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Posts posted by SprinKah

  1. Well i honestly want DE to just remove the shield gate thing on the Corpus. 

    One thing is that it really doesn't do that much, and another is that it kinda destroys one of my favorite thing to do in Warframe...and that is simulating mock battles between the Corpus and Grineer, it was quite balanced before but now everything's so one-sided for the Corpus, no enemy NPC can shoot through their constant-regen shield.

    And tbh, with the Grineer's armor scaling reduced, I feel the Corpus is now much much more annoying and sorta a little more tanky to fight against. Corpus has all these utility enemies that really tamper with the pace of the game such as Nullifiers, Bursas and Scrambuses/Combas. The damn Ratels too with their electricity procs now does damage over time. plus the shield osprey can pretty much give corpus units immediate shield gating and shield regen so I don't think the Corpus needs the whole constant shield regen at least. 

    Corpus wasn't really as weak as we all made them out to be before though, let's be honest. Their shield can scale pretty aggressively the higher the levels, a lot of times I find myself having to rely on slash or gas to kill them in like Sorties or something, before the update. Plus Corpus deals a heck a lot more damage than most Grineer units, they shred warframes a lot faster than Grineer. I think it was a good case of damage over durability for the Corpus and I honestly would have preferred it that way.

    Now Corpus are just...Grineer with higher tech, more damage and more annoying. I'd really prefer if the Corpus and Grineer are in lined with each other. Honestly, again, I'm okay with SOME shield-gate for the Corpus, it'd be superb if DE could just remove the constant shield-regen part, they can keep the shield gate part that stops lethal damage. 

    Tried testing in the Simulcrum, spawned some Grineer Hevay Gunners and Bombards and Corpus Techs. Techs and Heavy Gunners have quite similar time to kill, Bombards took one extra shot to kill though but let's not forget Corpus has Shield Ospreys, and Techs, they spawn them. 


  2. Just now, Marine027 said:

    It should be a option for grenade launcher, rocket launcher, etc i say, as proc itself it make sense now due if you use it on lets say a sniper, it is annoying to knock them down because you missed the head or so only not be able to aim on the head again now.

    I find it more annyoing how often it happens on impact now, due every weapon almost ahs impact but that seems to proc the most time.

    I suppose but you won't really be building it on snipers most of the time, I mean, I wouldn't really say that the Kuva Chakkhurr a real sniper but I suppose it can be annoying occasionally. Though with how slow the thing shoots I think it's fair enough, the enemies may be able to recover back up just in time for another shot.

    As for Impact, I'm glad DE is planning on removing knockdown on it as a whole. But it'd be more fitting if iImpact does what Blast does right now and Blast does what Impact does right now. 


    3 minutes ago, kapn655321 said:

    There is a megathread for status change feedback. I also agree... but they won't see it here.

    ah I see, I tried to find it but I did not see any megathread of the sort 😕

  3. I understand that not a whole lot of people like knocking down and stunning enemies because of how annoying it is to kill with them

    But we should still have it as an option in our loadout.

    Blast before the status changes wasn't used very much as a manual combo, but it was a good crowd control bonus that came with many weapons, especially launchers.

    Plus, it makes sense that Blast causes knock downs because...explosions.

    Make it so that 1 Blast proc = accuracy loss, 2 blast procs = accuracy loss and AoE knockdown. Or something similar.

    Without the knockdowns from Blast, many launcher weapons still do decent work but they feel rather underwhelming to use.

    • Like 5
  4. Perhaps you guys can consider removing Corpus's shield gating, or at least tone it down?

    I'm all for making every factions in lined with each other but with Grineer's armor scaling reduction, I don't think Corpus really needs shield gate anymore.

    At least perhaps remove the constant shield recharge on them. 

  5. 3 hours ago, Maugre said:

    May as well toss out heavy hitting slow-fire weapons unless you're great at rapidly hitting crowds of corpus with headshots.

