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Everything posted by 0_The_F00l

  1. I don't know if you even read the actual point of discussion.
  2. For those unaware , the Deep archimidea has modifiers that negatively impact your gameplay. One of those is -75% duration for abilities. This isnt additive to your mods , but multiplicative. So 100% duration becomes 25%, 200 % duration becomes 50% , This really has an impact on how you mod your loadout. So my cruel thought was , how it would impact all the corrupt mods if their negatives worked similarly.
  3. I dont think i ever disagreed when someone said DE does something to make money , Yes any business needs to have a product or service that actually generates revenue - its pretty basic as an observation goes, There are of course tasteful and not so tasteful ways to make money. DE has mostly depended on players having FOMO , lack of patience and a strong urge to be fashionable to have them spend money on the game. That has not changed now, most players complain about the DA cause they believe they are getting less things (even if the rewards will collect dust over time), Randomization is indeed a challenge , and like anything in life some people are better equipped to handle some challenges than others. Some people find talking in a crowd as a challenge others do it as easily as breathing. Having a drop rate of 0.5% for a thing you want is also a challenge , some are just luckier than others when getting it.
  4. I can only talk about myself, so i dont know why others dont like her. And there are a few reasons that compound into me not using her much. I have a distaste for frames that are "too ritualistic" , as in you need to cast a certain set of abilities in a specific order and keep doing that to stay effective. It takes away a bit from the spice of life for me as it starts feeling mundane. That's why i avoid Gara even though she ticks most other boxes for me. Not too much of a fan for fragile frames that are expected to melee with no direct way to improve effective survivability outside killing enemies first or using helminth to patch up the holes. Yes , you can use her spectral form , but having a cooldown with no means to reduce leads me to not relying on it too much also leading to the next thing Dont like things that have long cooldowns with no way to reduce it, you loose the whole crit bonus for 25 seconds on fatal damage. Which i suppose is fair? but i dont like being without abilities with no agency. She mostly does damage (and some CC i grant you) , but i can do that with other frames maybe less effectively but the end results will not be too different. And the clincher for me was the cast time for her 4 (and the visual pollution i get out of it) I honestly would have forgotten Dagath exists (which ties in well with her theme i guess) if it wasnt for this post.
  5. Reactive crystals tend to be buggy for clients , so that might be why it may not work for you at times. Others have already told you what is to be done.
  6. I might not like what some players say ,but I will protect their right to say it. (I will then proceed to beat the ever living S#&$ out of what was said in a civil manner like boxing or krava maga)
  7. I personally don't like eidolons (I am still after so many years missing some of the arcanes from there) , But just cause I don't like em doesn't mean I am opposed to improvements to it. A means to overcome the day night cycle by some way would be nice , maybe an arrow that blocks out the sun when you shoot into it and allows the zombie sentients to come out would be a good option. That way you dont screw the day night options and you can still have specific instances of night.
  8. I am not sure we need more than we have , Extra starting mod points , more standing , access to later areas is decent enough. What would be interesting is a boost to others around you , like an aura for the thing that is most relevant to mastery - XP/affinity. So if you are in a squad , the lower mastery players gets an XP boost equal to the difference between his mastery and the highest mastery in the mission.
  9. I believe others have already highlighted this , But just to reiterate. 1) Toxin ancients and mutalist ospreys will bypass shields and do direct toxin damage to your health irrespective of the arcane resistance. This is usually an instant KO at high enough levels if you don't have enough EHP. 2) Adaptation needs to build stacks of that element you are getting damaged by , if you can't survive the first 5 or so hits then adaptation is not going to help. 3) Hildryn isn't the best against infested even with the augment , you could build for some Armor and health for these specific scenarios , but at SP level , your best option is to take out toxic ancients and mutalist ospreys from a distance before they do their attacks.
  10. I think we are seeing different stories , I just see granum being a devil wanting his due from an idiot. And what is due is for the devil to be satisfied. The devil will never be satisfied. So the idiot makes a deal with another devil (us) to pay those dues.
  11. I really was hoping granum had more impact as a neutral entity that could be working with or against the Tenno depending on the scenario. But I have accepted that DE can only do shallow characters with as many dimensions you can fit in a single line and plots that don't go beyond the next prime access.
  12. I don't know if banshee needs anything , Granted she is a glass cannon that needs very specific cannonballs (weapons ) to work. She can be customized to be very effective at most things, she is a frame with a very moderate floor and high ceiling needing a very active playstyle to reach that ceiling. Caliban I think is the next in line. I do have a personal bias and would like some tweaks to equinox to make her smoother.
  13. I would like to focus on this particular aspect. I feel that the game already incentivises players to be selfish. Not intentionally , but by the nature of the game ( outside of very specific game modes ).
