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Posts posted by 1tsyB1tsyN1nj4

  1. 3 minutes ago, Phatose said:

    Added a few weeks ago, to allow precision weapons to take out nullifiers as well as high RoF weapons.

    Except it loves to hide on the opposite side of the bubble cause it's movement is tied a little to where the Nullifier is looking. I said it before it was implemented, I'll keep saying it now, that's not a fix, it's a lazy band-aid to a unit that has overstayed its welcome

  2. 8 minutes ago, --Laughing-Soul-- said:

    not to mention corpus techs have the highest dps in the game iirc

    Funny enough they were even nerfed quite recently and they can still melt you once they get completely spooled up while you're dealing with other things

  3. 44 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

    Don't know if the Shadow Stalker has it. Technically I never did *test it*, but I have kept distance from Stalker (while being the target) and he was busy face tanking the environment.

    Actually he can instantly teleport you back to himself without LoS if you get too far away and he feels like it (mostly when you're fighting him. if he hasn't seen you then he doesn't teleport you)

  4. And don't worry about refining relics either, it doesn't do anything. DE wants to pretend it increases your chances at better rewards, but at the end of most missions, even with a radiant relic, you'll get a common reward

  5. Actually even enemies being pulled through Magnetize get some DoT done to them, and if you're like me and pump all your ammo into it, they usually end up being dead and riddled with holes when they come out the other side. And it can be argued that duration on Polarize isn't really important, while yes other abilities would suffer from lower duration, Polarize itself doesn't really need it that much, it works just fine with range and strength. The only thing on Mag that needs lots of duration is Magnetize, but the augment for Magnetize is actually one of the few DE has done right because it changes the way the ability can be played

  6. 1 minute ago, Yargami said:

       *casts Bullet Attractor Magnetize* There, this will help us unite faster. :satisfied:

    Don't forget Pullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll *flies off cause someone just cast Pull*


    - You don't Mag main until you can kill every single enemy you Pull with Crush

  7. 39 minutes ago, (PS4)Chel-El said:

    My theory on archwing dislike is that most of us are used to customizing the varied abilities and weapons

    Meanwhile the default wing Odonata and the gun/melee gets stale 

    The obvious solution is to Dojo research new wings and weapons but it's not as enticing or popular imo. 

    I got the grineer canon tonight, and hopefully it'll refresh my archwing experience. Happy hunting 

    The Grattler is very fun to use, especially with multishot, fire rate, and more ammo capacity

  8. 6 minutes ago, HyokaChan said:

    Problem is, since there's no transference you can't even get the passives activated...

    Just activating "ghost mode" activates the passives, that's how it did it before, pretty sure it'll keep being like that.

    If anything I want DE to look more at Focus and Transference both and actually flesh the systems out with good passives and abilities that actually reflect the way you picked, i.e Madurai is about relentlessly destroying the enemy, so it should have slight damage increasing passives along with that huge beam. Or Unairu. It should be about gaining health and armor to outlast the enemy, like the description says. Zenurik says it's about dominating the enemy, and so on. Almost like learning a certain school of martial arts

  9. 4 hours ago, Aetrion said:

    I specifically wrote in my post that cooldowns aren't the answer for warframe. You slew that strawman mightily though. 

    Adding cool-downs isn't going to magically make people use a power they've deemed "bad" is what I'm saying. There are people, for example, who think Mag's Pull is a bad power. It isn't because all those enemies are now on the floor instead of shooting you. Plus, enemies killed by it have an increased chance to drop energy orbs as well, and it synergizes with Magnetize and Polarize pretty good, as well as Crush if you have good timing.

    EDIT: I totally didn't read the comments before this one while I wrote this reply. Lots of talk about Mag lol. Mag is perfectly fine the way she is, you just have to be actively playing her to get the most from her, that means paying attention, which I'm really surprised most people in this community can't be bothered to do. Vitaliy, Redirection, and Rapid Resilience alone are all you need to survive with her because her powers are good CC and area control as well as high burst damage. People are getting salty because they just can't run around blindly like most other frames and face tank everything, which is a stupid idea anyway with any frame that isn't Rhino, Chroma, Nidus, Inaros, or Valkyr. If I can do it, then other players should be able to as well.

  10. 27 minutes ago, Aetrion said:

    This effect is why damn near every single game where you have abilities uses cooldowns, because if you can't simply spam the same ability over and over you actually have a reason to use other abilities, even if they aren't as good.

