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  1. I feel you are the exact kind of player the game mode was targeting, Someone that is willing to test out new things with an open mind and think things through for a good build.
  2. I dont know what to tell you , i can see it in my arsenal, maybe it was a bug that got fixed recently between your post and now?
  3. Thats gonna screw future strategies for EDA a bit (spectre and mechs being affected), Oh well , at least the hollow vein will not one shot the objective.
  4. Thats ok , i wouldn't take offense at some random "LOLs" - its a game , if you are not laughing through some of it why are you playing :P I had a run where i was with another random , he went down (it was an alchemy i think) and i had to go after an angel to revive them (i was not going to move to the next mission alone) took quite some time to defeat the angel and i got downed just after the angel was killed. i went into bleedout and we both LOLed , i didnt expect to get revived but the dude managed to get to me just in time, I am sure we both appreciated what we did for each other. Also communications doesnt really need words, simple things like a waypoint to have everyone come together or a simple TY for a buff /revive lets everyone know you are here for each other and are appreciative. That alone goes a long way.
  5. But i assure you most who have read your comments have already judged you. Every word, every sentence and every opinion has been observed and players have either judged you as someone that shares their opinion or opposes it. Everyone is free to judge you for your words and actions. Did i say difficulty or challenge? No, i said a negative reinforcement, don't put words in others mouths or project your own apprehensions and insecurities onto someones opinions, You also seem to be under some illusion of self righteousness and think anyone with views opposite to yours is somehow personally attacking you. Most don't really care about you, but just as you have your opinions others have their own, including their opinion to oppose yours. Conflict itself is fine , all arguments are conflicts and some good results can come from it. A community as varied as warframes will never have a unanimous view on most things its when they have a civil discussion will things progress as a whole. I enjoy such discussions and arguments cause i think the game becomes better for it instead of stagnating by mediocrity. I already said i was making these points more as a devils advocate, you may want to look up what that means. You are indeed free to your opinions , i never have once in my entire time ever told players to not have opinions. Only to be clear to seperate opinions from facts and to accept that not everyone will share those opinions. There are already many sides to the community a, this would just add another. You need to accept that sometimes you cant please everyone and that includes yourself. but maybe instead of rejecting ideas it would be better to actually recommend changes to it - that is more likely to have an effect. You are of course free to throw a tantrum and accept no compromise. That will just increase your own negativity towards the world. In full agreement with this. See, its not really as black and white as you paint it to be. People can have differing views and still find common ground to move ahead.
  6. Sorry to be pedantic , but haven't i already covered that in point 4? you can hardly plan and co-ordinate in a team without communication.
  7. Glad it helped , Some players have forgotten more than others.
  8. I think it shows on how much there is dependence on very specific combination of mods for damage and how little is added by utility. A more balanced modding where you dont have as many multipliers would open up for options to include the tome mods. Also exilus slot.
  9. Let them just come back and say "that's not optional it's forced" , it will just reinforce what others have been saying.
  10. Clearly some players do not care about logic and just don't want to put the effort to use anything they are not used to or have a preference for to get the designated rewards. And since they have such an issue with positive reinforcement. Let's see if negative reinforcement would be a better alternative. (I am being devil's advocate , I don't really support what I am about to say) Let's say the randomisation of gear still exists , but it's not that you lose rewards if you pick anything else. You simply gain more negative conditions on a personal level tailored for that week if you don't pick that gear. So you can still take your revenant , but you will always be at 10% strength irrespective of modding. You can still take your laetum , but you have negative accuracy (that modding cannot change) or your projectile speed is so slow you can outrun the projectile. You can still take your ceramic dagger , but you cannot gain combo count by any means and your speed can never be increased. How much would you be willing to still pick that ?
  11. I had pretty much the same issues , it can be managed with just the right combination of gear , co ordination with teams and active play, but it's more about luck being on your side for an exilus hollow vein being present or not. Barring this specific issue where mirror defense itself can really suck (and can be fixed to account for the outliers if proper changes are made) I think the DA/EDA is pretty ideal for what it's trying to do. To push players out of their comfort zone and use everything under the sun to get over certain obstacle. It's not perfect , but with the way balance is in the game it's the closest that would be viable without making it super easy.
  12. Mirror defense does have issues , mostly with the combination of modifiers and very specific enemies (looking at you hollow vein ). If you do get bad loadouts it can absolutely be devastating , with some planning though it can be managed (not completely easy but manageable) I am dreading some of the combinations that are possible.
  13. I agree with this sentiment. I wouldn't mind a cap extension , but rivens are not something that are essential for most weapons. Most of my more powerful weapons don't have rivens , and my "not so powerful" weapons don't get as much of a benefit from the rivens. I wouldn't say the rivens don't add power , but they will not automatically make you better at playing with a weapon you aren't used to.
  14. I personally would like the option to start from any mission if you have completed the previous one. Granted , I accept the argument that the difficulty is for the whole set of 3 missions , not individual sections. I would say if there is a small check of you needing to lock in your gear until you either complete all three or decide to give up and start from scratch you should be able to get back into it. So I can only continue if I have the same loadout as last time. Does that partially invalidate the squad making component ? Yes it does , but if I am going public that was always a risk. It also allows the player to make tweaks to their loadouts (modding/arcane/ pets maybe) between missions , which makes things a little easier which may be counter to the original design. What I think would be interesting is that we do both of these as an option with some costs. Here's my thought: If you complete a section you are moved to a "safe house hub" where you can put a pin in the progression , and you take on another personal modifier from a list of you do choose to use that checkpoint. You can then proceed to modify your gear (mods and arcanes only) for the upcoming mission and start the mission vote. If you fail or get Disconnected you can go back to the safehouse and continue from there.
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