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Everything posted by trst

  1. Originally the Cyst system only let you sit in the chair as Nidus to intentionally infect your frame which also enabled Helminth to "speak" to you whenever, thus Ordis' protest. Meanwhile the option to remove the cyst manually was added later and most likely reused the exact same code for the Nidus injection, Ordis dialogue and all. So it's a bug. And I assume DE either hasn't fixed it as it's so minor and unimpactful that it's never been on anyone's priority list or they find it funny and don't care if it's left in.
  2. It's still more Credits and Endo in the end. Even if a Credit Cache was worth say the equal number of Credits gained from killing 50 enemies that's still 50 more enemies worth of Credits you didn't have to kill. All of it adds up and is how passive farming is viable vs focused farming those resources. Old content being relevant or not has absolutely nothing to do with padding. The point is to intentionally make it grindier (rather, actually have a grind at all) to make content take longer to complete. That way when the content releases players can't finish in a few hours what DE spent months making. And so that new players can't finish the game within a matter of weeks. So spending 20 minutes at just a chance of the reward you want is 100% intentional. Even with the currency systems you're still having to spend far more time in that content than if they were all high drop rate items in an earlier tier. Also, if anything, the currency systems are just there to prevent outliers of those who fall way above or below the expected return.
  3. Yeah how dare people have differing opinions! /s Seriously though when considering that DE is a company that actually takes and implements feedback you should expect other players to share their opinions for what they want with the game. Just because some players want something that you don't want doesn't mean they should be silenced. And if you can't handle differing opinions you might want to find some hold in the ground or echo chamber to crawl into instead of a place where differing opinions are common. Also you're not going to find many, if any, opinions that disagree with the majority audience on any platform that allows censoring. Reddit for example gets to censor out opinions the thread doesn't agree with via downvotes by auto-hiding said posts. Even if there's setting to disable posts getting hidden in such a manner it doesn't change the fact that this system allows for majority opinion to rule and other opinions to get shoved aside. We've nearly seen the same system with these forums when we had multiple reactions where players would dismiss/parrot posts solely based on their reactions. Like for me personally I find that the powercreep has steadily killed most of my interest in the game. Since it's caused effectively all gear, present and future, to be glorified cosmetics with how casually anything can decimate all content on offer. Why should I spend a few hours farming a new weapon/frame/upgrade system when the only thing it does is give me a new weapon/frame model to play with and have my damage overkill enemies even harder? And it's in my opinion, and is something that has been observed over the game's history, that this lack of valuing gear/content is going to be the ultimate death of the game where fewer and fewer players will be willing to actually play the game if they can't finish months of content within a few sittings. Now if your opinion differs then great, go ahead and make suggestions to DE and argue for/against other opinions on the forums.
  4. Because at one point DE thought it appropriate for Magnum Force to offer far less damage than Hornet Strike. For what I assume to be a balance/design concern in either wanting Secondaries to be inherently weaker or Secondaries were already more used than Primaries at the time (since DE likes to look at user data for a lot of decisions) and didn't want them stacking more damage than Primaries. Beyond that I'd also assume it has remained the way it is simply because the mod, just like Heavy Caliber, is so outdated and players get power so quickly that this mod being trash doesn't matter. But it does have the potential to be something better if DE ever wants to incentivize different builds/branches of content again by reworking the mod.
  5. Yeah I hope DE doesn't just nerf Dante. I hope they nerf all overperforming/gamebreaking frames.
  6. Except nothing about the mode has been removed with the change. You still need to get the correct keys to drop, kill the Disruptor, and ensure you're getting the correct number of conduits for the rotation you're aiming for. Knowing where the target sooner hasn't detracted from the mode. But yes, if it literally just gave you rewards for nothing you'd find most of the community pleased with that change. After all why do you think players blew up over the AOE ""nerfs"" and Wukong nerf? Those systems let players do exactly that in all modes. Personally I wouldn't approve of such a change but I'm not part of the "majority" of players. Getting a static indicator sooner isn't all that different from a subtle one you got after a longer delay. Either way it's still a marker pointing you directly to the target. It's also not that different from the audio queue pointing you directly to it once it got within a few rooms, assuming you could even hear it in the first place. Yeah it's almost like DE wants to make the game playable for the platform they just launched onto which also happens to be the single largest game platform in the world. Funny that.
  7. Guns were never lacking in "hard content" pre-gun Arcanes. They just required more investment and your choice of gun mattered a Hek of a lot more than melee letting you pick just about anything and investing nothing more than a Stance mod. Now virtually every gun can casually push into "hard content" just as melee can thanks to gun Arcanes. Meta chasers will always push for what's "better". Meanwhile anyone who just wants to use what they like and/or who realize everything just deals massive overkill damage don't have to bend over backwards to get some weapons to clear SP. So as for "why" it's because making one always better than the other was never the point. As well if you really wanted one to always be better then it should be melee considering the inherent disadvantage of having to be in melee range of a target. And as for single target guns there's simply nothing to be done there. WF pushed more into a horde shooter over the years which has never encouraged anything that doesn't clear hordes of enemies. And even then it's not like they're unusable, they're just now the single category that takes more investment than others to see good performance.
