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Posts posted by SprinKah

  1. 8 hours ago, Vyrndragon said:

    I've actually been testing a lot with this since Monday as well, and, as far as I can tell, there's no rhyme or reason to this. It's just madness. Since my current internet is too slow for pictures (and I have a lot...), I'll just post the results.

    Different power strengths (so far I've tried at least 4 different strengths) and different amounts of added elemental damage (IPS is unaffected, it seems) all give different results, but I haven't been able to determine anything more specific that that.

    Effects observed: severely reduced damage (even dealt some gray 0's), severely increased damage (50x+ intended values), negative damage values, and removal of certain procs (confirmed at least Corrosive and Gas in multiple tests). These results happened seemingly randomly and were caused by tweaking power strength and mods.

    I just finished testing a little bit with Lanka, and here is what I saw.

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    For all the tests, I used a 349% power strength Chroma and used Point Strike (crits for increased visibility), Shred, and Speed Trigger on all Lanka builds (to speed it up a little, obviously). I specifically used Corrosive damage on an Infested Charger because it's a neutral damage type with a proc that did nothing.

    With +105% Corrosive damage, I dealt 0 damage at 533% fury and 108706 damage at 710% (max) fury.

    With +90% Toxin damage and +75% Toxin damage, I dealt 0 damage at both fury levels.

    With +60% Toxin damage, I dealt 47831 damage at 533% fury and 0 damage at 710% fury.

    With +45% Toxin damage, I dealt 43351 damage at 533% fury and 68979 damage at 710% fury.

    What could be happening is that, at certain points (where I dealt 0 damage), the Corrosive damage was completely removed, as happens with other weapons. I'll try again with Magnetic later on tonight.


    Edit: It might be revolving around Toxin-based elements. We've seen it with Gas and Corrosive, and others have mentioned Viral. Like I said, I'll test with Magnetic when I can.

    Edit #2: I just tested with a Magnetic Lanka, and the results were identical to the Corrosive Lanka test. I guess it's not just Toxin-based elements.

    Edit #3: The video from when I first started testing finally finished uploading. With 710% Fury and a riven that added Heat damage, I saw no Gas procs. With 710% Fury but no riven, I did see Gas procs. Do we need any more evidence, or is it just beating a dead horse at this point lol

    Edit #4: It's also worth mentioning that, prior to U20, Vex Armor was already bugged. Elemental damage from mods wasn't scaling as expected, and total damage was less than anticipated against enemies but far greater than intended against Objects.


    I only saw Slash, Puncture and Impact damage procs when I used Kohm...so yeah...

  2. 16 hours ago, WhiteDragon_RU_ said:



    Still no fix for Hema problem.
    Still no fix for Prod Crewmen stop spawning after lvl 16.
    Still no fix for The Silver Grove apothic imprints miss from codex.

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    Still no help for my friends.




    heh, I wouldn't mind having prod crewmen spawning after lvl 15, they do need a sort of melee unit.

  3. I was playing Simulacrum, testing out stuff

    I got my Kohm, built for Corrosive+ Blast.

    Before, it constatnly knocks enemies down and strips armor pretty quick, green aura as evidence.

    But I think after hotfix 20.0.4, When I used Vex Armor + Elemental Ward to test the Kohm out on a group of level 115 corrupt gunners and bombards....I think it only proc'd blast and corrosive in the first few shots like...5-6 or so then it stopped. Enemies didn't get knocked down, no green corrosive aura on them, only other physical damage types were proc'd (slash, puncture, impact)


    This also applies to my Harpak which should proc corrosive also but no green aura, also accompanied with Vex Armor and Ele Ward.


    I don't know if it's because of Vex Armor or Elemental Ward or both but I was not able to proc any elementals on enemies.

    The Hind which coincidentally, recently got a sound revamp....it was not affected by the vex armor elemental ward synergy...in fact, I think it performed way better than before for some reason.

    Also, I don't know if this is a lasting bug but yes. It happened.


  4. Bugs:

    - Dok Thul uses Durhnam's abilities (flashbang, switch teleport) instead of his support abilities in Rathumm 4.

    - Zura supposedly patched, supposed to use Ripkas for close combat. 


    I got a few problems with DE's current state towards the Rathuum and Index is that I think they basically left the 2 game modes to rot

    I think both have REALLY GREAT potentials, introducing characters into the game, making the universe feels alot more alive.


