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Posts posted by SprinKah

  1. Just now, Fylas said:

    you mean the simulacrum?

    Simulacrum too limited, can only spawn 20 enemies

    the terrain is boring too...plus you can't really direct specific enemies from specific factions to make it cool.


    and yes, I know, Simulacrum is the closest thing we have currently to that...but we need more!

  2. 5 hours ago, D20 said:

    You are totally ignoring the advantages of Javlok over Ferrox tho.

    • Much faster charge speed and fire rate, making it actually more suited for short ranged combat.
    • Detonation on throw will instantly deal damage, while Ferrox takes its time. A Javlok throw will likely kill everything around instantly, leaving the way free for you to pick up your Javlok back. Unless you misfire of course.
    • Much higher status chance and innate fire damage, making the Javlok an actually pretty potent weapon with a gas build thanks to its fairly high base damage. If you don't like gas, it's okay, you can do something else with that status chance, like radiation and blast who are two very useful kind of procs.

    I don't think Ferrox outshines that much the Javlok. At least not yet. If Ferrox gets a few QoL buffs (and I am sure it will, because it's pretty clunky), Javlok might deserve a few more buffs as well.


    ok yeah...you got me there

    I got into some research and found that the Ferrox's thrown secondary fire mode isn't exactly THAT great.

    I initially thought that the Ferrox's secondary fire mode would deal damage a lot faster than what it actually does.


    Despite that...the Ferrox's primary fire mode is still quite dominant to the Javlok....well...in some cases...

    Oh and I tried it with gas...sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, works great with Chroma I tell you that, or any damage-increasing warframe for that matter.

    don't know if I got anything else to say...hmm...yeah, All in all, I still think the Javlok still needs a little bit of buffs...I guess.


  3. 1 minute ago, Vademar306 said:

    I prefer the zarr or twin rogga. I rly tried hard to like spear guns but sighhhh

    like I said, practicality

    I understand where you're coming from I mean...imagine a swat team or so, going to assualt a house of terrorists

    I mean, surely they'd all be equipped with an assualt rifle or shotgun or something, not some long &#! javelin with explosive head :/

  4. 1 hour ago, Vademar306 said:

    I dont know how to feel right now. On one hand i want to throw away my javlok due to how crap the alt fire is but i invested all the forma and rivens in it. It just doesnt do well however hard i try modding it since heavy c is rly not viable for it which limits its dps alot. Now theres ferrox which on 1 hand im rly greatful for, finally a usable spear gun, yet on the other hand puttibg in all the forma and getting the ultimate riven for it is rly offputting but i guess this is warframe.


    do not use heavy caliber

    honestly, I build mine for COrrosive and Heat and it works pretty well. just split, serration, point strike, vital, 2-3 60% ele status mods and 1 90% ele.

    it's a pretty straight forward weapon to be honest...

  5. 3 minutes ago, Oranji said:

    Tbh I'd be okay if they just give Javlok a ticking blast or knockdown proc while on the ground with a fixed duration.
    Kinda like getting hit by Hydroid's Barrage albeit the blast effect is emitted by the weapon itself.

    I thought of DOT within radius but that'd be like Zenistar which I prefer to be unique on it's own.


    yeah I'll give you that...maybe like a Blast Proc Ground Rumble or whatever something like that'd be nice, knocking enemies down...you knwo that SOund Quake part that I mentioned...would be nice.

  6. 13 minutes ago, LazerSkink said:

    I agree with this completely. Using the Ferrox at first go, the following thing to immediately come into my head was, "This is superior to Javlok in every way". Minus the status chance and secondary fire as you mentioned, Ferrox has every advantage over Javlok.

    Also, I feel it's worth mentioning that Javlok's primary has both slow flight speed and a range cap, while Ferrox is what seems to be hitscan (visual projectile doesn't seem to have any effect outside of simply being visual) and doesn't have any projectile limit whatsoever. 


    it is HITSCAN!? well...that's certainly very decieving...

