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Everything posted by Fractyr

  1. the fact that you hard nerfed the topaz shard AFTER release while also making them a permanent fusion is extremely unfair. imagine you bought extremely fast car but they permanently remove your engine after you bought it. you now have a useless car that you cannot do anything with and cant fix. easy fix is to allow shard fission but its probably not going to happen because de doubled down on the "CONFIRM" function
  2. still waiting for the option to make your frame invisible during aiming. I do not want half of my screen blocked when im trying to aim.
  3. Add the option to enable making your warframe invisible during aiming (client side only) since it can block a significant portion of the screen even during max FOV.
  4. NOTE: Only bugs when you are NOT the host Enemies will have the lifted status when hit by (1)Void Levitation but when attacked by the operator the Lethal Levitation buff is nowhere to be seen.
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