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Posts posted by selimsrm

  1. Had this happen to me some time ago and it was no big deal since it reset a minor act (collect energy orbs or kill 100 enemies). This time it reset my 30min kuva survival and both sanctuary onslaught acts.

    Just out of curiosity, when did everyone else's reset? Mine happened when I exited the 30 min kuva survival and was prompted with the daily tribune. I'm wondering if that may be part of the trigger for it.

  2. I've noticed the alt helmets for new Warframes are not appearing in Nightwave very fast. Always use to see alerts shortly after a new frame was released with the alt helmet. I think it was Hildryn and Titania, I had their alt helmets before I finished getting the frames.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Nichivo said:

    You missed the point. Even if you plan ahead and kill every Kuva Larva, with Khora for toxin on every kuva weapon. The amount of the toxin bonus is RNG percent based. 25 percent on the low end and 90? percent on the high end. Now go ahead and sink 5 forma in that 35% toxin bonus Kuva Karak for the MR, and let me know how you feel when your next Kuva Lich, gives you the Kuva Karak again with a 79% bonus to toxin. 

    This is why I will not be putting any more Forma in these weapons. I'll collect them, rank to 30 and only forma once I get a high roll or need that little bit of MR to reach the next rank.

    This update could have created more kuva sinks outside of riven rolling. Use kuva to add ranks to the kuva weapons and forma to only polarize. Recharge these new requiem mods with kuva to slay your litch.

  4. The requiem mods only drain a charge on a successful assassination, getting one correct and missing the next does not drain charges on the first one.

    If DE wants to create a kuva loop with these mods, recharging a use with kuva would be much more preferred for me than hunting for a relic with a 30% chance to drop outside of floods, having a 25% chance of being the one I want, and an 11%-20% (intact to radiant) chance to reward the specific mod I'm after. 

  5. With arbitrations running the ABCCCC... and disruption with 4 defended running BBCCCCC... it might already be planned to turn the current survival, defense, excavation, and interception missions into AABCCCC... (maybe AABCBCBCBC... if they don't want too many C rotations for some reason.) If it's not, I hope they consider it.

    • Like 1
  6. Disruption is a solid game mode and I would like to see a similar change. The waves can be be completed fairly quickly if you find the demolyst fast and as a relic farm they are excellent.

    I'd like to see the mission relic rewards tiered more.

    • Olympus/Mars 15-20: AB Lith | C Meso
    • Laomedia/Neptune 25-30: AB Lith | C Meso
    • Kelpie/Sedna: 35:40: AB Meso | C Neo
    • Apollo/Lua 35-40: AB Neo | C Axi

    As it is now we have no good places to get Axi Relics without going to rotation C in interception, defense, or survival and these missions tend to get boring/frustrating after a while. Whereas disruption is a fairly dynamic mission with finding the key and then hunting the demolyst whilst dealing with crowd control in the area around the conduit.

    Perhaps it's by design that Axi relics are far more time consuming to obtain, in that case, possibly dilute the Axi reward pool with 20x void traces at 40% since (in my experience) they are often in short supply as well.

    • Like 1
  7. There's a lot of things you can do, but if I remember, getting Rhino was one of my first goals.

    His part blueprints drop from the Jackal on Fossa, Venus and his final blueprint is in the market for 35,000 credits. He's an excellent Warframe and will easily run through most of the starchart with minimal mod investment.

    Vitality, Steel Fiber are good to help most frames survive longer and Steel Fiber will boost Rhino's iron skin ability along with ability strength mods. Don't worry about maxing out Vitality right away, getting it to rank 7 or 8 is a solid place to get it and not cost too much endo. (I ran a lot of my 10 rank mods at 8 for a long time because of the cost).

    While you work on getting his blueprints and the materials to build them, try getting new weapons up to rank 30 for the mastery points and take the tests as they become available. (you don't have to get to rank 30 as the last few levels require more XP to gain but if you ever intend to max rank everything you'll end up going back to re level them)

    A good primary weapon goal is the Vectis (sniper rifle) at MR2, and the Hek (shotgun) at MR4. Both can be effective with just a few mods (damage, multishot, elementals) and are excellent once a "full build" is put on them. The Lex is a solid secondary at MR3. Most weapons are usable but these stand out at the earlier MR levels and scale well into later missions with better mods.



  8. To make sure the drops work, disable all script blocking add-ons and extensions in your browser. The first Twitch drop event I barely saw any drops because I had three blocking add-on running and my guess is whatever service is tracking the viewing time and applying drops was prevented from doing so or never logged my view time.

