy dummies sliding around slowly.

  2. 7 minutes ago, DeadScream said:

    I enjoyed the overall event, but I was really disappointed by the boss battle. Even more by the fact they continue sending hacked Ambulas to the space ship while they already know we've hacked dozens of Ambulas before and it didn't end well for the bad guys. 

    There was a real lack of concrete battle feel in this boss fight, compared to Raptor there is no threat at all except when the ship starts shooting at us (but then WTF, if you want to destroy everything just bring your freaking cannons closer and PARTY ON !)


    agree....I expected more Raptor aspects.

  3. Just now, Prof_Doom said:

    I think I agree that the final fight was a bit gimmicky, but that overall it was fun.  I'd love to see drop ships keep being a thing.  Find new things to put in them.

    We'll need a grineer dropship though.  Hmm... actually no.  Grineer need drop pods.  Let's drop in elite hunter teams via drop pod.  If you're not paying attention, you'll get knocked over by shockwave on landing.


    man...I agree with the final boss fight, it was cool....though I wish the AMBULAS would pose a bit more threat in that....they don't exactly do much and it's more like you're defending them than trying to defeat them....which Idk...a bit of a waste of such a good looking redesign...

    WIsh it'd take more effort to defeat them...

  4. Just now, (PS4)fullblast35 said:

    When you look at it,  for example past mr20 and OP load outs, which boss is actually a challenge besides in sorties? none.  The game balance does not rotate on advanced players, and new players are actually busy trying to figure out how to beat a boss.


    I mean...Bursas ALONE wreak and incapacitate players a lot of the times. Their NULLIFIER bubbles are really effective yes....and their slam spams...real annoying but efficient...

    Ambulas aren't like them...their attacks don't really give players any sort of disadvantage and problem if players don't pay attention like the Bursas.

    It doesn't slow, it doesn't nullify abilties, it doesn't knock players down as efficiently as Bursas, their shock shells can be easily avoided, etc...Like they're not durable against anything, their shieldings aren't even that durable, easily shot off, after that, even if they're reactivated, they're easily taken down.

  5. I like the event sorta. I like the whole DROPSHIP aspect and dropping enemies into battle and all that, really cool.

    and AMBULAS

    I think I have one of the more....unpopular opinions about them but I think they're REALLY UNDERWHELMING


    The boss battle, they don't pose a threat at all, you shoot them and that's it. You really just gotta look out for the Remech ospreys and artillery and all the other infantries focusing fire on you....It's a shame really...the Ambulas feels like a...fancy background pinata and their only purpose is to drop a few animo beacons...

    It's a shame, I expected them to be the REAL focus of the battle, a lot more efficient and harder to fight against...


    Honestly, they're less annoying and efficient than the Bursas with their invincible front shieldings, SLAM SPAMS and nullifier bubbles...Also...they deal more damage, especially Isolator ones with their powerful close ranged laser shotgun. Also Bursas are fast as hell and Ambulas are slow as hell...TRULY a shame.

    If anything, I'd really like to see them get some....buffs, not TOO major buffs, maybe like speed buff, make them use their abilties more often to increase their efficiency. Make them a REAL FOCUS and a SHINING STAR...they're just so cool, I think they should get more attention...

  6. I'm curious on what you guys think.

    Unfortunately...I think the Ambulas doesn't deal as much DPS as the Bursas, and their slam spams...also, their invincible front shieldings...and also, Bursas are very much faster than Ambulas...

    Ambulas prevails at the design and other tid bits for sure in my opinion but


    Despite that, overall, I think Ambulas rework is quite...underwhelming for a boss, doesn't pose a threat AT ALL in the boss battle. you really just gotta look out for the artillery and remech ospreys that screw up your progress. Ambulas...they feel like flashy background pinatas to get a few Animo "candies" out of....a shame really.

  7. Okay, first of all, I'd just like to say that DE did a great job on the design, the whole aesthetics of the event and the boss battle, one of the more innovative ones we have!

    But I do have some feedbacks regarding the Ambulas boss rework. They are a quite UNDERWHELMING.

    Don't get me wrong, DE did a great job with the animations and abilities and other assets, kudos to the men and women who worked on the rework.


    I do realize that my opinion isn't exactly a popular one, I don't know but I think so.