  7. 5 minutes ago, Ker-Blammo said:

    Yes but in comparison, the ferrox will need a lot more than it can dish to 3 shot a 145 corrupted gunner. Now its probably wrong using something with such high armor as a test subject, but its probably the most common enemy that wipes squads in high levels. Imo, i dont think crit alone can do the 80k corro damage at that level my javlok is doing. I know the ferrox just came out, and i havent done much more than formaing it twice, but i dont think it has quite the potential.


    I do love the CC from the statuses from the Javlok...

    but I honestly don't know if the damage from it can....par with the Ferrox's....I mean I know crits fall flat in high levels like 100-145 or something but I don't know...the Euphona does well enough....

    also, I suppose the status part really lies on the Secondary Thrown fire of it....


    Despite it all...the Javlok secondary fire still sucks major balls....it's risky, slow, boring and doesn't do a whole lot....you know...

  8. 2 minutes ago, Momaw said:

    The Ferrox is literally competing neck and neck with the Lanka for damage output. If you can't kill something with that much firepower, the Javlok's 1 status proc per second isn't gonna do anything.

    IMO...   As fun as the Javlok is to use, Ferrox completely replaces it.


    it is true...it just lacks....creativity honestly...

  9. 2 minutes ago, Ker-Blammo said:

    Javlok is status/crit while ferrox is just straight crit. Javlok will be better for higher levels, but the ferrox can probably handle itself through quite a bit. 

    The secondary fire of FEROX deals 150 pure Electrical DoT

    10% status is quite decent for that, you can build for like...Corrosive and Heat or so, getting the status chance to like...55%

    it'll deal damage and proc elementals in an AoE for the entire time it's impaled on the ground, while tethering enemies around, halving their ability to move around...

    Gradual armor-stripping, Heat causing them to panic....pretty decent crowd control if you ask me.


    Also I know, I'd prefer status anytime but look at the Euphona Prime....300 damage + 30% crit chance and 2.5x crit multipler

    The FERROX has like 350 damage and the same crit stats....and you know how the Euphona Prime is, it's quite a wrecking ball. It also only has 2% status...


    so yeah, believe me when I say I'd prefer status over crit anyday...but the damage the FERROX is able to deliver is not to be...ignored. Plus 10 rounds/clip and faster reload speed...

  10. I know people love their powerful and easy-way-out weapons, make going through missions a lot faster and stuff.

    With that said though, Ferrox isn't exactly an easy-way-out weapon nor the MOST powerful...it's one heck of a powerful, interesting support weapon though.

    But I'm not here to compare it to other weapons like Tigris Prime or anything....but to the Javlok.


    From the title, you may ask why I gave Ferrox the nickname "The Hoarder" and Javlok "The Average Joe"

    It is because the Ferrox in comparison to the Javlok....seems like it basically hoarded up all of the....interesting and unique mechanics in store, leaving the Javlok with the inferior goods. 


    Being "Thrown" Spearguns/Javelins, I expected really unique traits and mechanics, specifically directed to their THROWN secondary fire. I will now compare the Secondary fire mode of each weapons. and maybe some other pros and cons.




    - Secondary fire doesn't kill you

    - Good crowd-control, tether enemies in an AoE

    - Deals Pure Electrical damage over time, which is quite good with the low 10% status, able to proc the respective elementals every status proc.

    - 150 Elec DoT for the duration of Ferrox stuck on the ground.

    - When stuck on the ground, FERROX actually does something to help out.




    - Secondary fire can annihilate you if you're close to it.

    - Not good crowd-control, knocking down SINGLE target, staggering nearby enemies ( which last like 1 second )

    - Doesn't do anything else after thrown...has to be picked up again to be able to throw again

    - Secondary fire deals SLIGHTLY higher damage than Primary damage ( like 50 more damage, which isn't a lot ), which isn't even as high as a single primary FERROX shot...

    - When stuck on the ground, JAVLOK is considered useless.


    Other diddlies:

    - FERROX's damage, crit chance, crit damage SIGNIFICANTLY higher than Javlok's, again, even higher than Javlok's SECONDARY FIRE

    - FERROX has more magazine size, faster reload speed.


