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Everything posted by trst

  1. They were already doing that by putting them in Netracells. And between that and the Tau pity system they already made them more accessible. So the upcoming changes are already more of the same and is following how DE always handles new systems: release it > add more sources of it and/or make it even easier to get > repeat.
  2. Even if it was it's still the case that the ability was pretty much unusable as a grouping ability pre-buff, which was on the same patch as the anti-automation changes. So Greedy Pull or not it would have been an automation tool if every frame could have a 25 meter grouping ability before even modding for range.
  3. It's hardly arbitrary as his kit encompasses the two main mechanics all builds require to some extent: survivability and damage. And within those categories Caliban has the two primary methods of both those systems with DR and Shield synergy for survivability and a damage buff plus armor stripping for damage. While for all other frames they're having to include additional upgrades like augments, Helminth, Arcanes, etc to get all of those mechanics at once. And all of those options come at some cost to a build either with sacking mod slots or restricting options in other categories meanwhile Caliban has the option to take anything else. Now mind you I'm not saying that he's in a good place. And he definitely needs some new gimmicks either baked in or finally added through augments else he'll just be worse than Oberon who at least has some unique gimmicks to use. But also the comment I was responding to was "What does Caliban offer that other warframes don't offer better ?" and even if he's not offering something good or desirable his gimmick of having all these core mechanics innately is what he offers over other frames.
  4. When only 14 of the 54 options on offer are nerfed/altered I don't see any reason to change any of them. Especially as a lot of those are only changed because the ability is lacking dependencies from other abilities/passives. While the remaining ones would be incredibly overpowered if unchanged plus it's better overall for Helminth versions to be weaker so they can't overshadow the frame they originated from. And as already pointed out Pull is a very potent tool even with the reduced range while Greedy Pull both isn't the reason for that and it was already nerfed long in the past. It's also worth consideration that some may be nerfed (currently or in the future) due to the potential impact of their augments, like Larva being the other nerfed gathering ability despite having the lowest range but Larva Burst makes it a very potent nuke ability.
  5. Caliban simply can't ever be a popular frame due to inherently being the most generalist design. Which is disappointing as his kit is perfect for the Sentient theming. It's pretty much the same issue as old Oberon had who was also ignored due to being another generalist frame (and even still is among one of the lowest combined play rates). The ability to simultaneously have built in DR, healing, damage amp, shield gating synergy, and armor stripping before Helminth/Augments. No other frame boasts this many mechanics without needing to dip into other upgrade systems while Caliban has his options still open. Yeah none of it is the best in their categories but it's the sheer diversity that sets his kit apart.
  6. Honestly I doubt the augment will do much at all to her popularity since the frame is entirely usable without Merulina and is even a free Helminth slot for those who hate the ability. Making it a bandaid only for players who refuse to play her because "ew K-drive". And at which point they deserve to sack a mod slot for something they can already "fix" yet choose not to. And with that I doubt it'd also change DE's prioritization on fixing whatever bugs she has. As it's unlikely for her popularity to change enough either way for DE to put more or less effort into addressing them. Also skimming that list of bugs I'm not all that surprised that DE hasn't fixed them as they all seem to be rather specific/niche scenarios and/or aren't game breaking concerns. And niche edge cases that aren't causing significant issues on a low popularity frame is the perfect storm of issues getting repeatedly pushed back for more pressing concerns.