    I should get one of their shields in real life, that way I can play in traffic and as long as my head isnt run over I'll be fine if a truck hits me


    But yeah, I always thought of Corpus as "utility" enemies more than tanks. Able to dish out damage and weird specific counters to us like nullifiers, bursas, combas and bosses that can hop all over the place was a nice compensation to their lesser survivability. Giving them this shield gate limits how we deal with them even more down to basically "use a fast full auto weapon". I like my slow, heavy hitters so much more, but there's not a lot of justification for using them against corpus since, while I can GET headshots, I'm not some pro widowmaker main that can land every single one, so it's either not worth it to bring them, or not worth it to run corpus missions.

    Of course, the problem is a bit less of a concern at higher levels, where you would barely even notice the shield gate trigger in the first place, but at that point there's no reason to have the gate anyway, since we wont really notice it.

    TL;DR shield gate enemies are tedious at low levels and pointless at high levels

    Agree with you there, the Grineer has always seemed to me to be quite...simple in their advances, just rockets and explodies. While Corpus has all these crazy tech and stuff and deal a lot of damage.

    Grineer is like the Orkz and the Corpus are like the Tau from 40K

    Corpus has always been very versatile in terms of damage dealing and while the Grineer does deal a fair amount of damage, they don't shred warframes like the Corpus do, but they made up with their durability. 

    Now that Armor scaling is reduced on the Grineer, I don't think giving Corpus shield gating to the is really necessary anymore.

    • Like 1
  6. My solution is 

    Just switch around Impact's effects and Blast's effects.

    While knockdowns and stuns are annoying I think we still should have a choice to either have them for our weapons or not.

    Blast's effects right now is USELESS, the accuracy reduction doesn't even work I believe.

    Plus it doesn't make sense that Blast makes enemies' accuracy less accurate and Impact knocks enemies down. Cause you know, Impact = Concussion, Blast = Explosions so I think it makes more sense if Impact makes enemies less accurate and Blast knocks enemies down.


    • Like 4
  7. While I'm fine with making the COrpus a little tougher and more in lined with the Grineer, I don't think Corpus should have a..."constant health replenishing" mechanic. namely, their shield. 

    The thing is, Corpus was already a tough faction to fight against, even before this whole shield gate thing. Of course the Grineer were tougher to take down most of the time but now that their armor scaling is reduced I don't think that's the case anymore. If anything, Grineer is easier to take down more than the Corpus because of how their HP works with armor, they're more vulnerable to a wider range of damage types and elemental combos. 

    Most Corpus enemies didn't take as long to kill, yes, but they made up for all that with their insane damage. Let's be honest, the Corpus deals a lot more damage than the Grineer. Like the enemies in Orb Vallis for example, plus they have a lot of annoying units as well, like the Nullifiers, Sapping Ospreys, Techs,etc...

    So yeah, I don't even think Corpus needs the full shield gate package thing anymore, if anything, at all, or just make their shield break stops lethal damage with 5% dmg spill over and that's it imo. The Corpus were and still are probably the most annoying faction to fight against, I think we can all agree on that. 

    Yknow, I wouldn't even mind if DE just removes the whole shield gate to them completely. With the dmg types and elementals reworks, plus the armor scaling reduction of the Grineer. I think they're pretty on par with each other in terms of how beefy they are now, even without the shield gate stuff. Corpus wasn't THAT weak. 

    Shield Ospreys already instantly grant Corpus shield and constant recharge already, thus giving Corpus immediate shield gating, I don't think we need to double down on it. 

    • Like 1
  8. 34 minutes ago, Braneman said:

    It's really a shame that actually knocking down enemies in this game is such a huge disadvantage and so undesirable, even before the changes to fire damage I was actively hunting weapons that could reach 100% status chance with just corrosive fire because it was generally better in almost every way.

    Well, in the end it depends on what you're going for, knocking down enemies is good CC but ofc, killing them is just better.

    But you know, knockdowns from Blast really helped with many weapons before this update, now Blast doesn't knockdown anymore instead goes straight to Impact which makes it even worse...

  9. Doing this will solve a lot of issues. Also it makes sense.

    When we think of BLAST, we think of explosions, knockdowns and such

    IMPACT is more about concussions and disorientations and such, so it makes sense that it would make enemies have reduced accuracy and such. 


    Also, because almost ALL weapons have impact in them, it is a pain to deal with the knockdowns that come with them, so switching Impact's effects with Blast's effects will give players options whether to have knockdowns on their weapons or not, they can use Blast for that, and not have to deal with the innate knockdowns that come with the IMPACT's status effects right now.

