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Posts posted by Orcot

  1. To answer you OP, "No", too much has happened for such a thing to work, Grineer and Corpus relations are reaching a boiling point, Sents are coming to kill everyone, Stalker wants to kill only us, Lotus was and still is the only reason we are currently alive and with the last few Story focused Events we've had show that the Tenno are more powerful and unified then ever before since we've awoken.


    All that being said, personally I wouldn't like to see some civil-war amongst Tenno, lore wise it wouldn't make sense without having to make extreme changes to our current setting and the Community so far has been to kind to the last player dividing events.


    TL;DR It wouldn't make sense and it isn't worth the hassle to make such an event fit.

  2. Would be neat if they were the secret police of the Orokin, empires have been known to use spies on their own people to maintain their power and for counter espionage.  


    Assassinations, sabotage, information gathering and territory defense, pretty much what we already do but to our own.  I don't think it's too far of a stretch, we already know the Orokin were a class based society with a great sense of elitism, some Tenno had to have been used for such a purpose.

  3. Truth, but the Rhino Prime codex entry proved this long before.


    If you read closely, it seems to be describing an out-of-suit Tenno using Rhino's abilities.


    Further strengthening my theory that the Warframes are used simply used to strengthen/channel a Tenno's abilities. 



    The Warframes have always been stated to be enhancers for Tenno, it's lore that's been on the game's site since closed beta, but most people never bother to read it.


    The biggest mystery of this game has always been the Tenno, even now while DE drip feeds us the details we still know close to nothing about their past, motives or even their biology.

  4. Let's not bring back the Tiny Girl argument, for those that don't know there was an argument long time ago about Tenno changing frames, the conclusion was that we all had to be tiny women as an explanation on how we could change suits.  At the time Mag was the smallest frame and Rhino was the biggest.


    Currently there is more evidence to show we are physical being, the new Golem fight confirms it, we are flesh not energy.

  5. Golem's lines are reference to his old lines when he was J3-Golem, my favorite is "Why do you destroy us? We are your flesh." which is the revised line we are discussing.


    I remember being in a similar thread such as this, most of us agreed J3 was just referring to us being made of "flesh" less so being made of infested "flesh", at the time we had nothing to hint we're infested or to support such a theory.

  6. I'm looking for players with tolerant and patient personalities with experience and good grasp on game mechanics and must have one maxed level Corrosive Projection, must be able to communicate in fluent English or acceptable dialect of it.


    With all requirements being said in the above, I'm inexperienced to the trial and would welcome others that are as well and greatly appreciate those with experience, Mics are also desired but not required so long as players understand their roles, Eastern Time US.


    If you're interested or have any questions please leave a reply stating so, Clan solicitations are not welcomed, I'll be monitoring this thread for replies.

  7. It has 4 factions, but the new enemies are all reskins.


    Its basically the corrupted.


    Sort of.


    The Corrupted belong to the Hive, so it's more of a sub-faction really, and it's a sub-faction made up of reused game assets then renamed "Corrupted".

  8. Way back in the old days we did have such a thing, it was removed shortly after Open Beta started , DE didn't like it and seem to feel it wan't right for a Co-Operative game.


    It wasn't really going anywhere and it didn't really mean anything since there were people cheating their way to the top and if it came back we'd still have the same issues we had then.


    Personally, I'm against the idea of any sort of Leaderboards, they promote negative behavior and incite they idea of cheating, almost every event we've had so far that offered rewards to the top Clans has had players rigging scores just for a different colored statue.

  9. When it comes to Warframes the only ones actually stated to have been fan inspired are Saryn and Zephyr, both have been credited to thier repective creators by DE.  


    Chroma and Mesa are not fan concepts, they have little in common to the fan requested frames beyond the themes they represent, just like Oberon is a Paladin, Ash is an Assassin and Excalibur is a Swordsman, Mesa and Chroma fit a theme that fans happened to want, if DE took inspiration from fanart they would have mentioned it.

  10. The way the light reflects off the shoulder is a huge indication of the texture change. Also, the infected arm in-game isn't nearly as detailed as it is in the pic.


    It's just a trick of the light, Proto pic has a different lighting setup compared to other Warframes, compare it to the Mordred pic to see the detail differences.  The infected arm only looks better cause it's a small picture giving the illusion of higher quality, you can get a similar effect ingame by increasing your Field of View in the options menu, everything looks prettier from afar (being smaller helps to).

  11. Pretty sure all the Icons are drawn so it could just be someone getting fancy at DE


    Nah, there rendered pics.


    On topic: The Proto Pic looks standard, still has that plastic look to it, it's all the same texture it's just look different cause it has a lot of going on with it in terms of color and surface formations.

  12. Yes Excalibur's skin AND default color scheme needs a revision, after checking Loki.


    Also all praise a complete PBR treatment. Don't forget Avalon and Pendragon helms this time plox.


    Pendragon is in dire need of some touching-up, the rings that hang on it are broken and looks buggy/atrocious, it's been like this for several updates with no mention of fixing it.

  13. With the recent Hotfix's changes to Loki I noticed something instantly, Loki's Immortal skin was also given the PBR treatment!




    But sadly Excal's doesn't, now before we get the "Loki Master-race" started, I have to ask, when will Excal be getting said treatment and are newer frames going to be receiving Immortal skins?


    But seriously, Tenno, go compare Loki-Immortal and Excal-Immortal, you can clearly see the difference.

  14. ...This is kinda like saying Chroma should get 4x exp because technically he has 4 different sets of ability effects.


    Yeah but you only needed one of each part to build, yeah Chroma was expensive resource wise but he isn't comparable to a frame you practically have to build twice.


    I think Equa should give double since it takes as much time and effort as two frames.

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