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Posts posted by Mucerp

  1. First

    Majority of the time I actually have trouble getting a game going because it seems to be not many people even play pvp. Especially when I want to do the challenges.

    First games
    When I do get into a game my weapons get outclassed by other players that are already used to pvp which makes sense. a lot of the games I played were 1v1s I would get a kill and they would leave and then I'd get bored and leave. and 1v1s where I would get killed they would hide all game. at this point I stop looking and wait to see if other people join because I did not play hide and seek I played pvp.



    I overall did like pvp and would like to get into it more. the adrenaline and rush feeling is amazing. I hope pvp will be more popular one day. I really want to learn if you guys have tips or recommendation on a warframe, weapons, melee etc please let me know it would make my experience better.

    thank you for taking your time to read my opinion

  2. I don't know why... but Nova reminds me of Pinkie Pie... 

    I think that Cupcakes may also have something to do with it...

    Crazy psycho one moment, the next is all hugs and smiles O.o



    You should! It has Riven!



    LoL isn't my type of game. I did play the original DotA maps back on Warcraft, though.


    Also, Madeleine's thoughts on the new Alad V trailer:


  3. Yay! She looks cute on that one x)

    Ta~ :D


    Im glad your back :P

    Was really busy (and sick...still am actually) so huzzah for making time for own-art!


    Just saw the head sketch of Old man Vauban <3


    Welcome back!

    Thank you~


    You named your Nova after Katarina's sister?

    Katarina who? I don't play LoL derp


    Cassiopeia is also a constellation named after the vain queen of Greek Mythology.

    Also the name of a character I like from Ni no Kuni. ^^b


    Flying grapes of death!


  4. [More experiments in writing! Features disjointed prose and a format that doesn't really make sense. :'D Also it is LONG.]