    Like I said, despite the fact that the Ambulas got these really cool new reworks, personally I don't think its performance really meets with its new imposing design.


    Hell...it's probably weaker than the Bursas, with their indestructible front shieldings, fast movements and slam spams. Especially the Isolator Bursa with its quite powerful laser shotgun at close range.


    Now I know the whole,..invincible phase thing isn't exactly smiled upon by the community, but I don't know, I'd just really want them to shine more and be something more than just some flashy punching bag to get a few Animo beacons out of. They should be the focus of the boss battle, should be the ACTUAL THREAT, not the imposing corpus ship in the sky...with that said though, it is pretty cool that DE added that.



    - Make them use their abilities more often? Their arsenal is pretty decent to be honest. Something like Bursas with their very reactive radial slams that are quite good at incapacitating opponents. Maybe not TOO spammy but it'd be nice if they use it more to protect itself better.

    - Faster maybe? They seem a bit slow, I think more speed would be good for them.

    - I think DE should make the Ambulas more powerful and lower the firepower of the Corpus Ship in the sky just to even out, swapping the focus of the battle to the Ambulas because like I said, they're really neat and I'd hate to see them as just some background prop.


    If you got any other feedback or suggestion to add on how to well...improve Ambulas and the boss battle, that'd be quite cool. I'm not trying to make Ambulas to some crazy, unbeatable enemy, I just want it to be an enemy that pops out more in the battlefield and just simply...be more significant, become more challenging yet reasonable to fight against and well, not a slow moving PINATA to get Animo candies out of or something.


  8. 7 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

    I wouldn't say 'constantly stomping' to give knock back is well designed.... in one attempt at the sortie yesterday, when it was active, there was so much stomping from the ambulas that it literally had me on my back more than on my feet and that was with handspring.


    man...it doesn't use the stomping ability THAT OFTEN...and it's not even as bad as BURSAS.

  9. Okay, first of all, I'd just like to say that DE did a great job on the design, the whole A E S T H E T I Cs of the event and the boss battle, one of the more innovative ones we have!

    But I do have some feedbacks regarding the Ambulas boss rework. They are a quite UNDERWHELMING.

    Don't get me wrong, DE did a great job with the animations and abilities and other assets, kudos to the men and women who worked on the rework.


    I do realize that my opinion isn't exactly a popular one, I don't know but I think so.

    Like I said, despite the fact that the Ambulas got these really cool new reworks, personally I don't think its performance really meets with its new imposing design.


    Hell...it's probably weaker than the Bursas, with their indestructible front shieldings, fast movements and slam spams. Especially the Isolator Bursa with its quite powerful laser shotgun at close range.


    Now I know the whole,..invincible phase thing isn't exactly smiled upon by the community, but I don't know, I'd just really want them to shine more and be something more than just some flashy punching bag to get a few Animo beacons out of. They should be the focus of the boss battle, should be the ACTUAL THREAT, not the imposing corpus ship in the sky...with that said though, it is pretty cool that DE added that.



    - Make them use their abilities more often? Their arsenal is pretty decent to be honest. Something like Bursas with their very reactive radial slams that are quite good at incapacitating opponents. Maybe not TOO spammy but it'd be nice if they use it more to protect itself better.

    - Faster maybe? They seem a bit slow, I think more speed would be good for them.

    - I think DE should make the Ambulas more powerful and lower the firepower of the Corpus Ship in the sky just to even out, swapping the focus of the battle to the Ambulas because like I said, they're really neat and I'd hate to see them as just some background prop.


    If you got any other feedback or suggestion to add on how to well...improve Ambulas and the boss battle, that'd be quite cool. I'm not trying to make Ambulas to some crazy, unbeatable enemy, I just want it to be an enemy that pops out more in the battlefield and just simply...be more significant, become more challenging yet reasonable to fight against and well, not a slow moving PINATA to get Animo candies out of or something.



    Just found out that AMBULAS actually has less health, shield and armor than Bursa

    man...why do I even bother...


  10. Just now, Arkvold said:

    Ambulas itself is well-designed.

