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Posts posted by Orcot

  1. No matter how you look at it it's going to be annoying trying to shoot past it, I really wouldn't want to see this during a mission and no making it smaller defeats the idea of having a war banner on your back, they are meant to be obvious so others can see you who you represent.  We are Tenno, the enemy doesn't care what Clan we work for since they see use all the same, something like this would only serve to inform other Tenno, I personally don't have anything against Clans, but banner sticking out of someone's back and getting in the way would change my view, players can rep their Clan how ever they want but it should never hinder others while playing the game.


    Also thematically speaking it wouldn't make sense for Tenno to ever have one, unless it was PvP related, actually this would be great as a PvP thing, best way to represent your Clan is by letting them know who put them down, would also fit the idea of a Sashimono since war-banners were used, would also be great for when ever Dark Sector Conflicts comeback.

  2. I would have to agree with this. Either I am missing something with this ability, I am really bad at using it, or it needs some changes.


    I've tested it too many times to remember and from what I've gathered you have to be at max range to get the most out of it but doing that puts you at risk of having S.Dash act up by colliding into obstacles and such.


    Another thing I've notice is that S.Dash has obstruction issues with multiple enemies, enemies can block S.Dash from targeting their allies, I've gone from clearing hallways to just taking out the first person in line cause of this.

  3. Something I've noticed about the new S.Dash, the cone for it is rather small, it tends to have a hard time hitting more than two enemies in front of you.  The way best way to make the most of it is to put some distance from your target but the issue with that is it's difficult to judge what's too far to hit.  I think S.Dash needs to have it's target cone widen a bit so close range purposes.


    Just my 2 cents.




    Another thing I've notice is that S.Dash has obstruction issues with multiple enemies, enemies can block S.Dash from targeting their allies if they stand directly in front of them, I've gone from clearing hallways to just taking out the first person in line cause of this.

  4. It would the current starter planets are in the center and the Void and Derelicts are way out in the system, that should give us an idea of the new chart progression.  A lot of space is left in between the planets, I'm guessing this is for Archwing, Alerts, and missions that take place on ships, also leaves space for future tilesets to be added later.


    I look forward to see how they include Invasions and Events into this new chart!

  5. These changes sound nice and all but there are some issues, if the duration on Roar is raised this will severely damage the usefulness of his Augment for it which is already suffering, if this change is going to be made then Roar needs to be either recastable or his augment needs to be changed.


    Iron Skin needs to be reviewed, it is just awful, the scaling for it is too out of balance, it's far too strong early game and becomes useless endgame no matter how you mod towards it, it doesn't use your shields, it doesn't use your armor, it doesn't have any special properties beyond stagger/stun immunity, builds no aggro, once Rhino Charge is buffed it will be his most useless power endgame-wise.


    I understand your hesitance in making any changes to IS considering all the work that's gone into balancing it's past iterations, there are too many frames that tank better than Rhino without using energy and they easily surpass him when they do.

  6. Yeah, currently we have too many Nukers, Volt, Saryn, Ash, Rhino, Frost...etc.  Would be a nice change of pace to have some of the less creative/overlapping powers be replaced into a toggle/mode.  I'd like it if they were done like how Excalibur got his, and ability that enhances what they already have while also giving them a little extra.  Imagine World on Fire giving replacing Ember's guns with a range combustion power and adding explosions to fireball, something along those lines. 


    Too many frames do the exact samething as a 4th, a little variety would be very much appreciated.

  7. Since Excalibur's new ability comes with its very own stance mod, I figured wouldn't it be great if he had an augment to change the stance or even weapon.

    In particular, an augment mod to replace that glowy energy skana with an big glowy energy galatine :D

    And then like any stance mod, upgrading the augment mod would add combos


    Sounds neat, I don't know how I'd feel about him pulling out a Galatine from his hand but I would enjoy a dual stance.


    I think if E.Blade does get an augment, it should also receive additional bonuses, as an example what if he made slash waves around him instead of throwing them and turn his R.Blind into a radial slash with Stun/Bleed proc.  It would trade his long-range/Finisher combat style for a more proc focused multi-hit combat style.

  8. Firstly use the search tool as there are many posts on excals ult.

    Secondly don't hijack a thread if you have no idea about what is being discussed. Not only is it considered bad manners, it derails the subject content at hand.