    I curse under my breath.
    Those two Corpus crewmen locked me in. 
    I’m no good at hacking these terminals. 
    It takes me too long.
    I’m trapped
    Madeleine says I will get better with time. 
    But this is not a training session in the comfort of our dojo. 
    I’m in enemy territory.
    I’m alone
    I don’t even have a Sentinel. 
    I stand in front of the terminal. 
    Trying. Trying for the third time to hack it.
    I’m scared
    The lights.
    They just flickered.
    It was not part of his plan. But he was never one to pass up an opportunity like this. He had meant to get rid of that wretched Rhino, who’d been a thorn in his side for some time. He knew his chances of outright victory were quite slim, but if he could at least take the wearer out of commission for a while, that would have been satisfactory. Then he noticed the Rhino’s companion – a Nova. He frowned. He recognised her. He had fought wearers of the Nova suit before.
    A relatively new entry to the ranks of these accursed Tenno, and he had managed to remove some of them from the playing field entirely. But this Nova was not one he wanted to deal with. She was extremely fast and made a difficult target. He had seen her fight – she was ruthless and savage, and her prowess with the pair of Vastos she wielded was remarkable. While the other Novas he had encountered tried their best to escape him, this one had charged him with her Fragor drawn. Engaging the Rhino alone was challenging enough. If this Nova came to her companion’s aid, he would not get out of this encounter alive.
    He had observed a third Tenno wearing a Nekros suit, a Warframe that he only had the briefest knowledge of. He had seen it get separated from the other two. Two of the Corpus had chased it into a small room and locked themselves in with it. He heard the Dera fire stop for a while, followed by two gunshots and then groans, and silence. He guessed the Tenno had won that one; for all their technological marvels, sometimes the Corpus had extremely questionable (that is to say, stupid) battle tactics.
    Now he was hidden in the shadows of that room, watching. It came to him that this Tenno was of a very low rank, barely out of training. It lacked the air of experience that he was accustomed to seeing. It did not even have a Sentinel with it. Although he would have preferred that it was the Rhino, he was not going to be picky. One Tenno less was still better than one more left alive, after all.
    Everything happened so quickly.
    I hear a voice. A voice I do not recognise.
    It tells me that I’m not leaving here alive.
    It tells me that I’m going to die.
    I’m scared
    The lights go dark for a moment. 
    Then I see him.
    Shrouded with darkness itself. 
    I see the bloody glow of his form.
    I can’t move.
    Is this what real fear is?
    I’m scared
    A sickening crack.
    I feel the pain.
    It sears itself through my head.
    My scream freezes in my throat.
    Then like lightning, he’s upon me.
    I hit the floor. 
    It hurts.
    Make the pain stop
    I can’t see through all the blood.
    My eye.
    My eye is gone.
    His hand is on my throat.
    I grasp his wrist.
    He’s too strong.
    He pulls the throwing knife out.
    My head spins from the pain.
    I choke out a cry.
    Please don’t
    He pauses, looking intently at me.
    Please don’t
    I hear him ask me something.
    I can barely understand him.
    Not through this fog.
    Please don’t kill me
    He looked at the Tenno, pinned helplessly on the floor. It was trying to push him off but it was clearly drained of strength. He could end its life in an instant. But it had said something that he had not heard before.
    Please don’t kill me.
    He was surprised. He had never heard one beg for mercy before. Now his curiousity was piqued.
    What is he doing?
    He hasn’t killed me yet.
    I feel his hand leave my neck.
    I can barely think now.
    The pain is a dull ache.
    His hands cover my face.
    I feel him pry away what is left of my helmet.
    I can’t see his face.
    But I can feel his gaze on my own.
    My vision is blurry. 
    But I can see him raise the dark shape of the knife.
    He mumbles something.
    He draws the tip of the blade across my cheek.
    I hear a whimper escape my lips.
    I’m scared.
    So, so scared.
    Underneath the shattered helmet, he saw a young boy, pale hair matted with blood, and his remaining good eye slightly glazed. “You are but a child,” he said. “You don’t belong here.” He rested the tip of the blood-coated throwing knife on the boy’s cheek, under his good eye.
    “You wear death as a suit and yet you beg me to spare you from it. Is that not amusing?” He pressed down, watching beads of blood form at the sharp point. He drew the knife across the Tenno’s skin, opening a bloody trail all the way from just under his eye to the bottom of his jaw. The Tenno let out something that sounded almost like a low whimper.
    “I think it’s time you get more acquainted with death.” He raised the knife again.
    He’s talking again.
    My mind is fading.
    I can’t understand him.
    Please don’t kill me
    Then I hear another voice.
    It’s one I know.
    She’s screaming.
    There’s both fear and anger.
    I hear pistol shots.
    The dark figure leaps out of my line of sight.
    I hear him curse angrily.
    I hear another voice.
    I know this one as well.
    He’s yelling.
    His voice trembles with rage.
    I feel strong hands picking me up.
    My body lies limp against a broad chest.
    I don’t have anymore strength.
    I don’t know what is being said.
    But just before my mind slips away…
    I finally know.
    I’m safe now.
  5. This is amazing *u*

    Thank you :D


    Madeleine, beautiful as ever and now even more beautiful and more detailed and complete and lovely and...*drool*


    Seriously, Schizo, I love your (somewhat and sometimes?) anime take on Warframe drawings and your art has improved! :)


    In case you are wondering if I am bluffing, no I'm not.

    Haha thanks XD


    It always makes me happy to see a new of your portraits :)

    Aw, thanks :D Haven't really had the motivation to do many of them...another project just got dropped on my head. D:





    Guys, stahp, you're being all scary. >:


    I am totally using these to describe them for my fic, I'll link it when I put up the next chapter :)

    I love these. 

    Sure! Thank you. :D

  6. Thanks for the feedback. I wanted to try writing as little expository as was possible to let people kind of imagine what the characters could be doing/feeling just based on what they're saying alone...so I don't entirely agree with your edits, but I can see where you're coming from.


    That said, I did write this in 10 minutes with no real proofreading so I do have to edit it...but I'll leave the general writing as it is for the time being. 

  7. [An experiment in dialogue.]


    “Char? Char, are you in here?”

    “Yes, Cassie. I’m here.”

    “Leo is looking for you.”


    “Normally, as you probably know, I’d pry it out of him, but he kind of had that ‘Shut up and don’t ask questions’ look on his face.”

    “So...I wasn’t gonna ask.”