    And with the revised status effects, Blast, now reduces the accuracy of enemies, doesn't really work most of the time, not noticeable at least, that would fit in the lesser damage type like Impact, and while most players won't use Blast for most builds, Blast did have a pretty good roll before on various weapons and various builds like Explosive weapons, and now that Blast doesn't knock enemies down anymore, those weapons do kinda suffer a bit. 


    Basically, make:

    IMPACT - reduces target's accuracy each proc, multiple procs to stun target (3 impact procs for one stun effect?)

    BLAST - knockdowns single target, multiple procs to knockdown multiple targets in a vicinity, like old Blast (3 blast procs to knockdown targets around)

    I think this would fix all the issues with Impact's annoying effects right now, and bring back Blast's situation CC capabilities. 


    • Like 3
  10. 52 minutes ago, ProTerraMori said:

    I am a big fan of these changes. My main girl Mag feels durable enough now that I might even consider taking off Arcane Guardian. I'd love to see the addition of more mods that build on the shield gating mechanics - e.g. longer shield gate, shorter shield regen delay, etc.

    I also think the Corpus are in a good spot at the moment. The constant shield regeneration can be counteracted by building for magnetic, and they also feel nicely durable and less like tissue paper. I find myself actually targeting shield drones first! I used to just ignore them because they didn't really make a difference.

    In terms of Tenno shield gate, i think it's perfect right now for what it is, though I can't say for ALL warframes.

    As for CORPUS shield gate, I get what you meant, but I honestly think there's a better... best of both worlds, I really don't want the whole shield constant regen thing to stay because well....Personally...it ruined this one thing that I love to do in Warframe...RIP Simulacrum Grineer vs Corpus mock battles :((

    I'm sure there's a better way to make Corpus enemies more in lined with Grineer and to be honest with you, they already are, Grineer's armor scaling is reduced a lot now and honestly, they're not really the big bois anymore, I'd say a lot of Corpus enemies are more durable than them, even without the shield gate and constant shield regen (And the thing is this whole constant shield regen thing doesn't even apply to all Corpus enemies yet aka Terra Corpus enemies)

    I still think making Corpus shield stopping lethal damage and ONLY that, is the way to go, PERHAPS MAYBE brief invulnerability like Warframe could work but not as long, that would still make them potentially surviving more than 1 bullet to kill (depends on the weapon I guess). Because the whole constant shield regen thing can either do a lot or nothing at all, depends on the level. I think the whole constant shield regen can only be limited to Corpus Ospreys as support and that's good enough. 

    Overall, great update but this whole Corpus shield gate kinda left a bitter taste in my mouth, not for the...most conventional reasons. But I think with the change I suggested above could do good on that, best of both worlds, I believe so. 

  11. I'm gonna be honest, I've tested a bunch in Simulacrum. now that Grineer armor scaling is reduced, there's no need for Corpus shield gate anymore imo. Corpus does a heck lots more damage than most grineer enemies, and their shield counters a lot more elementals and damage types than Grineer pure armor.

    Plus, shield scales a lot more aggressively in higher levels, was and still is. 

    I think just giving them preventing lethal damage when their shield breaks and some invulnerability after like the Tenno shield gate is good enough to make them on par with the Grineer now. No need for the constant regeneration. 

    • Like 2
  12. Please consider tuning down Corpus side shield gating, Again I still thhink the whole constantly regenerating aspect of their shield gate should be removed, I think 1s or 0.5s invulnerability on shield break.

    Or just make their shield stops lethal damage is enough to balance them out with the Grineer, now that they got their armor scaling reduced. 

    I think the shield gate on Corpus doesn't affect Players vs Corpus TOO much, but when it comes to Corpus vs other AI NPCS, they're pretty much immortal at this point,, I sat through Corpus side invasion missions and honestly, they can just finish the whole thing themselves. Nothing can go through their shield.

    I think we can find the best of both worlds on that note. 

    • Like 2
  13. Been playing this update a lot and I love it but I found out that Viral is kinda busted. I think you guys should tune down the damage increase to health a bit. With the armor scaling nerf, Grineer enemies really do get affected by Viral damage increase to health a lot more. I feel like the Grineer got way too many counters now. 