  14. Let me give you the brief of what happened at the time (the situation has been calm now compared to launch) 1) Multiple augments released for frames , many of which depend on taking health damage to either sustain energy via hunter adrenaline/rage mods (inaros , kullervo , nidua) or to have their kit work correctly (chroma with combat discipline ) 2) This attracted many players to try said frames , 3) Coinciding with this DE released a new frame called Dante , as part of his kit Dante gives overguard on allies killing enemies and has a gate mechanism. 4) As is usually new frames also attracted players to try it out. 5) We now have a frame that stops you from taking damage and frames that need to take damage in the same mission a lot more often. It is the equivalent of having a smoking zone in an asthma ward. It will cause a lot of coughing fits. DE also very quickly nerfed said frame , so quite a lot of anger for different reasons.
  15. We are having a discussion right now , so currently what I want is to engage in discussions. The reason I made this topic was to identify means to have a reasonable agency in the hands of players for defining their own difficulty and get some rewards for engaging in said difficulty. It is of course not a replacement for proper balance , but more of a stop gap measure. I am currently looking at all the ideas and while I personally do not like popularity as a measuring stick it is the closest that can be quantified via disposition. It's not the only thing I have considered as an option. And am open to more mechanics which will give players to pause and change ho their loadouts. If you have played it , I loved how God hand did this. The more flawlessly you played, the more aggressive and deadly the enemies got. It was all tongue in cheek , but it was really effective.
  16. I don't like gunblades too much. Not saying they aren't effective , they just feel too much gun and not enough blade for my liking.
  17. I think there was one in my last EDA , Worked very well with the self damage modifiers (as in the covenant helped reduce some damage and the damage itselfs crit boost helped deal with enemies) I think a skilled player won't be too affected (they will probably not use the knell that often) but it will reduce the effectiveness of doing damage quite a bit for obvious reasons.
  18. Disagreeing with a persons opinion and calling them out is not the same as bullying them. I honestly don't care about the individual , it's the specific topic they bring that I am against. It would be bullying if i insulted , abused or ridiculed the person every opportunity i got. So do highlight specifically where you think i have done so. What I have mostly done is try to have a debate , if someone is incapable to holding a civil debate and just wants to keep saying the same thing over and over then they are not providing feedback , they are throwing a tantrum. Everytime someone has said why things are the way they are , asked for more clarification and alternatives have been recommended those have either been ignored , rudely pushed aside or ridiculed. And , Making myself look good ? You think bullying people makes anyone look good ? Please , the forums are neither a high school popularity contest nor are they a drama series where either of those things matters. Nor do i care for such things. Anyway , this is getting off topic , a person should be able to hold his own in a debate or discussion. They should be civil and have an open enough mind to atleast understand the opposition even if they don't agree with it, mad if they don't understand they should inquire and explain so there is no blocks and misunderstandings.
  19. I suppose it is , but if players don't want RNG to control their choices and DE is either unwilling or incapable to set a proper balance between various gear and missions, i think it's closer to self paced challenges where the rules are defined.
  20. Ooh , yes , interesting idea and can work smoothly with my original thoughts. A mod (peculiar type) that adds modifiers /points , the mod cost itself would be one thing and the negative effects it adds would be another. I think having conditions to be met (like those needed to unlock rivens) would be an added layer to enable whatever modifier it has (positive and negative) , so you can't just slap on the mod and use it everywhere , you need to actively give up a slot and play a particular way to unlock it. Why do you say that? I am not sure how having a lesser number of gear helps anyone ad it's tied to disposition and not ownership.
  21. That's is one aspect of it, it's among other things that this will make obvious as time goes on. Like always I have multiple wrinkly layers on this , like a cabbage. (Unlike an onion which is usually smooth and results in tears)
  22. Ah , but we are going to do most of it for them. That's why it's important to have discussions , so others can learn from them. I don't see how this is directly related to my point of letting players pick their own loadouts and tweak things just right to meet certain conditions. Would you to say , use one less mod if it means you can use your preferred gear.
  23. I was thinking , Can reward choice be left in the hands of the players to decide? While most of what I have read is pointing me towards a big glowing NO! (Big surprise ) . I do want to share a risk and reward choice loop that is more dynamic. This also (partially) relies on disposition as a concept so do bear that in mind. Currently frames don't have disposition , but we do have the usage stats that we can use to come to a simple enough reverse calculation. So heres my thoughts. Similar to DA you have certain modifiers and certain points and also have preferred RNG loadouts , but you can have more points through other means than just selecting modifiers and loadouts. Eg. If your gear has 5/5 dispo you get half of that as dynamic points rounded down. So you get 2 of them. Anything with a dispo of less than 2 gets you no points (just an example) Maybe , Having fewer "mandatory mods" gives you some more points , And perhaps certain , peculiar mods with their own negatives can be considered instead of just not picking mods. With this you can still just use RNG loadouts , but you can also tweak things to work with the tools available to you. You will still get slightly less points than simply going RNG , but it will be better than choosing nothing. Would it be complex ? Maybe , will it have more player agency ? Maybe. Would it have players that will complain for some reason or another? Most definitely. I would like to have this discussion just to gauge the communities views on such things. Added peculiar mod option.
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