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Everything posted by CircularReason

  1. Have you confirmed that this works on exalted melee weapons like that of Baruuk?
  2. Wonder if it's been tested. The Rauta "should" work with exalted melee, but it doesn't. Just wanted to see if anyone actually tried.
  3. The only problem is that it doesn't work with exalted melee. Kinda a big let down for me.
  4. Just wondering if kullervo's subsumable works on exalted melee (like Baruuk's 4).
  5. Same for me, though my son, with a computer sitting 6 feet from me, got his right away. We both had our computers running at the same time, watched the same amount, both claimed our prize, and then logged in. He had a message in his inbox with Styanax. I still haven't gotten it. 5 hours later.
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