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Posts posted by Booben

  1. i've been experiencing the same.

    From what I'm currently experiencing, it seems that the Smeeta Kavat Instant Reload buff, when triggered on the Shedu, will cause the Shedu to be unable to fire.

    And that wasn't the case either. A completely separate case caused my Shedu to stop firing.

  2. Currently, the proc icons for Ballistic (Impact) and Particle (Slash) are mixed.
    The Larkspur (2 impact, 50 radiation) procs only Particle, but these procs do NOT increase damage at all, unlike the description of Particle procs in the patch notes (Tears holes into the hull of the enemy ship. Allowing players to deal increased damage.)

  3. 144% Power strength, tested in simulacrum, tested on real mission (Orb Vallis), got gas proc damages of 162 (non-crit, no combo multiplier, no Accumulating Whipclaw, no bonuses other than the specified bonuses) against Corpus Flesh regardless of the number of toxin mods added on. Was testing with solely Virulent Scourge, then adding on Primed Fever Strike, then a Dual Ichor riven with +Toxin.

    (Base damage of whipclaw) * (power strength) * [(1+toxinmods)/2]^2 * (Toxin modifier to Flesh, which is 1.5)

    300 * 1.44 * (1/2)^2 * 1.5 = 162

  4. Just now, Kaotyke said:

    Honestly, this make sense.

    The enemy is not put to sleep, they are not stopped in time. They are grabbed and made float in place completly helpless. So yeah, it makes sense to be alerted in this case.

    Well, it does make sense, I'm simply wondering why it suddenly broke all of a sudden when DE hasn't touched vauban for ages.

  5. 1 minute ago, Kaotyke said:

    They make enemies effected by it being able to escape the Bastille.

    Same with other powers: damage powers do less damage, CC powers last less time.

    Enemies weren't dropping out, it's about them getting alert while still in the bastille. Previously that wasn't possible. Even ancient disruptors used to be susceptible to this.

    4 minutes ago, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

    I assume you are talking about the Alert status of enemies, in which case I can only assume it broke when Equinox's Rest broke the same way, but that DE missed it when they fixed Equinox.

    You probably hit the nail on the head. When did this happen?

  6. Just now, Kaotyke said:

    Was there an Ancient Disruptor around?

    No, no ancient disruptor things here.

    Previously alert states were preserved by vauban's bastille, meaning that you could trap unalert enemies in bastille and continue shooting at them and they won't become alert. Now, that isn't the case. Don't see why ancient disruptors would affect anything here.

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