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Posts posted by Galvek

  1. IGN : GainGizeerz

    Mastery Rank : 24

    Country : Asia / Philippines

    Previous Clan : Anime Kingdom

    About me: My name is Tan been playing the game since 2013 but unfortunately i stopped playing like 2-3 years since i have scholarship in school that i need to focus on maintaining grades and my laptop is not so good at that time been playing 9 fps XD for like 1 year and lead me to achieve being strong with that frame rate only yah feels bad and my years of age is 19 and now i can manage to have time playing warframe since i have a laptop that can manage to run the game Like to run long Endurance run and can help any player if needed.And interested on being long time member :)

    Side note:The recruiter is nice, communicating with the guy is like 2 min he/ is you're friend already :)  hopefully i get accepted as a clan member soon.

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