    Also, I think Armor scaling reduction is nice,  And I think that's honestly enough to balance things out between the Corpus and Grineer. Corpus has never really been that weak really, their damage output to the Tenno is quite a bit higher honestly, I think it was a case of damage over durability. Please, I'd really love the update A LOT MORE if you guys just take away the CONSTANT SHIELD REGEN of the Corpus. Just make it so when their shield break they get some invulnerability like the Tenno, stopping lethal damage. 

    Literally they can just singlehandedly finish Invasion missions themselves, and survive fights between them and other NPCs easily. I don't really know if it's much a problem but honestly it just feels wrong 😞

    I got nothing on Tenno side of shield gating, in fact I love it! But I still think shield gating on the Corpus should be tuned down, Again, just make it so there's that invulnerability period of 1 second or so, stopping one-shotting when shield break, no constant regen. That's it. I just think that Corpus NPCs are pretty much immortal at this point when it comes to AI NPCs fighting each other. 

  14. 7 minutes ago, SordidDreams said:

    Yeah, it's yet more arbitrary exceptions. The game is already full of them, and it's grinding my gears. Don't even make me started on the armor situation. The counter to armor was corrosive, but DE countered that by making (mini)bosses immune to status. The players countered by using Shattering Impact, then DE countered by making those enemies immune to that too. Well then WTF is the point of armor and armor removal if precisely those enemies I need to strip the most are arbitrarily immune to every form of it?! <confused Jackie Chan face>

    dude has like 5 armor dude. 

  15. 7 minutes ago, Galuf said:

    - On corpus it is another story. Corpus was definitely not as weak as some people may imply. Some of them scale extremly well damage wise and in Fortuna there is a decent variety of annoying ones. Gas was already a very solid option against corpus and it will be even more pronouced right now. I don't know how low geared players will deal with them and I'm not sure if shield gating will introduce fun elements either when you had already things to deal with actively most of the time.

    Corpus before this update had their strong and weak points imo. Thhey werent as tanky as the Grineer but they made up with a lot of damage output, most Corpus eenemies can shred through many tanky warframes like butter. Plus, their more-durable units scale really well in later levels, I'm unsure if DE looked into it.

    Especially in Orb Vallis, the Terra enemies are really something. Now that shield gating is here it's just gonna be really #*!%ed to fight them, not all the times but you're gonna feel it. The shield regen will probably even out-heal your damage output sometimes, or you stop for a sec and all the dmg you put it regenerated back. 

    I like that they reduced the Grineer armor scaling but they added the Shield gating to Corpus, I thought it was just gonna stop lethal damage if you shoot them at any place except the head, but nope, I didn't expect the health regen. 

    • Like 1
  16. 1 minute ago, Nasair said:

    After testing a lvl 110 Tech in the simulator with Saryn, was it intentional to make so strong. Even with her 4 on and her 1 doing over 2K damage their shields regen so fast they almost never take health damage.


    I agree, please remove their constantly regenerating shield, honestly it's such a double edged sword, sometimes it feels right, sometimes it feels downright broken math. 

    I'd say the stopping lethal damage with thheir shield and a small invulnerability period is enough. 

    This also sorta affeects NPC interactions, Corpus just seems pretty much invincible when fought against other NPCs, especially in Invasions. 

    • Like 1
  17. I'm not just saying this because of the whole SImulacrum mock battle Grineer vs Corpus that I mentioned at first. This would make it so that AI NPCs would have a hard time all together against Corpus NPCS and every NPC with shield because generally, AI NPCs just don't have the same firepower we have, they don't deal in millions of damage. And the shield will just keep regenerating without end. 

    I tried going to Invasion and siding with the Corpus, with Grineer having higher level, my Corpus allies just mow through them like no tomorrow simply because the Grineer NPCs cannot get through a single one of the Corpus NPCs' shield. And tbh, if you spend enough time, you don't even need to do anything, just sit still and let the CORPUS NPCs handle everything because there's no going through their shield. 


