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Posts posted by Jarl_Baalin

  1. 31 minutes ago, (PS4)ATreidezz said:

    This is true, i also believe that OP is only using Redtext as an excuse to rant. Part of the title of this thread is "DONT TALK DOWN AT YOUR SUPPORTERS". Right, im a supporter, and i say OP is NOT speaking on my behalf. 

    You know why? Bcos, as i quote: the problem that people have with the rewards can be summarized with three sentences. I want all the rewards. I want all of them now. I only want to play the game in the specific way I want to.


    No that's not true. OP is saying that content should feel rewarding. There is a balance between time investment, difficulty and reward, and Dog Days balance is completely off, making it feel so grindy to the point where people are using exploits.

    Imagine having to stay on Hydron for 10 waves with a booster just to level up one weapon. Would you still say the same?

    Edit: Whoops, I meant 10 waves as in 10 reward cycles.

    • Like 2
  2. 18 minutes ago, Gabbynaru said:

    Or we could just accept Warframe is a power fantasy and move on with our lives, rather than making a thread every day asking for Warframe to become Dark Souls. Much easier to achieve.

    Well, it can still be a power fantasy. Some people just want to kill bigger things with bigger numbers and feel rewarded for pushing themselves, that's all. And if what you are saying by there being a thread asking for this, every day, then there is obviously a demand for it.

    I myself, love the Earth and Mars tileset, but I get bored by killing lvl 1-10 mobs so I want higher level ones. Why does that have to be suppressed by your version of power fantasy?

    1 hour ago, Autongnosis said:

    Tbh the best solution to that would be to allow level sliders and spawn handicap removal for non public lobbies. 

    So basically if you do a lobby which isn't in public matchmaking you can choose starting level based on the simulacrum formula (30+MR*5).

    And maybe every 5 MR you can remove 1 handicap from the spawn algorithm. So for instance, if you're solo and MR 5 you can play with the spawn of up to 2 players, at MR 10 up to 3 and MR 15 up to 4.

    This sounds great, reminds me of Diablo 2. It also enhances the "power fantasy" Gabbynaru talked about.

    It would be abused for focus farming though, but I see that as a good thing because ESO or Equinox got old very fast.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Sabremouse said:

    Yeah but it's like the ultimate Nightwave challenge from hell. Activate mission loading screen 66 times in 10 days without playing. I just can't bring myself to do it.

    It's a team game. If you have friends (I don't), then you can take turns to activate the mission.

    You can do it, I believe in you.

  4. 1 minute ago, Rawbeard said:

    so not playing is less boring?

    He/she wants the rewards like everyone else. Browsing on your phone or writing in the forums is more fun than the game mode so he/she does that instead while getting the rewards in-game. What is it that you don't understand?

    • Like 2
  5. No one should laugh at your disorder, those who do are idiots.

    If DE doesn't allow you to turn the "man in the wall" off, then I'd suggest decorating every location where the man in the wall can spawn. You can scale decorations with the + and - sign on the numpad to cover the whole spot (Try some plush animals from Cetus to make it cute instead of scary). If the sound of "hey kiddo" also scares you, then you can make some sort of habit of turning the sound off, every time you are in the orbiter.

    Lastly, you don't have to use the orbiter all that much anymore. The star chart, syndicates, arsenal, mods and relics are all accessible in the relays. Dojos with the observatory will allow you to use the star chart and arsenal too.

    I hope you get well and learn to cooperate with your anxiety, I've had a panic attack before too and I totally feel you.

    • Like 3
  6. On 2019-07-16 at 12:27 AM, PentaKayle said:

    Funny, i was just about to post this. Its genuinely annoying me. I love how my mirage looks but it just gets ruined by the weird energy color the attachments and syandana's get when you activate your 3. I dont remember this always being a problem with mirage. I could be wrong though. 

    Currently Im using the repala syandana on her with red being the main theme, and it looks just terrible when everything is red and you got this massive blue blob on the back of it, ruining the picture.

    Exactly, and Mirage is supposed to always be in eclipse, so it is important to have this visual bug fixed I'd say.