  7. No, still not mandatory. Frost doesn't require extra crit on Frozen enemies, doesn't need extra cold damage on weapons, doesn't need Ice Wave to slow enemies, doesn't need to freeze enemies that enter Snow Globe, and doesn't require Overguard. And the reasons for that being: The passive augment is too conditional and unnecessary with how overpowered weapons are plus Cold status buffs crits. Freeze still serves as a way to detonate Snow Globe and the damage has the same issue as the passive. Ice Wave doesn't require an additional slow when Cold status already does that. Snow Globe still serves it's purpose of stopping enemy damage without the added freeze. And he doesn't need Overguard when there's other ways for him to have survivability. And Nekros doesn't need a ranged revive, doesn't require a slow on already CC'd enemies, doesn't need Desecrate to cost health, and doesn't require DR. And again the reasons being: Revives are an outdated system with how rare downs are and how plentiful instant revives are. Terrify already reduced armor and fleeing enemies die quickly enough to not require the slow. Desecrate's energy cost is manageable with energy generation methods and/or just running efficiency. And he doesn't need DR when again there's other ways to get survivability. These are all entirely optional because their abilities still serve their purposes while their augments are adding effects you can get elsewhere or are unnecessary due to being underpowered and/or are just outdated. And just because some players can't/refuse to play without these effects doesn't make them mandatory to the frame itself. It's just like whenever someone claims that shield gating is mandatory. Is it strong? Yes. Is it overpowered when fully abused? Absolutely yes. Is it mandatory? No, case in point being that players were doing level cap content years before shield gating was even a concept. Just because some players want to use the most broken/lazy option for something doesn't magically make it mandatory. It creates the issue of adding unnecessary powercreep. Plus it doesn't resolve the issue of underperforming augments and even adds incentive for DE to put off buffing them even longer. As well it creates a considerably power disparity between frames with how long it tends to take for them to get any augments like in Caliban's case. Abilities don't require augments in the first place. As well if an ability itself is underperforming then the correct argument would be to ask for buffs to that frame itself instead of asking for an entirely separate system to be reworked; the same goes for underperforming augments. And even if the desired buff is to make an augment innate there still needs to be a new augment to replace it.
  8. Factually wrong: https://www.warframe.com/2023stats His Prime has literally sat near the top in combined usage over the last four years as well as his non-Prime being above a lot of other frames. Players are playing him for a reason and those reasons are still valid with the changes we've seen while his issues do appear to have been addressed. And, again, his popularity means he wouldn't see any large changes since he's clearly "good enough" for a large number of players as is. Raw survivability is one of the major complaints players brought up with him as the two other frames in the no shield boat have built-in mechanics for survivability. He also literally can't use all the same methods due to lacking shields. Also I got no idea what you're referring to with "mid-level content" as his kit was already suitable for "high-level" and he's gaining mechanics that're even more relevant for such content. Fast, AOE, light CC (more relevant to a frame that always takes chip damage), heals, and opens enemies to finishers. It's not the best ability but it's definitely a good ability especially as far as "1st abilities" are concerned. Also finishers are good even if you fail to see the value in them. Better is literally all that matters when we're talking about a frame that's already popular with effectively zero abilities. Extra armor, status immunity, and the option of an extra death nullification is fantastic for a frame that lacks shields. Even if Scarab Swarm isn't a lot of procs it's still an AOE source of some armor stripping; paired with Emerald Shards and any other source of Corrosive damage gives his a full strip option. Or at the very least it's a free AOE status proc for status scaling effects if you don't normally run Corrosive on weapons. And his Sand Shadows were awful due to being tied to Devour, getting to spawn summons just from pressing a button and killing an enemy is far more practical. Plus it doesn't matter exactly what they do nor how long they last as summons are still another layer of indirect survivability. And yet again he stacks up just fine vs all the other frames in his current state. Also at this point his one defining trait doesn't matter as much when he now has a unique ability kit to utilize. Being more than just a walking health bar is better than only being known as the walking health bar.
  9. Inaros was never going to get a major rework due to him having remained a very popular frame despite his state. That said though while there's no reason to judge the actual performance of the rework until we get some hands on experience with it I don't see how it's lackluster. Especially if his "issue" is pointless abilities and potential survivability issues vs super high levels. His passive can finally be usable which alone can solve most of his possible survivability concerns. Desiccation was already a good ability and is only getting better with more enemies able to be hit with finishers. As there's plenty of finisher synergies he can make use of and it's always an option for one-shotting tankier enemies if your weapons are falling short. The new Sandstorm functions as a better "oh sh*t" ability now being faster and healing him. Plus being a grouping ability now means it has use in all situations. His new 3 is still the same old 4th ability but now innately gives status immunity plus the new augment gives you a second layer to his passive. And the new Scarab Swarm now works as a way to spread Corrosive procs and the sand Kavats also help survivability with diverting enemy fire. All in all it sounds like all his concerns have been addressed. Ways to survive stupidly high level enemies and his abilities sound like they're actually worth using all while retaining why players play Inaros in the first place. All that remains is to see just how it performs in action which can only be an improvement since he's still same old Inaros but with all his existing mechanics buffed.