    Plus CORPUS shield regenerates by % of their shield so at a certain level, it'd be impossible to bypass their shield, like it was tough enough in Orb Vallis fighting against Elite Terra enemies, now they're gonna constantly regenerate their shield, it's a bit broken.

  18. I have a problem with the Shield changes to the CORPUS.

    While I like that you guys are making the Corpus more in lined with Grineer in terms of....difficulty to kill. I really like that but it has ruined my absolute favorite thing to do in Warframe. And that is going to Simulacrum and spawning Grineer vs Corpus for mock battles.

    It used to be very balanced before the Shield changes to the Corpus. But now they regenerate their shield almost CONSTANTLY, that the Grineer units can't even bypass 1/5 of their shield. Making the fights rather one-side towards the Corpus.

    I know this isn't something that's core in Warframe and to be honest, I don't think the shield changes to the Corpus really does much of anything in terms of making them harder to kill. We mostly just shoot them in the head or use Gas in the end anyway.

    Personally, I think changing ONLY CORPUS's shield so that once you deplete their shield, they will have a period of invulnerability, very short, like 0.5 - 1 second. 

    This makes it so that the you can't just mow through them like butter anymore because let's be honest, the new shield-gating for the Corpus won't really change how easy it is to kill them, but this would make it so that they take a little longer to kill. And make it so that the whole Grineer vs Corpus is rather balanced. 


    I'm not just saying this because of the whole SImulacrum mock battle Grineer vs Corpus that I mentioned at first. This would make it so that AI NPCs would have a hard time all together against Corpus NPCS and every NPC with shield because generally, AI NPCs just don't have the same firepower we have, they don't deal in millions of damage. And the shield will just keep regenerating without end. 

    I tried going to Invasion and siding with the Corpus, with Grineer having higher level, my Corpus allies just mow through them like no tomorrow simply because the Grineer NPCs cannot get through a single one of the Corpus NPCs' shield. And tbh, if you spend enough time, you don't even need to do anything, just sit still and let the CORPUS NPCs handle everything because there's no going through their shield. 

    • Like 5
  19. I...like the shield gating change, but this has literally RUINED my favorite thing to do in Warframe. That is going to the SImulacrum and spawning Grineer and Corpus units to fight each other.

    Before this change, the fights were quite balanced because Corpus shield doesn't recharge constantly. Now it's so one-sided it kinda hurts because the Grineer units can't even bypass the Corpus shield to reach their health, and now tat Slash doesn't affect health with Shield anymore.

    I know this isn't what Warframe is really about but I've played this game for 3k5 hours now, and combat has become quite stale for me, so I turned to that, it has kept me in the game for this long because of the whole Grineer vs Corpus thing. I would spend hours just watching them shoot each other in a balanced fight in Simulacrum and see who will come on top. Now it's so one-side towards the Corpus there's nothing fun about it anymore. 

    Of course I do other things but just shooting mobs after mobs after mobs in missions ain't really that fulfilling anymore. 

    I wish there's someway that you guys can KEEP this Shield gating change but also make it so that the....Grineer vs Corpus simulacrum fights are well...balanced.

    Perhaps change some aspects of Corpus's shield gating and ONLY them, remove the whole CONSTANTLY RECHARGING SHIELD and just make it so that once their shield breaks, they have a small period of invulnerability like...1 second, or even 0.5 second.

    I really really think you guys should just remove the whole shield constantly recharging for them because tbh, it doesn't really do much for them because. Again, I think you guys should just add a small period of invulnerability for them after shield's gone. They can still recharge shield but maybe, NOT instantly. 

    I know this all sounds rather weird but honestly, despite the fact that shield gating is a good thing, it has rather...ruined the game a bit for me. 

    • Like 1
  20. 6 hours ago, keikogi said:

    Man you are on a roll , never tough I would want to see and fight a corpus mech but I think you nailed it. The desing fits somewhere in between the animalist ( rounded and streanlined plantes )desing of corpus proxies and thr boxy cost saving desing a corpus man used tools. 

    Seems like it can be used Both to for heavy duty building , mining and fighing. So it also fits on other tile sets like its repairing the outside of the ship. Tenho show up, it bust through a window and fights the tenho inside.

    thanks dude, that's my intention yeah :)))

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