    I've seen some older footage of Mirage on youtube, and it looked bad then too, but not as bad as today:

    In the light to the left and in the shadows to the right, these are taken from MCGamerCZ youtube video: https://youtu.be/e3K8a3cjVXk

    There is a workaround to this, but it's not pretty. You can change the energy color of mirage to match the attachments. I've found the the light blue in the Classic Saturated pallet (7 down from the top right) to be very close. It's still "patching" the holes in your Syandana though.

  7. The extractors. I wish for a button that says "repeat", so it sends fresh drones to the same planets. Or make it automatic, because I always forget about it.

    A checkbox to hide unused blueprints in the foundry.

    Being able to tie appearance to different builds on your weapon and warframes. For example, I would like to tie my green Lato skin to my corrosive build and my blue Lato skin to my radioactive build.

    • Like 2
  8. This is how it looks without any abilities active.






    This is how it looks with eclipse active and in the light. Notice every attachment, even the one on the weapon is blue. Also notice that the holes in the syandana is patched up.



    This is how it looks in the dark. It's whitish instead of blue, the syandana is also patched up.



    This last one is just showing that the mirrors does not have any attachments at all. It's not the main issue, but very immersion breaking because they are supposed to be your mirror image to confuse the enemy.



    I think everyone agrees that the attachments should have the same energy color as Mirage, and no changes like patching up holes in syandanas.

    I'm using the Graxx skin on Mirage. But the bug exists on both Mirage Prime and the normal Mirage skin too. Lastly, the attachments I use here are Vanquished Banner, Ki'teer armor set and the Caggro Sugatra for my hammer. Every graphical setting is on max.

    Hopefully you guys at DE will look into this.

    If anyone else reads this and have some workarounds, please provide 🙂

  9. I love playing Volt. I never considered that giving others a speed boost would impact their game negatively, and I will be careful from now on.

    To add to the discussion; what about Wisp?
    If Wisp isn't an issue, then adding something similar to Volt would be an easy solution.
    Instead of flowers, it could be some sort of electrical surge or whatever, which you can avoid.

  10. Hi,

    I've been farming Hemocyte with Titania for a while and found that using Diwata with shattering impact was a very easy way of stripping it's armor. It takes about 35 hits with a build that focuses on speed and impact damage, but when I'm playing with others, the armor wont go away, even thought I hit it 70+ times.

    So does the armor scale then? Or maybe it's just a visual bug?

    On another note, if I'm not able to remove the armor when playing with others, should I go for radiation damage against that thing or stick with corrosive?

  11. Hi,

    It has been a busy week for me IRL, so I didn't have enough time to do the Nightwave weeklies until now.

    I didn't know what gilding even was until today, but I found out and created a cheap Zaw and started leveling. But now I just discovered that I have to be "trusted" by The Ostrons in order to be able to gild my new Zaw. There is no way that I can make myself trusted before the weeklies new rotation.

    So are my chances of getting the Eidolon Ephemera gone?

  12. 6 hours ago, MagPrime said:

    Or don't use it, because a lot of people like the limited options we have.  

    I rushed an item on accident, contacted Support and got it reversed.  Whatever it was, don't use it and see if they'll do the same for you. 

    Okay, removing it completely was stretch from me. But really, being this OK with how bad this is means that the developer of this app doesn't have to stretch a finger.
    You admitted it yourself, you rushed an item on accident, that shouldn't be possible!

    I'll try contacting support and see if they can help my frustration, but being OK with this app is stupid.

  13. The design is a disaster. The submit button you use to claim items with in the foundry looks the EXACT same as the one you use when you rush it. Not only that, but the progress bar is also hiding beneath this button, making you think that the item is complete and ready to be claimed.
    One seriously has to be in top shape to use this crap, because if you are not, you will very easily mistake the rush button for the claim button and lose plat before going to sleep.

    To add to how bad this forgotten thing is, you haven't updated Jupiter for the new resource, the incubator is lacking features, the arsenal is lacking features, and you have to MANUALLY remove notifications after the app has been used (in freaking 2019).
    It's seriously insulting to expose your customers to something so unpassionately maintained, fix the app or remove it.

  14. 13 minutes ago, VisionAndVoice said:

    Hell no. Do you realise how many players will never leave elevators becuase someone can send them up and down?

    I don't get it. You can always stay inside the elevator and spam the button there to try keep your whole group in there with you.
    But it's not possible because if you hold W against the wall, you will get out before anyone can troll you.

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