    I don't know about you but the latest Index broker team that DE added into the Index was quite a clear indication that they didn't exactly care that much....I mean, a team of 4 and 3 of them are practicallly the same broker with different cosmetics and appearances...It's quite a shame...

    I'd really like to see new Rathuum Executioners added into the game mode


    Maybe some changes to Zura as well because she needs something that differentiates her from normal Heyaka Masters. Maybe a bit of damage boost would be nice or some cool mechanics.

    I know DE has been working on other contents but we need some love for Rathuum, some of us really enjoy the little stories behind these characters.

  5. 8 hours ago, Trichouette said:

    I noticed this and it's really odd. All discs suddenly drop when hitting an enemy.

    I think the devs meant "shots that are homing to a beacon will get 50% bonus crit chance" which means 50% flat, not 50% affected by mods.

    I could be wrong though.


    ok nvm yeah....beacon only adds 50% more crti chance, not a base crit chance of 50%...

    I suppose that'd be a bit OP.

  6. 2 hours ago, Azamagon said:

    The problem with the Hind "buff" is manyfold:

    * The base stats were not touched, even though it could've gotten some tiny buffs at least.
    * The alternate fire is exactly like the Stradavar, except not as a toggle. And using immediately firing secondary fire on a precision based shot is ... not good. At all.
    * Alt fire's rate of fire is REALLY slow.
    * The alt fire's sound is ... incomplete? I mean seriously, it's the silliiest firing thing I've heard in a while. It sounds like you are trying to fire a weapon when the mag is empty. It HAS to be a broken sound. Even the Attica, which has a very quiet/calm firing sound (fitting for a crossbow), has WAY more oomph than the Hind's altfire.


    honestly, I didn't what I was expecting....I suppose I kinda hoped that they would at least bring the base status chance to like 15%

    that would make A BIG DIFFERENCE.

  7. 1 hour ago, taiiat said:

    outside of anything in particular... making custom Keybinds that are comfortable for you is..... problematic and annoying?
    that's nonsense - one would say that using Keybinds that aren't setup to be comfortable for you, is problematic and annoying. that's why games have adjustable Keybinds...


    but having the capability for both is ideal.
    which uh, could be handled with tapping Alt Fire for one type of functionality, and holding for another type. one switches modes, the other uses it instantly - that allows both types of functionality at once.
    being consistent goes both ways - either switching modes or using instantly would be consistent if they were all the same. so all that is left, is preferences on what one prefers.

    whether it be switching modes (presumably for slower paced play?) or using instantly (for very high paced play).


    as well as adding Semi-Auto to a Burst Weapon? basically two modes of almost identical things... rather a bunk feature because of that.


    man, i ain't going to like...aim with m2 and then press like...x or c or something to fire....it ruins the pace of the game for me a bit...that being said, it's a way to do it but I tell you, i don't think any fps game is supposed to play like that....as far as I know. like a gun with grenade launcher, you want to switch mode, games can either make you hit like a word button on the keyboard or the M3 scroll button to do it then you shoot using m1...yeah

  8. Miter:

    - Still no crit chance and crit dmg multiplier (supposedly buffed to 10% and 2.0x )

    - No more punch through on fully charge shots!? It used to have innate punch through on charge shots.


    Mutalist Quanta:

    - It's said that shooting through the enlarged infested bubble will give it more stats...we don't know what they are because I don't think the extra buff stats are implemented.



    - Beacon supposedly makes shots have 59% crit chance. Point Strik added, no red crit at all ( it would bring the crit chance to 125% and yes...I tested it a lot)



    - Of course, we saw these nerfs a mile away ( I honestly, I don't know about you but the damage on Tonkor has never been THAT powerful in my opinion, crit don't really shine in high level armor, status ain't TOO big so yeah ) But you know....I think it'd make it quite a bit better for the people to adapt to the nerfs if

    + The arc laser is a lot more visible and charge speed for that to come up a lot faster

    + Lower the self-damage RANGE down a little bit more? cause you know...grenades bounce everywhere and it's quite hard to hit enemies from a far, at least make it...close-combat potential....I find the self-dmg AoE is a bit too much for Tonkor.

    + Grenades don't arc too much?


    but honestly, I find the new tonkor quite fun, despite being a little weaker, really love the bounceness nerf and all that



  9. 10 hours ago, Deatherage_ said:

    I love the changes to the Hind, the extra damage in the semi auto mode really does show but with the semi auto fire mode locked to the alt fire key makes it feel clunky to use. Could it be possible to have the alt fire button let the Hind swap between its firing modes like how the Zarr is set up?


    despite that, I think they should give the secondary fire mode SOUND a bit more....PUNCH....it curently sounds so wimpy...