    - FERROX fires slightly slower but DPS is still higher

    - FERROX's status chance isn't really useful on Primary fire, but again, on Thrown Secondary fire, it is decently good.


    What am I suggesting? I'm not asking for a FERROX nerf, that'd not be good....but a JAVLOK BUFF.


    Some of my suggestions, from others and me:


    - Simply giving the Javlok's secondary thrown fire mode significantly more damage....maybe like 500 more or so, Able to knock every enemy down in an AoE

    - Emits Heat wave, procing elementals, dealing DoT in an AoE for the duration of it getting stuck on the ground. Something similar to FERROX's

    - When thrown, Javlok will drill into the ground, emitting a Sound Quake-esque effect, constantly knocking back enemies coming close to it, dealing damage.



    -After further research, I found that the Ferrox's secondary fire mode isn't as useful as I initially thought of it.

    The damaging rate isn't exactly as fast as I thought...like it isn around 1 damage burst per 5 seconds or something...so I suppose what I said about it being quite a good status weapon with the secondary thrown fire mode is faulty. Sorry.


    I still hold to the fact that I think Javlok still needs some buffs...Something to make it a little more...interesting. I don't know what, maybe one of the suggestions that I listed above would be great...yeah.

    so that's that.


  11. 1 minute ago, PsiWarp said:

    I kinda want Javlok to have a direct opposite effect from Ferrox (Grinner vs Corpus feud even in their tech). Make a thrown Javlok a hydraulic drill that emits a Sound Quake-esque effect, constantly knocking back enemies coming close to it.


    Oh my...that'd be AWESOME!


    or something simple like emits a heat wave procing elementals or something like that...just SOMETHING to make it at least a good support weapon....without killing yourself too much...

  12. 5 hours ago, GreyDemon said:

    The javlok seems to have a great secondary throw while the ferrox's is lacking while the ferrox has a good primary damage while the javlocks is average. I think they have different focuses.


    it really doesn't...the Javlok secondary throw is able to kill you, it's slow and sometimes quite problematic to pull off, it deals like...30 more damage or so than the primary damage in a NOT-SO-IMPRESSIVE AoE.....and doesn't do much other than stagger nearby or knocking down A SINGLE enemy....also, it doesn't really come great in end-games like level 90-100 or so, if you throw one at the enemies, they'll stagger for like a second and maybe take out....1/4 of theri health bar then you'll have to come closer and take the thing and risk dying from their gunshots upclose.


    The Ferrox HOWEVER...the thrown mecahnic despite having only 10% status....it doesn deal PURE ELEC damage which is quite good for statuses, you can maybe get to like 40% status, building for COrrosive+Heat or so, a bit of CC and damage (150 damage is pretty damn good, considering it has gradual armor-stripping corrosive procs ).

    It can also TETHER enemies which is way better than staggering enemies for a second or so....


    so yes...the Javlok's thrown mechanic is quite broing, risky and isn't really THAT effective and practical, not every good CC also...

    let's not forget the fact that the Ferrox has higher crits, higher damage, higher magazine size and faster reload speed. the 10% status is quite bad but I mean....with its high damaging crits, I don't know if that'd mean anything at all...I do prefer status over crit but you get what I mean...

  13. The title might sound a bit....cryptic sorry about that.

    Back to the topic at hand. To start off.... FERROX just got released, woo!


    Personally speaking, I'm not a fan of the FERROX, aesthetic-wise. I don't exactly like cubes and blocks stuck together llke that...it doesn't look TOO bad but yeah, not my taste, i can see why people like its look though.

    Maybe more because of its unique secondary mechanic.


    You know...I really do not want to sound like a whiny jerk, but the more I think about it, it just feels like a really damn shame.

    What am I talking about? I'm talking about how the Ferrox's thrown mechanic is 100 times more interesting than what the Javlok offers.