    The Hades node boss fight needs some serious work.  To whit:

    1. Informing players of Glast's plan prior to the actual boss fight, so that you know you're supposed to defend hacked Ambulas until Frohd sends a dropship to pick them up
    2. More warning for the capital-ship laser, so that you can actually avoid it.  Alternatively, more cover that can actually stop the mega-laser's beam.
    3. Have the cap-ship laser ignore/be unable to damage companions (It's seriously unfair for it to target your pets, since it will park the beam on them and they'll bleed out with no chance of reviving them)
    4. Have the cap-ship laser deactivate if a Tenno goes down (mostly for the same reason - it's unfair for the beam to just park itself on a downed Tenno, making it impossible to revive them since nothing can stop the beam)
    5. Take another look at the cap ship beam's damage.  Right now it's a hitscan impact-proccing stunlock beam that can inflict upwards of 300+ DPS, making it impossible for lighter 'frames to survive if they get stunlocked for the entire duration of the beam.  Either remove the impact proc (so you can jump out of the beam without being stunlocked) or lower the damage so that more Warframes can actually survive the beam.

    Also...I don't think the boss battle itself is focused on Ambulas itself....I mean, like I said, they don't really pose a real big threat, when they're down, you really just gotta keep your eyes on the Corpus ship, remech ospreys and other infantries....they just don't really get enough attention, they aren't exactly the focal point of the battle, which is quite a shame.

  11. Despite that man....as much as I love the new AMbulas and the new animations and boss fight and everything...

    I think they're a bit too lack luster....heck, they're probably even easier to kill than BURSAS. Ambulas now has cool abilities but they just don't use them enough to be as effecient as bursas' radial slam spam...

    And I think Ambulas's dps isn't as good as Bursas I  mean.

    You may think it's a good thing that they're like that but I don't know...it just feels really wrong and underwhelming....I mean, the ONLY real threat in the Ambulas boss fight is the Storm dropship, the mobs of moas and, rollerblade dudes and Corpus ship's artillery. The Ambulases are barely a threat...which again...is really underwhelming...

  12. 6 hours ago, FLEXXIMUS said:

    Most well designed enemy in the game?

    Are you kidding me?

    Stalker and his acolytes are easily the coolest enemies in the game by FAR.

    They are dark evil twisted variants of warframes and DE equivalent to Evil Ryu and Akuma.

    Those ambulances ( that's what I call them ) are better than their previous versions but nothing SPECIAL.

    I just wish I could fight them more often. (Stalker and his boys)


    you mean the Acolytes have cool awesome animations, unique abilities and not recycled, existing warframe abilities slapped onto warframe models with stalker helmet?

  13. 20 hours ago, frohdoe said:

    Actually, I thought the Miter one was probably the most useful of all the other mods. Although I still find that it's not worth a slot. That kinda wraps up my opinion of the other mods too - useless, unless you just don't have anything else better to put in.

    EDIT: btw, that Aviator that shows Zephyr, Zephyr is already taking no damage while in the air because of her 3rd, for the rest of the frames, well, again, who would wanna put it in....


    true....aviator mod...

    idk about the Obex augment though, honestly dunno oif it's any good

    I know ONE thing for certain...the whole "dmg + %dmg Blast in 5m or something after kill" thing isn't AT ALL useful....at least for high levels like 100 or so.

  14. Just now, Obviousclone said:

    it's not a solution to nullies


    it's really a buff to the miter which is horrible against nullies because of it's delayed single shot projectile with lengthy travel time making it take forever to fight nullies and their object health-regening bubbles

    I guess you're right....I just tried the thing out against a lvl 100 nullifer (lvl doesn't affect shield i think...)


    and yeah....it does take a while to take it down....

    but I don't know....you think there are...better ways to deal with that? 



    also...the pathera one isn't THAT good if I really think about it....

  15. DD released the stats concepts like...a VERY LONG TIME AGO, like more than a year ago... I think they did some changes to the other stats concepts but kept the same for miter's.

    Anyway....I have to be honest, I'm quite disappointed in the Miter one. I'm not saying it's not ENTIRELY useless but

    "90% chance of removing nullifier shield"

    like I said, it's not ENTIRELY useless but it's just so....painfully situational. NULLIFIERS aren't exactly a big threat anymore, with the recent changes and all.


    Their shield responds better to damage now, shrinks faster and easier to take out now, it doesn't take a long time for the nullifier shield to shrink like it used to. I don't think nullifers even spawn THAT frequently anymore...