  9. I always join public bounties for tridolon. Most of the time it goes pretty smooth and if I catch the night cycle early, the group I join can generally do a second with the time remaining.

    Certainly a few groups have had trouble and we barely made it though all three but the next night cycle will be up soon enough.

    • Like 1
  10. Restricting the game mode to rank 30 weapons would probably just reduce it's popularity too low to regularly find a game, besides I have used it to rank up weapons a few times, but I always try to get to wave 8.

    I certainly sympathize with the frustration of trying to get the vandal parts or the ephemera from wave 8 when 90% of the time you end up solo by wave 4. Due to this I will only bring Saryn and an ignis/atomos/staticor to have the best chance of maintaining the killing speed and finishing the run at wave 8. Even then, depending on the tilesets, it can be nearly impossible to keep up.

    • Like 1
  11. Pretty much agree with OP on these points. The UI looks nice but some of the same issues with the first UI update have come back, specifically on the relic selection screen requiring a mouse hover to see the number owned and other details.

    Just a tip on the relic screens to deal with the un-owned relics, you can sort by 'owned' in the drop down left of the search bar. This way the relic you have the most number of will always be first. It may need to be sorted this way on each screen but it should stay sorted that way after setting it.

  12. I'm seeing a spawn issue since every public group has at least one player wanting to leave as soon as the extraction is open. (side rant: not sure why you don't play solo if it's to only clear the node and not get any resources or rewards)

    When any players moves to early extraction they seem to get swarmed by nearly all the spawns, including the key carriers. Just finished a game where the guy ran out of revives on the extraction platform and had to help a guy yesterday clear the extract zone so he could leave. Those of us staying couldn't do much until we found all the keys near the exit area.

    • Like 1
  13. This has mostly been commented already but my impressions of the fight;

    Dialog that covers half the screen is obnoxious, some of the syndicates do it in an invasion and Natah should be shrunk to the smaller window after the first completion.

    Instructions for the fight are unclear, I sorted out the charging the towers with the Ropas beam and to lower shields with operator but it took a few minutes to figures out to grab it and crash it into a tower. Once on the ground the 'fins" on it's back were obvious targets but Alad V saysing "hit it big" didn't alert me to the panel to fire the laser.

    The tiles to reach the boss have a few locations where the waypoint is oddly placed on the map and the larger parkour areas can be tricky if a players doesn't have void dash (mind sprint and void flow) maxed out to get seven dashes.

    Other than some occasional clipping of the Ropa into the platform, the fight feels solid and can be done relatively quickly solo and in a group.

  14. 36 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

    With the 60 minute stuff... I have to agree. Not in general, but hour long stuff's a problem. Especially since it's boring, and not challenging in the slightest.

    With the Kuva suvival, challenge is made by requiring Nekros/Hydroid just to mostly keep life support up. It's the reason I find ESO so frustrating to play solo (after the team bails at wave 3), the drain is faster than spawns allow to maintain.

    Tried it once, made it to 35min or so with a group, no Nekros so it was gg. We got 2 stretch mods as rewards, it was pretty entertaining to see that pop up and lotus saying "look what our operative found".

  15. Looking though the wiki a bit, it appears that aura mods will apply to exalted weapons. (steel charge to exalted blade and pistol amp to regulators etc).

    If you want to get the most out of these weapons though, you will still want to forma them a few times to fit all the mods. I will make a huge difference in their effectiveness.

  16. It sounds like the chat has gone from a free for all mess to becoming too filtered(?) when, as you say, someone was banned for a meme and you got the boot for commenting on it.

    Although I have seen that meme start some insane rants and arguments which would probably consume region chat for hours as people joined and left the chat.

    As for the freedom of speech note. In game chat is not a public space, and DE is not the US government. DE is also a company based in Canada, which does not have constitutional protection for freedom of expression.


    Safest bet is to keep the chat game related.

  17. 15 minutes ago, xPreViisionz said:

    The title, he has to put the riven on a shotgun so he can't use sniper rifles

    Ah, right, I had forgotten that shotgun secondaries use pistol mods.

    I would try the Lex Prime or Pandero in that case. Maybe a Tigris variant with Tainted Shell just to see.

  18. I had an almost identical requirement some time ago. I recall using the Itzal and cloaking (Amesha with watchful swarm and warding grace could work too) and used the Vectis or Rubico and primarily targeted the Ballista and Butchers (the Grineer snipers and cleavers) as they have exposed heads. Lancers and the sort have almost a hood protecting their heads from all but the front, making them harder to get those headshots on while in the air.

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