  8. I don't see how this "kills" Disruption. If anything it makes it significantly better due to making rounds even faster which was half of the whole allure of the mission type in the first place. Plus the obvious benefit to those who don't play with headphones and/or are hard of hearing. As well the Demolisher always had a subtle waypoint that'd appear for a second once it was in range (or something like that, always seemed inconsistent) so getting a direct waypoint is just a more clear indicator of what we always had. There's also another consideration of Mobile players now. I'd imagine that Disruption for them would be a massive pain between the smaller more cluttered screen and the higher chance of poor audio quality. Then pair that with how a lot of players struggle with actually getting the damage to kill Demolishers in time.
  9. Because DE hasn't made any. As for a more lore-esk answer I'd assume it's because there's not much of a reason for them. Since Tenno all take orders from Lotus there's not much of a reason to interact with another Tenno in such a way as you'd both be taking orders from the same source regardless. Plus there's not much of a reason to cooperate with an NPC one either since we can already do that in every single mission with other players. There's also a bit more of a technical limitation that'd make them only exist in Relay/Hub areas. Since I doubt DE would want to spend the time and resources necessary to make an AI that can navigate maps and play like players can. Such NPCS would just lag behind players and function more like rescue targets which would be a rather poor representation of an "in-universe" Tenno. Then there's the issue with how the story is all from the same perspective with everyone being the main character at the same time. Being the "chosen one" doesn't leave a lot of room to warrant other Tenno when we're already here doing everything in the system on our own. Relegating the few we have seen/heard of to one-off story bits where they fit in. Plus we have no canonical answer as to how many Tenno are even alive with the only real estimate we can make is maybe a minimum of four to eight living Tenno.
  10. Personally I've never seen the problem with Endo/Credit rewards in content. It's not DE's fault that some players went and farmed up billions of Endo and Credits and/or refuse to farm those passively while only going to dedicated farms for them. Those drops are valuable to all other players who didn't grind out massive stockpiles in their downtime. Beyond that there's also the whole point of those resources and them being rewarded in small values in the first place: padding. Something which is required in all games and especially in Warframe thanks to how the community is and how non-grinding the game is relative to other similar games. Like if DE took the route of similar games those drops would be literally worthless to nearly all players assuming there'd be a drop at all. Padding is also why one-time drops are almost always put behind C rotations. If items like that were something like a 20% A rotation drop then most players would stop running that content within a few hours of starting the farm. Then complain about having nothing to do and/or stop playing until the next update to repeat the cycle. Something that's not good for the players, game, or DE. So as a "veteran" who's been around for 11 years now, no, I don't see any need to rework rewards.
  11. Archgun Deployer, Air Support, On-Call Crew, and your Operator all already exist and serve more or less the same functions.
  12. They're fine. In the case of the Strun it's a non-issue if one pellet results in a one-shot at with that much overkill damage nothing you're running matters. And if you're fighting enemies that are that weak then you might as well be running something like the Ignis which would result in more KPM than any Incarnon.
  13. Because players either believe others saying that're "good" or even "mandatory" and/or only care about big numbers. Really all the faction mods are massive overkill unless your goal is endurance runs. Though out of all the faction mods the Corrupted ones technically have the most use cases between Fissures, Conjunction Survival, and Duviri/Circuit. But even then the mods are still overkill in all those places unless you're planning on multi-hour runs.
  14. I don't see the problem. Even with it being slower than Last Gasp (can't really beat reviving after one shot) it has the advantage of being consistent regardless of the level of content and the gear you have. At some point Last Gasp simply fails to work either due to how spaced out enemies are or how tanky they are. And not everyone is running a school/amp/etc capable of killing enemies at high levels.
  15. Affinity boosters already exist which is an indirect Focus booster. So while a Focus booster itself wouldn't be an out of nowhere addition it'd also be very redundant. But also with all the secondary ways they added to gain focus and how much easier it is to get lenses now I don't see there being any need for another booster or the ability to buy it directly. So as for the question itself there'd be nothing wrong with a Focus booster being added. As it'd sit in the same place as all other boosters of being the option for players who're too impatient to farm things and/or don't want to find out how to farm it efficiently.
  16. Because in practical application nothing was changed. All that happened to them was the ammo reductions and the nerfs to AOE range mods. The ammo changes does nothing due to the methods we have to generate ammo, how efficient those weapons are at killing groups of enemies, and how in the same update Eximus were given guaranteed ammo drops. While the range changes don't matter since nearly every part of the game minus open worlds are in tight enough quarters for those mods to still give more than enough range to cover a room. The worst cast of needing to take any one ammo solution (or just use ammo restores) and occasionally needing to fire your weapon twice per room amounts to a net nothing change in how they perform. Meanwhile the community acted like DE slaughtered their firstborns.