    I guess the Justice proc is useful but is it REALLY worth a mod slot for maybe a RIVEN mod or something? What do you guys think of it? Do you think it should get more....general stats?


    Comparing to the Obex and Panthera one (those are quite decent in my opinion), Miter's seems to be very lackluster. 

  16. 15 minutes ago, NightmareT12 said:

    RIP my armor.

    They made the pieces mobile to avoid aiming issues, but I knew people would want them off anyways.


    If they make it armor, you can't have two at once, and if you make it Auxiliary, you're going to kill it for people currently happy with just without the wings.


    It is quite a dillemma yeah...

    but you gotta admit...4 shoulder armor pieces look a bit too much, the entire dynasty skin is enough of a clusterf*ck as it is.

  17. 19 minutes ago, xXCRAZYSLAYERXx said:

    i would like the shoulders to come off as well but that Zenistar skin is so @(*()$ cool in my opinion makes everything more fun just like dark souls lots of heavy weapons bigger than you and i personally liek it and others do so DE if you read please let us keep it or some how implement a feature to scale the weapons sizes with skins


    it's pretty fun yeah! But a bug is a bug, it's bound to get fixed :/

    they ain't going to add weapon rescaling that lets you resize your weapons 3 times your size or something like that you know

  18. This is just my personal taste really but I think it'd be much better if the horn shoulder pieces are optional to the players.

    Let's not ignore the problem with it here, they get in the way with the accessories that I actually want to put on, making the entire skin looks a lot more bulky than it should.

    I'm sure a lot of people out there LOVE the whole armor overkill thing but I think it'd be much better to make them into separate armor pieces.

    Or make them into auxiliaries, like the wings, that'd solve all problems.


    Oh and with the whole Zenistar thing too, fun little bug, I'll have fun with it until it gets fixed.


  19. 4 hours ago, Magneu said:

    Just noticed this as well. With Blind Rage/Power Drift, damage drops and status procs on a 100% status Strun Wraith stops working. However, a crit-built (not 100% status alt-fire) Euphona Prime with a crit riven starts OHKOing level 145 Bombards with its alt-fire, who should have way too much armor to let that happen, even with Vex Armor.

    Strangely, Intensify/Power Drift still lets me get my procs/good damage (obviously less of a Fury buff), while Transient/Power Drift causes the bug.

    In addition, I've noticed that my overkill Euphona (115%/6.7x, 11k damage) is still doing uber damage with Blind Rage/Power Drift tier buffs. It's built for Radiation, and suffers none of the damage reduction most every other weapon I've tested has (a status Braton Prime was interesting, was inflicting literally only Slash procs; surprisingly effective). Like someone above said, is it tied to Toxin damage? I tried a 100% status Rad/Viral alt-fire Euphona build; I was inflicting all the expected procs...except for Viral.

    I think the theory about overflow integers is probably right. We can now do so much damage the game makes it negative.

    For now, I'm just gonna swap Blind Rage for Intensify and hope for the best.


    maybe that's the case...who knows...

  20. 2 hours ago, Shu.89 said:

    When you use chroma's third ability with over 180% power strength, when you get the full buff from taking dmg to health (fury), your primary weapons no longer deal elemental dmg. I have tested this with multiple weapons such as the braton prime, burston prime and amprex. The braton prime and burston only deals physical dmg with the full buff and the amprex does no dmg at all with the full buff. I am not sure if i am the only one affected by this so please all try it out and see if it happens too.


    Chroma - vexing armor with over 180% power strength, spawn in a couple of lvl 100 heavy gunners, best to use elemental dmg weapons such as amprex and start firing after maximum fury buff. Your weapon will deal no elemental dmg.


    tried it, it did proc for like the first 1-2 secs but then stopped.

  21. 11 hours ago, MENDIGOdePIJAMA said:




    I kept playing and I noticed that the damage displayed on the screen is very strange indeed. With dex sybaris showing 0 redcrit, sometimes only 22 critical damage and in others neither exhibiting critical damage (125% critical chance). So I noticed this randomness does not just happen with Chroma. The same goes for Octavia, Rhino, Oberon. This does not just happen with elemental damage, it's very strange. Something else, bodies get damage after death. The DE made a mess.

    (sorry for my bad english)



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