    Wooh, what is with the aggression?  He asked a question on a not wildly known topic, he wasn't trying to derail the thread.


    Also the thread has already derailed, we wen from talking about how our powers work to discussing the origins of the Tenno.


    To be on topic, Lore on Tenno states that we draw our powers from the Void, and our Warframes enhance it, this is supported by people like Vor that mentions how Tenno are like a prism/lens through which It's energy focuses through.  It explains why our Warframes are made the way they are, Ember has heatsinks, Frost has vents, Mag has magnets, and Volt has some sort of conductors, most frames seem to have parts to support their intended function which is to magnify our abilities.

  9. Maybe with the arrival of the Tenno, the Sentients attempted to flee to a different solar system.

    Is there anything that supports the Orokin made the Sentients though?

    Apparently there was an ancient civilization eons old, possibly Sentients/Aliens who made the Sentients.

    Not saying I believe that, but I don't think we have any solid evidence of where the Sentients came from.


    The only evidence we have is the constant text references to beyond the solar system and usually they involve the Old War and Sentients, everything else has been speculation so far.

  10. Like all mission types, Spies should be easier with groups, I feel more options should be available for for groups to make spies more doable for groups.  But I also feel less should be changed to make solo more balanced compared to Co-Op.

  11. Pretty sure this has been brought up before...but the Pendragon helm still isn't fixed. The chains on the back have been broken ever since that patch a long time ago that made them move at a more realistic speed, but ever since they don't collide with neither other chains nor the helmet itself. Looks really bad, and the pre-fix helm worked much better, even if the chains moved as if they were on the moon and didn't have as much gravity on them. Would've thought it would be fixed, since there's now two Pendragons, but the Prisma Pendragon is broken in the same way too. A shame, too, since the Pendragon is my favorite-looking helmet for Excalibur



    Normal Pendragon



    Prisma Pendragon (Only through Arsenal preview, so camera isn't as close as in Normal Pendragon, though chains can be seen to be physically inside the helmet as in the Normal version)



    I swear I was thought I was going crazy thinking I was the only one that noticed this!


    Seriously though, I'm usually not too petty when it comes to cosmetics but this bug has ruined Pendragon for me, I made it cause the rings looked cool, now I only see them when I'm on elevators.

  12. I fail to see how touching a rock in space is cause for celebration when it doesnt do anything for humanity at all. Ok we traveled for a decade and finally touched it, all that proves is we need FTL tech if we hope to do anything substantial in space


    In order for one to make any meaningful progress in science baby steps are required, making the difference between Icarus and the Wright Brothers as clear as night and day.

  13. Why does this matter? What we're asking for won't take anything away from the game. We're not getting anal over nothing. We're asking for a small change to allow us to do a normal attack or a finisher attack depending on the situation. 


    Just use the waves or shoot them is not a solution.


    If you'd read my first post you'd know that I agreed with OP's idea, what I don't agree with is exaggerated complaint he's parading around as a fact.


    The projectiles don't benefit from stealth multipliers, and we should damn well not be forced to rely on energy-draining waves to kill groups of blind enemies with a sword.



    The difference is that when you're using a gun, you can choose to mow down hordes of enemies or do a slower, more calculated headshot to bring down that one priority target. That's just not possible with melee and blind enemies anymore.

    Before this update, I could easily sweep out 10+ level 60 Bombard Eximus units in a matter of seconds with Orthos Prime. Now it's easily triple the amount of time if I work my way around the Finisher activation range, and (bare minimum) 10x the amount of time to actually use the Finishers.


    This is not okay. This update was supposed to buff Excal, especially for melee gameplay.


    To start, Selective Targeting, the same idea that makes you have to line up your shots to kill that one powerful enemy now applies to your melee weapon.  It is very much possible to play this way, don't excuse your lack of effort to adept by saying it's impossible.


    I'll repeat myself, I agree with the idea of having a way to choose when to use Finishers.

  14. Many of us main pure-melee frames. Even if this wasn't the case, Excal's 4 now forces him into melee mode anyways.


    I pure-melee myself, and I've been using Radiant Aug before this, selective targeting is the same for swords and guns, Exalted Blade also comes with a projectile on all attacks so Finishers are now optional for Excal.

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