  10. Hind secondary fire mode, semi-auto with better stats

    Personally I think it's fine.

    The ONLY thing I have to complain about though is the fact that it doesn't have the mode-switch like the Zarr


    I got an AWFUL mouse with a REALLY STIFF M3 Scroll button....it's really annoying to have to gather my strength everytime to push that button to shoot 1 bullet.


    I don't know if the Stradavar has the same problem but I don't think so.

    So yeah, mode-switch like Zarr...pleaase DE, add that little thing that counts!


    Also, the secondary mode firing sound is really....weak and wimpy, I was expecting something with ALOT MORE PUNCH. I know it doesn't matter much but yes.

  11. Ok i tested the javlok and ferrox, compared them, gave them pretty much the same build. Crit standalone still suffers quite a lot, it sometimes deal a huge amount of dmg but it fluctuates a lot, it goes the same for the javlok, if you get 3 or 4 corrosive procs on an enemy ( lvl 115 corrupt gunner and bombard), the damage also fluctuates but you can take all of their health away in one shot which i have tested and the fwrrox cant seem to be able to do it, ferrox seems to be consistent with smg tho.

    It took less ammo to kill a group of 4 corrupt bombards and 4 gunners at level 115 with the javlok, sometimes less, sometimes slightly more, even with the innate punch thru from ferrox. I suppose the javlok aoe buff was really useful! Cc and proc corrosive in an aoe

    Although javlok does have this bug which the thrown attack phases right through enemies, not deal the 300 dmg but instead the 150 aoe dmg...., it doesnt stick onto enemies and explode.

  12. 1 hour ago, Jeoxz said:

    This is my timeline and the trailer kinda helped on it:

    1. Orokins have Valkyr prime, but they are scared/cautious, at least Ballas, so they torture her and those are all the golden bits she has(Also the "ceremonial bonds"I wouldn't be surprised the Orokins called torture a ceremony).

    2. Tenno kill the Orokin, them and Lotus heal valkyr --> Gersemi is born. They all go to sleep.

    3. They wake up. Alad V captures and tortures Valkyr, which reminds her of the Orokin torture, that's why it affects her so much. Normal Valkyr is born, we only find her blueprints because we only take them from Alad V.


    I agree with you on most part but I don't know about the healing part

    plus, I don't think all that shimmering gold and white would turn into blue or something.

    There must be like....Valkyr Gersemi Prime but we'll never see it.

  13. 3 hours ago, (Xbox One)FCastle74 said:

    Except Valkyr Prime wasn't tortured her wiki states "A proud fighter emerges unscarred by time or malice"

    Well Ballas said that she was tortured....so yeah, they probably developed the lore as they go I guess

    I don't know, I think Ballas was referring to Valkyr Prime or something....

    "Cursed and Hunted, Trapped and Tortured, yet they remained ANIMALS"


  14. 1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

    To this day I don't get what her story line is. Was she a tortured Warframe? When was she tortured? Before the Tenno went to sleep? Is Alad V that old? If it was after they woke up.... Why do we get tortured Valkyr BPs? Shouldn't the tortured Valkyr be unique?

    The prime lore just makes it even more disjointed. 

    Is there anyone out there that had tried to put all these pieces together to make a coherent narrative? Just wondering... Even if it's head cannon, I'dl like to hear it.


    I have a pretty convincing theory to share with you.


    From what I got from the Valkyr Prime video, it's likely that Valkyr...was never meant to well...exist or something like that.

    Ballas said a lot of bad stuff about how Valkyr is, rageful, anger, etc....unstable, animal....that's Valkyr in general right? Maybe Ballas and the Orokin FEAR that Valkyr with such traits like that might get out of control and maybe one day...destroy them all.


    This part is just...I thought of. Gersemi skin was described to be the PRE-CORPUS Valkyr. Maybe there was a PRIME GERSEMI Valkyr. I'll explain on this.


    Because of how the Orokin and Ballas feared that Valkyr Prime would get out of control, they captured Valkyr Prime (which primes are to be described as the FIRST and original models or so, maybe the non-prime are just....mass-produced ones for war.), maybe there was only ONE Valkyr Prime, maybe there were many I don't know but they captured her, did experiments and tortured her and all that ( Explains the whole Orokin Hand Harnesses and Cordella Prime, and all the weird golden spikes and thingies stuck on her. )


    And now, to explain why the CORPUS VALKYR is the same, let's say the CORPUS, as we all know are the WORSHIPPERS of the Orokin, followed that same idea that Valkyr were too....dangerous. Captured Gersemi Valkyr and did experiments and all the stuff like the Orokin did...like the Orokin did but you know...in their version.