  17. Except their only fault is listening to the players too much. The things in the game that make it impossible for there to be actual challenge only exist and remain as they are because DE doesn't want to upset the community whilst said community also asks for more of the same. Meanwhile every single time they'd even made the slightest attempt at mitigating those features they get met with backlash from the community. Hek just look back at the mass backlash and aggressive review bombing over the AOE ""nerfs"" which ultimately did nothing to the performance of said weapons. All it took was DE just touching their favorite toys and a considerable portion of the community lost its mind. If you want to complain about how DE designs the game then you need to also complain at the community asking for exactly what we've ended up with. But at least with semi-RNG loadouts you're still getting your overpowered toys, just not a choice as to which you end up with. Which technically is yet again in-line with what the community wants since they refuse to accept nerfs. Thus the only challenge we can see is with features like this.
  18. Except this is literally how the math works out. Your experience doesn't cause DR to not stack. Also in the situation of assuming Adaptation is in use the difference between 75% and 90% Eclipse is 98% DR vs 99% DR. In the end Eclipse will, in-fact, be a simple zero investment method of adding extra survivability onto any frame. As an option that doesn't need to be spammed nor heavily invested into stat/mod wise. The only question that remains is if players will look at that 75% and assume it's bad because they refuse to look at the math.
  19. Except they do need to be mentioned as the 75% from Eclipse is not just 75% in the context of using it to make frames tankier. Especially as the point that keeps getting brought up is that it should remain at 90-95% or be moddable to hit that point except that 75% is already enough for a build to exceed 95% on any frame. Also I assume most players aren't considering the innate DR shields have and thus aren't considering those interactions with Shield Gating either. Also your statement of Eclipse not being enough to enable health tanking builds assuming Adaptation/armor or not doesn't matter as it's still false. As the 98-99% DR with those three is enough to make a health tanking build. Yes it does still need the component of some form of health sustain but at this point that might as well also be assumed since the alternatives still require energy sustain either in maintaining ability up-time or ability spam for shields.
  20. I don't think anyone is trying to claim that Eclipse alone is enough to make health tanking viable. But also frame builds don't exist in a vacuum. In the case of Trinity sure 75% DR alone might not be enough but if you put Eclipse on top of that Trinity ends up with 93% DR, factoring in her base armor and she has 95% DR, and if you threw a stacked Adaptation in on top of all that she'd have 99.5% DR vs those damage types. Just in general Eclipse plus Adaptation alone is 97% DR before armor and with base armor that ranges from 98-99% DR. And when just considering Tenno Shields for how it works on Shield Gating builds Eclipse alone is 87% DR and with Adaptation it's 98% DR. Now in comparison to another Helminth option, Defy, even the squishiest frames get up to 74% DR with Defy fully stacked. But on all frames Eclipse + base armor is more total DR than Defy + Base Armor plus all the other caveats Defy has.
  21. Really it needs to be put in the context of the other similar options via Helminth. Where the only other sources of DR is Null Star, Defy, Elemental Ward, Warcry, and Parasitic Armor. All of those minus Null Star grant varying amounts of armor. Most of which either being a small amount or only really mattering on already high armor frames. Making them only relevant to frames with armor scaling abilities or who can run health tanking setups. Making them all somewhat niche. Meanwhile Null Star can get much more DR than Eclipse but requires a massive investment into duration and requires the augment to maintain any decent amount of DR. Again making it more of a niche option heavily dependent on frame/build. Thus leaving Eclipse as a fully reliable 75% DR requiring no investment other than not having negative strength. Making it an option you can slap onto any frame you want a bit of extra survivability on or on already tank ones you want to become effectively invulnerable. And even if it's not the best option for shield gating setups it's still going to lengthen the time between shield gates making it a good option if that's a concern. So yeah I'd say 75% is more than enough to justify usage.
  22. According to lore it's a possibility for a Prime to be made after the regular frame. Thus there's no explanation required for how Xaku is Primed other than someone saw the resulting frame and made a Prime out of it. Especially as there's no implication of Xaku being some late creation and was just a couple of frames that had a void related accident.
  23. I don't see the problem here. All of them require resources from their specific branches of content. That "random junk" is rewarded from Iso Vaults while Eidolons are a joke to kill. There's really nothing to rebalance either. Necraloid will be ranked up long before you even finish the Iso vault grinds. While The Quills only require like 7 tri-caps to get all the Shards you need for rank up. Vox was the only outlier with how rare systems ended up being thus needed the rebalance.
  24. If someone asked what something is worth in-game then 9/10 times they'd get recommended to check WFmarket. But if someone went and asked google, a single search, they get WFmarket in their search results. If someone saw that and wondered if it was legit then just searching the website on google, again just one search, they'd immediately get their answer. This is literally asking a single question, two whole google searches, and maybe clicking a link or two explaining the website. If that's considered a "deep dive" then the world really is doomed with how little effort people put into things.
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