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  1. I guess its a matter of opinion. 1. I love railjack, even loved it more before they massively changed it due to people not taking the time to figure it out. 2. I really enjoyed the duviri quest, and if reddit is any indication, most did so as well. 3. I absolutely enjoy the roguelike mechanics and rng based frame/weapon selection. it is forcing me to look at some old gear and build it up. Also tried several that i didn't own or owned but never built with the suggested default mods and had a blast, they aren't op but they tend to be serviceable especially once decrees get factored in. Is everything viable? not really, but if your primary isn't viable, you got your melee, your secondary and your frame abilities. With the exponential power growth from decrees, at least one of those things should be strong enough to carry you. But every roguelike entails a certain amount of restarting when provided with a poor start so i don't get that argument that keeps getting thrown around that every pick should be viable... that is not how roguelikes normally work. 4. Aesthetics wise, again its a matter of personal opinion. I wasn't big fan of fortuna's, especially the glare that you mention, but i didn't dislike it as strongly as you neither thou. Deimos is pretty monochromatic but that kind fits the organic theme its going for. I do love the Planes of Eidolon and Duviri, think they did a great job designing the zones. Opinions are like something else, everyone has one, may smell like roses to you but stinks to others.
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