  10. Again an augment being weak isn't justification for making it an innate part of the frame. It's justification for arguing in favor of buffs/reworks to those augments. As well that and augment slots don't even solve the issue of underperforming augments. As you'd then just have an underwhelming effect rolled into a frame to be forgotten about or you have the same mod space problem but competing for a stand alone slot. In the end the only solution to bad augments is buffs. And yet again no augment is mandatory for a frame to function. The only thing that makes an augment mandatory is the build/playstyle that a player chooses to use. And none of those are mandatory when every frame has numerous viable uses/builds/playstyles. As for the Helminth idea that's close to the compromise I've brought up in similar threads. Making an augment innate at the cost of a Helminth ability swap at least makes it a trade off and adds to the whole decision making aspect of modding. While also preventing the issues that free augments and augment slots would create.
  11. A frame having greater potential with an augment is kinda the whole point of augments and modding in general? By that logic mods should be deleted and every stat increase rolled into every frame for free. No they're not mandatory. Soul Survivor was a neat utility in days of yore and is just a meme now needing a rework. Terrify can be annoying with enemies running away but that doesn't mandate the use of Creeping to remove a potential annoyance. Despoil isn't remotely mandatory if you use other sources of energy generation/value or just slot some ability efficiency. And Shield of Shadows isn't required when there's plenty of other ways to manage survivability. And the rest of those fall under the same argument as with Baruuk. A frame being better with an augment is the whole point while at the same time none of those augments are required to take those frames into any part of the actual game. Also the whole Rhino Iron Skin thing isn't an issue of the augment. Players want that QoL on Rhino for some reason and should be pestering DE for that functionality instead of pretending like it justifies augments being rolled into frames. Instead try asking for what's actually being asked for there with Rhino getting a QoL pass and his augments getting changed.
  12. There has literally not been a single compelling argument for how any augments are bandaids. All of those augments either enable different gameplay options and/or serve as ways to min-max a specific ability beyond what regular modding can do. Saying they should be innate is no different, while just as nonsensical, as saying that all power strength mods should be innate. The only exceptions at all are the few augments that're genuinely too weak and unimpactful to justify a slot into any build. Things like Resonating Quake, Afterburn, or Mind Freak that tried to buff underwhelming abilities by only adding an underwhelming amount of damage onto them. In these situations the augments themselves need reworks/buffs instead of being rolled into the frame for no reason.
  13. And again they specified that these were their current ideations for Eclipse. Ideation meaning: "the formation of ideas or concepts". These were not final versions of what they would add but concepts put forward of what approaches they could take. Players wanted them to take the approach of making it consistent and that concept lead into the version we're getting. Yes it's not the exact version of that concept they first outlined there but by having called it an ideation in the first place means there was no implicit promise of other changes not happening. Thus there was no lie.
  14. The options were make it function as originally intended, make it more reliable, change how it functions entirely, or something entirely different. Players chose option B in wanting it more reliable and that's exactly what we got. And the only other DR option that isn't armor based is Null Star. Which requires a massive duration investment to hit it's DR cap and is incredibly unreliable without an augment.
  15. There's no lie here as they called their suggestions ideations. Meaning they were presenting concepts outlining each approach and not final iterations. And it's entirely reasonable that in exploring the route players wanted of making it more reliable DE found the damage buff to be excessive on both the Helminth version and on Mirage. Also in the end the whole thing is a net buff for everyone involved. Mirage didn't need two damage boosts and benefits more from a reliable source of DR while Helminth was lacking reliable DR and already has other damage buff options.
  16. That's neat and all but Mirage didn't need the damage due to how overpowered weapons are and she still has Hall of Mirrors. And getting a guaranteed 90% DR buff on her at all times makes it a strict buff for the frame. There's no reason to choose between the two effects when she always has one of them regardless of the state of Eclipse. Plus it's still a buff via Helminth as there's no other reliable DR ability through it aside from some armor buffs. Meanwhile weapons are still overpowered and there's still other damage buffs via Helminth.