    Just more reason to not use any other ability and use your weapon instead. Changing the system would completely break combat and make Warframe an extremely boring game while you wait for your "good" power to come off cooldown. Plus this is a player created issue to begin with. I myself have no issue using every power on a frame I actually like to play, like Mag or Excalibur. Maybe instead of changing the system which is good as is and makes the game unique, change the player, i.e. almost every single Ember player out there. Give 'em WoF, and they ruin the game for everyone else, take it away, they complain and eventually move on. The best way to fix it would be to increase the energy drain dramatically on WoF so they couldn't just turn it on and ruin the whole mission for the 3 other people trying to play. Ever notice how everyone likes to complain that they have everything and there is no more content or that it's not a challenge anymore? Very much their own fault for not switching up their playstyles or visiting weapons they've already used again, even the meta is player driven. What's good is extremely subjective

  11. 32 minutes ago, Dhrekr said:

    DE has every right to rebalance and change the game if they feel they're improving it. The Focus system is boring, stale, and utterly unbalanced. Focus abilities are not particularly interesting, aside from two broken and unbalanced passives, and Operator fight is limited to Kuva farming currently.

    I welcome this change.

    While I agree with this, it doesn't excuse that they made up that rushed system to begin with. Personally I think it does feel rushed because they were on an unnecessary time crunch to deliver on something instead of polishing it out properly first. And then they left it like that for years until now to actually change it which is even worse, cause now you get everyone complaining cause their cheap obvious WIP system is being replaced finally

  12. Because going invisible after a melee crit isn't a fighting style, it's a cheap excuse for a "passive" in a poorly thought out system. If anything, DE could have spent more time actually making passives and actives that are focused around a central subject, like a way of training actually should be. And no, your "wasted time" doesn't count because of the very thing I said,and because Naramon in particular is only picked by people because of that one ability. It sucks otherwise

  13. 12 hours ago, FashionFrame said:

    You're preaching to the pastor. Guess what, ALL my warframes look like how you described that volt. Here's an example: IMG_20171003_083946.jpg

    And yet I still get compliments from people all the time, that they love the "visual vomit." Hate to toot my own horn, but I'm literally the prime example of NO MATTER how "bad" your fashion is, SOMEONE will love it! 

    Fashion is subjective. Just because you hate it, and continue to spout hate towards mixed coloured warframes, or the popular red and black, that's your opinion, not everyone's!

    Red and black is also a perfect example that despite all the hate, and naming calling of "They're edgelords" doesn't ignore the fact that it is still beautiful to the person that is wearing that fashion. End of story. 


    My eyes are literally starting to water looking at that

  14. 16 hours ago, FashionFrame said:

    There's no such thing as wrong fashion. It's subjective. What one person sees as ugly, another can see as beautiful. And black and red isn't bad, it's popular because it actually looks attractive to the human eye. Red is a hot colour, black brings it out more. 

    I know this, but what I'm saying is that if you want to Fashionframe, other people also have to like it. Not everyone obviously, but a few do. Ever seen a Volt that looks like he tripped into a paint store where all the paint cans happened to be open and lime green/ purple? I have, it's offensive visual vomit, and you see it more often than not. Same with all these armor attachments. Most look awful, look even worse actually attached to any frame, hell the Targis Prime is like the one armor set that actually looks good and fits the body shape of the Warframe.

    And black and red kill out the fine details of whatever frame they are put on, which is why it doesn't count as Fashionframe to run around with black and red as the two primary (only) colors.

  15. 34 minutes ago, Flandyrll said:

    2) If I'm not mistaken, components and mods are not affected by Resource Drop Chance Boosters. You can increase the odds of finding the item with abilities that generates additional loot instead. 

    Actually they are

  16. 16 minutes ago, TheErebus. said:


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    That one corpus assassin that I never see:

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    New Loka deathsquad: 

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    Any other death squad:

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    Pretty much this. Most of the time I don't even notice the other death squads despite the giant warning transmission taking up screen space because they're already dead a few seconds in

  17. Depends on who and if I'm in a group, solo, leveling stuff, or maxed and just playing (which is rare cause Stalker is a huge pansy)

    When I'm alone and leveling, I just quit because I ain't got time to sit around for an hour grinding whoever down just to be killed by a stray shot, which has happened too many times already to be entertaining anymore.

    In a group I usually don't even get to see them before they're dead, much less get a shot off lol I just collect the loot when I finally catch up if they are trying to speed through which most people do. When they spawn on me, it's business as usual and they get dusted, doesn't even matter who it is cause you won't get any good drops anyway.

    And solo with max rank stuff I just crap on them, but still don't expect anything good to drop. I've never even seen Zanuka Hunter, and Shadow Stalker only drops Heavy Impact, a Dread BP, or Blind Justice.

  18. Personally, I'm in stage 7, all of the above and none of the above. I play the game to have fun, period. Right now I'm not feeling it, haven't for about a month now, so I'm not playing it. Once Plains comes out I probably won't play either, because of the massive lag that'll come with it.

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