    “Well, that’s very helpful.”

    “You know how scary he looks when he makes that face while wearing his Rhino frame.”

    “Yes, I do.”


    A silence falls over the two of them. The shorter of the pair plays with a little blob of anti-matter energy in her hands nervously.


    “Are you...are you okay?”


    “Like...does it hurt or anything still? You know...”

    “I’m okay, Cassie. I almost smacked into a pillar and fell up the stairs, but otherwise, I’m fine.”

    “Why are you laughing about that!?”

    “I’m not! I’ll get used to seeing out of one eye soon.”

    “You won’t be able to provide sniper cover anymore, right?”


    “...I’m sorry.”
    “What for?”

    “I mean...you said really wanted to own a Lanka...but now...”

    “Well, that sucks, sure, but at least I’m still here talking to you.”

    “...yeah. Yeah...that’s true. Hey. Uhm. Could you, uh, stay put? So Leo can find you.”

    “Sure. I can wait for him.”

    “Yeah...okay. I’ll go get him now.”


    She leaves the hall at a sprint, the faint white light of her energy trailing behind her.



    “Hello, Charon.”


    “Drop the formalities, son. You know I don’t like being called that.”


    “I was informed you didn’t want the eye?”

    “Yes, sir – I mean...Leo.”

    “I believe the benefits were explained to you thoroughly.”

    “Yes they were.”

    “Care to tell me why you refused?”

    “...pardon my bluntness, but why are you asking?”


    The older Tenno folds his arms across his chest.


    “I’m just a nosy old man. I’m curious, that’s all.”

    “You’re not old.”

    “I’m pretty sure I’m old enough to be your dad, so I believe that counts.”


    The younger male shuffles a little.


    “I guess I just didn’t want something that wasn’t real.”

    “A cybernetic eye’s plenty real if you ask me.”

    “I mean it like...it’s not ever really going to be a part of me. I wasn’t born with a mechanical eye. And...”


    He stops talking abruptly, running a hand through his pale hair. The older raises an eyebrow.


    “Nevermind. I can’t figure out how to explain this to you. You’ll give me that face of yours again.”

    “What face?”
    “The...I don’t remember, Cassie called it your ‘I don’t understand what you’re talking about so shut up’ face.”


    “Go ask her. I’m innocent.”

    “I don’t think I want to. She gives me a bigger migraine than a Nervos.”


    He uncrosses his arms and regards the younger man – a boy still, really – with a softened expression.


    “I won’t force you to rationalise your decision. It’s your choice, after all, and I believe you know the consequences well enough.”

    “Thank you.”

    "Your original Nekros helmet is a gone case, so I've arranged for a Raknis for you instead."
    "Oh. T-thank you."

    “By the way, I’m sorry.”

    “...what for?”

    “This should not have happened to you. The Stalker never meant to go after you.”


    “He was after me.”


    “Because you were easy pickings. A baby separated from the pack. He realised that it would be suicide for him to attack me because Cassie was there. She’s too fast for him. She’d have him flat on his back before he could even draw his bow.”


    “Charon...I’m really sorry. We both are. You didn’t deserve this.”

    “But it’s not your fault...I mean...nobody could’ve expected...”

    “I was supposed to look out for you. I promised Madeleine that I would, and I screwed up. Damn near bit my head off for that, she did.”

    “Leo...sir...it’s not your fault. I don’t blame you.”

    “I know, son. I know. Thank you. But that doesn’t make me feel any less lousy.”


    He reached out and ruffled the younger Tenno’s hair.


    “You should go back and get more rest.”

    “Yes sir.”

    “And try not to fall over the steps again.”
    “Y-you saw?!”



    Banshee's so cute <3 x)

    Hurray Banshee!


    Something tells me Necros wears an eye patch for a reason, and not just for a fashion statement.

    Stalker took his eye out. *nods*


    One of his tentacles must have poked his eye out on accident.

    Mine doesn't have a Mortuos on. Stalker hit him in the faise with a Despair. D;


    Vauban and his MIGHT MUSTACHE!



    Dang, Banshee looks classy as hek to me



    Oh and cheese These cheezits they need more crack pairings


    Go away

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