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Posts posted by Orcot

  1. Limited time icons have always been a thing, Primes, Proto-Excal, Nyx-Neme, and Gersemi all had it, this isn't new.


    It's not bad for businesses, these items are unimportant and inconsequential which is the very reason why DE has put exclusions and restrictions on them.  This is actually how free-to-play works as the value of the items in question is completely based on the players idea of worth and holds no value based on performance in-game, anything else is buy-to-win.

  2. I say yes, but maybe not in the same way you propose.


    I think the game would greatly benefit from more "out there" kind of ideas/themes but in terms of mysticism/spiritualism I think those themes should keep a respectable distance from the core feel of the game.  Those kinds of theme are incredibly easy for a writer to get addicted to as they can simply solve even the most complex/story breaking plot-holes by explaining it was magic and leads to lazy storytelling.


    Not that I don't like these themes, I just think the relationship WF has with them is healthy and shouldn't change how it is, a lot of Lore related to Tenno have High Fantasy written all over and Vor giving the most fanatical view one could have about Tenno, which is a breath of fresh air compared to the usual "Tenno are scum" comments we get from most of our enemies.


    I could bare to see more mysticism in the game so long as it doesn't compromise the general theme of the game.

  3. A lot of our current warframe augments are in pretty bad shape, except for a select few most go ignored and unused with little incentive to use them when you consider the slot used for an augment could be better used.


    With that being said, I still feel we need more augments for weapons and Frames.

  4. You're not speaking on my behalf, looks aside Ash has been a problem since his launch and in his current state he is extremely boring, Shuriken is unrewarding with it's targeting, Smoke Screen is a panic button, Teleport is a joke that punishes you for even trying, and Bladestorm as cool as it is to watch is a Lazy-man's excuse for gameplay.


    The fact that Ash has no team synergy isn't something that should be praised like some hallmark in Warframe history, it's a weakness, it means you have no reason to take Ash with on a Raid or Tower4.  


    Bringing nothing to the team isn't a perk, it's a glaring design flaw.

  5. Have you considered the fact that these Deluxe skins cost as much plat as a Warframe?


    Also, at this point in the game if DE did make alt-gender skins it would allow just lead to the same people who were just complaining to push for alt-Immortals and alt Deluxe and alt-Primes and even an argument about alt-Excal.P.  Hypothetical as it might be, DE has already chosen their stance on the topic and whether you feel it's a valid stance or not is irrelevant to the fact that it will not be worth the hassle compared to the ceaseless bickering to come if DE changes their mind.

  6. It still looks the same to me.   I am automatically suspect as well though because ps4 NEVER gets anything BEFORE pc.  Like seriously....never.


    We got the research for the Cerata early.


    Pic one, look closely at his forearm, it has a lot of extra grain/texture to it, in the pic with Frost's back there is a reflective look to it.

  7. Are you sure? I played with him today and noticed nothing different. Plus I doubt such a change would go up unannounced.


    Yeah, I was looking at him from the Liset on through the Show Profile option, I'll upload a pic about it in soon.


    I figured it was something like the Cerata being released early and DE made a mistake since I've seen nothing on the forums about it.

  8. So I was playing with a friend today on PS4 and we both noticed something odd, Frost.P got PBR'd and he looks great! 


    I had to do a double take just to be sure and even compared his Frost to my mine, I'm not sure if others are seeing this to but just thought I'd mention it.


    EDIT:Just uploaded pics now from Dojo now, hope this clears things up.


    EDIT2: Added an extra picture with the normal gold being tinted silver/blue.








  9. I'm with Redemption on this matter, the current state of Arcanes was because of a bandaid fix, coming up with another quick solution to a problem caused by this method would just create a new problem of the same nature.


    I'm in favor of an Arcane slot, the original problem people had with Arcanes was that they were tied to cosmetics having an invisible option doesn't solve the problem and would just be a waste of resource since it wouldn't address the issue.

  10. Why would anyone reverse engineer inferior technology?


    Orokin gear is superior to all factions, priming any weapon that isn't Tenno makes no sense.


    Now if we're talking about things like the Seer, then I'm all for it but tit's gonna be a little hard to fit since the Grineer hate anything that isn't Grineer and have been explained as absolutely hating the Orokin more than anything else.  The only exception to this is Vor, he had a different view from his clone brethren.  Corpus already copy the Orokin so most of their stuff is already either a hybrid of Orokin gear or reversed engineered from Orokin.


    Prime versions of other faction gear just wouldn't make sense no matter how you try and explain it, except for the Infested but then it wouldn't be "Primed" anymore.

  11. No.  They were a bad idea from the go, few of them were ever used, and they made the game Meta a nightmare and broke Endgame development .


    DE has already stated their reasons for stats being on cosmetics and have already explained why didn't just take the stats off.


    Arcanes are no longer a problem cause they no longer relevant enough to affect further development of the game.

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