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  1. I gather there's no damage changes for sandstorm? If so - then this ability goes straight into the replace bin, same as pre-rework. The 500 damage/second simply wasn't enough to do anything substantial in the current state of warframe. The augment is hella jank too. It adds the chance to proc from modded melee status pool, but nothing else. Maybe make it so certain melee damage mods would carry over into sandstorm as well? Or at least add maximum health -> damage scaling that is being added to the new 4?
  2. DE please look into fixing operator perma voidblast bug. Literally can't play anything involving the operator due to how often I encounter it.
  3. And so the operator perma void blast bug lives on. Absolutely fantastic.
  4. Aight good to know that the wonderfulness of auto-melee not being a toggle and thus bugging out operator/drifter into permanent voidblasting is still in the game.
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