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  1. True, but from my research it doesn't really benefit me to lie if I'm willing to purchase legit plats to regain access to my account. I'd rather play on my existing account, just needed to know whether purchasing plats from official sources without contacting support first would allow me to regain access.
  2. The old account has been suspended, so I can't even log into that one hahah. Was wondering if making a new account after 6 years amounts to ban evading.
  3. Thanks for the reply, I have another question: is it safe for me to make a new account to play should I choose to?
  4. Heyo, I'm coming back to the game after leaving in 2017, and there's some negative plat on my account, most likely because I've purchased third party plat in the past. Can I just go ahead and buy plat to offset the balance, or do I have to contact support before doing that? Thanks.
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