  17. It's a buff across the board. Mirage gets a reliable damage buff or a reliable damage resistance buff. Instead of randomly moving between the two and/or being unable to activate one due to the tileset you're playing on. Plus she doesn't need the damage buff to begin with due to how much of a damage buff (and then some) she gets out of Hall of Mirrors. Thus making it a net buff for her. While as a Helminth ability any frame can now get a reliable damage resistance buff. Something that has been entirely lacking from the Helminth system minus the few armor buffs the system has which offer far less total reduction. While the damage loss doesn't matter due to there already being other damage buffs via Helminth. Thus a buff through gaining more options via Helminth.
  18. What you're describing as a "failure" of the augment system is the entire point of the modding system itself. You've made the choice to build/play a frame in such a way that you can't afford to slot an augment. Therefor the modding system has forced you to make a decision of running your specific build vs running a new build vs altering your build to accommodate an augment. That decision making step is the entire reason we have all the mods/upgrades we do. Other players may choose to incorporate an augment into their existing build or may even make an entirely new build centered around the augment itself. Meanwhile you and those who will choose to not use the new augments have made the decision to not utilize those mods. And making the system one where you just slap the augment onto a frame for free entirely removes that decision making step.
  19. "Just make better AI lol" is not a solution when the average enemy life span is measured in a range from a few frames to a few seconds. Enemies literally don't live long enough for any AI system to make a decision other than "get as much damage and/or abilities off as possible before evaporating". Especially when their targets can be literally immortal and outright immune to damage/effects. Except you can expect players to do exactly that in a game that doesn't impose forced inventory limits. Platinum can be easily earned for free and Forma isn't even a requirement here as virtually anything can be made viable, or at least useful, at such levels with just a Catalyst. Something which is also effectively free with how trivial Nightwave is. Also the expectation isn't to get everything anyways. Just enough to consistently get gear that can trivialize the content.
  20. Is this a joke? Nullifiers stopped being an obstacle years ago. Literally just shoot the bubble, run in to kill the Nullifier then recast whatever you need to, use your Operator to kill them/pop the bubble, or equip your Sentinel/Companion with a gun that's good against them. Also actually using your weapons/Companions happens to be the same answer to Overguard. Also CC was the original powercreep and required things like Nullifiers. As any time enemies were hard to kill CC was the free catch all solution to them. It also created the ongoing issue, which justifies Overguard existing, that if DE ever wanted enemies to be more of a threat and/or just harder to kill they needed CC resistance/immunity by necessity. And even though CC has been long dead due to damage powercreep the looming design issue CC presented was still present. Which all comes together with the Eximus rework in that DE's goal was to make Eximus units a threat again. Which then necessitates CC immunity else any potential threat they posed could have been nullified via CC.
  21. Actually it's the only way DE can create difficulty in this game without imposing artificial limitations on our stats/mechanics. And it's even one in-line with the only actual difficulty the game has: gear checks. To be more specific that difficulty is present in needing to be able to utilize a random loadout to complete those missions. Either by having just enough gear set up for such content that you can get by with just one good roll or optimizing everything you have/can get to be viable thus always being prepared regardless of what you get. Also the idea that this is somehow invalidating gear you invested in is just blatantly wrong. As it's putting more value into all the gear you've invested into. Meaning everything you've previously put work into that you shelved for one reason or another is now relevant again. As well as being able to invest into random gear and getting value out of every one of them as it's increasing your odds of getting a good setup in such modes.
  22. And there's a dozen different ways to generate/manage energy that isn't Nourish. A 1e/s buff would do nothing for those players and isn't remotely necessary. Also the Eximus rework did nothing. CC abilities have been trash for the majority of the game's life and even then are still entirely usable considering only a tiny fraction of the enemies in a mission are even Eximus units. Again players refusing to think outside the tiny box they choose to reside in is the problem here.
  23. What does this statement have to do with literally anything?
  24. You refusing to think outside the box and being unable to see value in most of the other Helminth abilities highlights the real problem here in why it needed a nerf.
  25. Literally just avoid the few things that can drain energy. If avoiding a tiny number of very telegraphed sources is too difficult then use a method that lets you ignore it entirely. Exploiting anything is entirely unnecessary here nor is the effect of draining energy remotely unfair.
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