    Ferrox's thrown mechanic tethers enemies together, dealing 150 damage PURE ELECTRICITY damage with the original crit stats. 10% status is pretty good with alll that. Why? Hear me out, without the other physical damage types (Slash, puncture and Impact ), if you build it for Corrosive and an additional elemental, it will only proc those elementals which can be quite efficiently good for CC and armor-stripping.

    And what did Javlok get? A barely higher damaging mini-explosion that can kill you in one throw....worse DPS than the Primary fire.


    But to give it the benefit of the doubt, I haven't tested it yet but I do believe that's how the Ferrox would work, I suppose it does have some downsides...like the low fire-rate and charge speed, low status (which is pretty ok when it comes to the secondary fire )...which the cons aren't nearly enough to compensate for the pros, crit stats and the damage are so good it makes me wonder if the not-too-low-status chance means ANYTHING at all, it also has 10 ammo/clip and lower reload speed...which yeah...it's quite an overkill if you ask me.


    Honestly I expected the damage from the secondary fire to be worse than Javlok to compensate for that really good thrown mechanic, that'd make the thing a lot more...balanced out, compared to the Javlok.

    If you think about it, it really isn't fair for the Javlok, damn thing is quite boring atm. I really do love the way it looks so it's quite irritating the more I think about it, for me at least.

  14. Faction: GRINEER

    Grip Type: Heavy Melee.


    Brief Description:


    - Charge Attack works something like a whip, A saw blade attached with cable will be launched out, hitting enemies, has very good range.

    - Normal attacks are quite slow and doesn't have very good range. But after a successful charge attack, RUNGA will transform, adding more attack speed, damage, status chance to itself a period of time ( 5-10 seconds or so ), this goes for charge attack as well. Buffs are open to be discussed.

    - RUNGA relies quite a lot on Charge Attacks to reach its true potential. So maybe, Charge speed should b faster than other heavy melees'.

    - Charge attacks deal more damage than other melees.

    - Deals mostly SLASH damage and more IMPACT than PUNCTURE.

    - Further mechanics and stats may be discussed.

    Original Artwork:



  15. 24 minutes ago, Jeoxz said:

    Aw yiss! Haha this mission just became my favorite, you rescue grineer, it's pretty cool and you can RP. Sargas is the icing on the cake, sending manics and boycotting the mission, from another planet! Makes the universe feel alive. I hope the mode remains a constant like the index



  16. 56 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

    In small doses this type of mission wouldn't be too bad but this event has basically turned it a grind fest if we want to get the ignis wraith due to the scores only recording the best results of players so we can't spread the event over every day to get the clan totals. 

    I can't say it's dynamic when you're just going 'point a to point b' over and over again.


    i don't know what much else do you expect...

  17. From the title you guys probably already know.

    Now, to start off, the gamemode in my opinion, it's quite alright, I know it's a bit repetitive...


    ...UNTIL SARGAS RUK APPEARS! Man I tell you I got SUPER HYPED when his transmission appears, sending in Manics, jeopardizing your mission ( I actually got pounced by one of the Manics, he killed me and it felt GOOD! )

    Now I know, for a vet such as me and others, 1-2 manics occasionally really means nothing at all but it makes the whole mission A LOT MORE INTERESTING!


    Also, did I mention SARGAS RUK? He returns once again, my favorite grineer dude <3. It makes me really happy that they're bringing back some characters and such, it just goes to show that that would not be the end of it...

    Imagine, Lech Kril, Tyl Regor, etc... comign back, having a role in the whole universe, doing all sorts of stuff <3!! It's wonderful!

    Also, Grineer defectors, the Kavor...I LOVE THEM TOO, they're freakin grineer and that's all I need! Grineer grineer grineer ( yes I'm a grineer fanatic )


    As for the whole gamemode again, I have fun with it, Again it can get a bit repetitive but I honestly don't know what more DE can do about it to make it more interesting in the LONG RUN....but you know, it's good enough in my book!

    Honestly, this whole Operation has been one of my favorites. In my eyes that is! What do you guys think? Did you guys also get SUPER HYPED when Sargas Ruk appear? Taking some of his inititive to sabotage our mission? It's awesome!

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