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  1. Tell me where did you guys get the information on how did DE get the nerf in mind in just a week prior to the nerf
  2. Hi, I want to make things clear: there should be a workshop on nerfing things. Look how you guys nerfed Line of Sight very badly. Then, with the "PILLARS" being broken, why not explain this in detailed and explain why nerfing Dante, Khora, Mesa and other frames. Saryn has and will be the only frame I'll use to kill enemies in mass. Work on a workshop and tell me why did you think it was a good idea. I wasted plat, time, and investment in the frames and the game. You need a workshop on LOS and DANTE again, or explain why you did it in a very detailed and summarized manner. Why, how, where, and when did you do it? PABLO even posted about Line of Sight WHY NOT NERF Saryn, Equinox and other frames for Line of Sight. Nerf everybody. They are breaking your pillars. Play your game, please, thanks, and please use the augments before nerfing into the game. Pablo, who made the Nezha augment, and if it was you, then why didn't anyone test the augments? Why not put Line of Sight. Some others want no Line of Sight and it's exactly like with AOE weapons and there knockback and trying to add self damage
  3. Basically, putting a nerf to Nezha augment made it so I no longer play the frame. Nobody will after what you guys did when nerfing its augment. Before the augment got nerfed, people would start using Nezha and now you have done it. Saryn is the best, like always, at making the map nuke or killing enemies at a good rate.
  4. Let's nerf Dante to the ground!!! Wasted forma, shards and plat were bought into the frame. Let's also nerf Arca Triton with barely any damage from slam attacks. You guys made it viable of slam attacks, and it's the only weapon that makes it viable for slam attacks. Finally, let's nerf Nezha to half with its augment instead of just 25% or 30% NAH Let's do it 50 %. How in the world did you guys get these stats at? The people who got the frame in day one? The people who got the frame in three days barely got it??? Why would even get an augment of Nezha? Did the people who play this game causal players told you guys DE to change it because they got made over with the mod RAGE OR HUNTER ADERLINE. Please change how Dante works. The frame went to a very good state to a very garbage frame. Dante was a good frame before the nerf and it didn't change the pillars that you guys suggested. Do a full length workshop right away on this as well other issues I have told like The Nezha augment, should get looked at, please. Thank you I love you DE but this was the first time in a long to reply in this forums
  5. Lets go!!! Excited for the DEVSTREAM!!!
  6. why you want a fix on bladestorm its really good now?
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