    So yeah, maybe BOTH Prime and non-prime Valkyr were tortured, maybe they WERE once a thing but the Orokin feared them so they became like that, with the tortured looks. That's probably why the name "VALKYR" was never said or mentioned by Ballas, it's because maybe there NEVER WAS a name for Valkyr, maybe the name Valkyr was made up by the Tenno or something or maybe the name DID exist but the Orokin simply didn't want it so.

    Purely speculations really, but I find it very convincing to say the least.

  15. On 3/16/2017 at 5:15 PM, Zardbooster said:

    I personally feel like the Ferrox is the superior for the primary fire though the secondary fire is 2 different bag entirely. One is a nuke and the other is a tether, those 2 have vastly different uses.

    Honestly I feel that a good complementary side arm (and a good boost in secondary fire damage) is all the Javlok really need to be better, the thing is though, there is no utility based secondary or at least no weapon with focus on cc in the secondaries' roster to help out the Javlok. That - I feel - makes the biggest difference between the two, the utility the Ferrox add while the it's on the ground compliments quite a few side-arms, where as the nuke based nature of the Javlok leaves very little to do with you side-arm once you throw the Javlok.

    Also Ferrox has innate punch through, just felt like a good thing to take note of.


    I suppose we also have to take into account that the Javlok is a status weapon.

    Ferrox can hit multiple enemies for sure but despite that, it kinda lacks....crowd control a bit

    Javlok can be built for Corrosive and Heat which can be very useful to halt enemies in place for a bit, plus the AoE from the primary mode helps with inflicting the heat proc collaterally.


  16. 21 hours ago, 0meg4x said:

    Javlok all the way!

     I love this weapon to death, literally, it can one shot my 1,785 armor Valkyr.

     Javlok + Ember is insanely powerful, if you know what I mean xD.

     With the damage my Javlok deals in an AoE with it's Alt-fire, you'll see me THOR it around just for fun lol.


     This weapon brings a whole new type of gameplay to the table which is dynamic and really fun when you know those 2 or 3 tricks, so I just couldn't wait for the Ferrox research... Oh dissapointment...


     These two weapons are from different worlds, they just look similar.


     If only Ferrox's Primary shot mechanic wasn't so weird and awkward (Opticor with 300% fire rate). No wonder why it has so much damage, plus the Alt-Fire doesn't do nearly as much damage and that's Okay, it's just the damage and status tick interval is way too long, it would be awesome if it was like the Zenistar's disc by default (no fire rate equipped on Ferrox).


     Ferrox Alt-fire's only purpose is CC but you are most likely still getting shot.

     Hey! Ferrox is actually really good against infested... Just don't you dare run Ferrox without Secondary/Melee weapon, it's like halloween nightmare all over again.

    Hot damn

  17. On 11/3/2017 at 9:54 PM, The_Splentforcer said:

    status matters in late game, but i need to acquire the ferrox to compare wth my javlok, (still need to roll some rivens too) 

    i will do tests with rivens when i have the time for it, and i will let you guys know


    whatever the case i prefer the javlok, because of the concept and the kind of steampunk and "rude" aspect of it; i like it !


    do not forget that javlok nows have some sweet little AoE on primary shots, + the hit box is larger , making headshots easier and procking on ennemies packed together

    Yeah i noticee too...there was a bug that removed that aoe thing so it sorta underperformed for a while, now they fized it and it's a lot bettwr

  18. 1 hour ago, LazerSkink said:

    It doesn't though. The primary fire is really deceiving, only giving off the appearance of a wide AoE projectile, but in actuality being single target. It also has a range cap while Ferrox doesn't.

    No AoE, but Ferrox has innate punch through on its primary fire, still making it superior to Javlok's outside of Status.

    You said it yourself; "fairly". With a mediocre magazine and painfully slow reload, I personally don't find the fire rate of all things to compensate those (given you're likely going to be emptying the magazine faster and facing the reload frequently) or any of the Javlok's flaws. But this is just me though.


    recently DE DID add a 1.20 m or something AoE on the Primary attack....but deals only 50 damage though.

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