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(XBOX)Erudite Prime

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Erudite Prime

  1. Side turrets are way easier to aim than the pilot's guns. There's not much reason to even have a pilot, since there's not much of an advantage to moving the Railjack around. By the way, why are people saying cryo sucks on side turrets?

    Also, do you know what a scapegoat is?

  2. On 2020-01-10 at 8:48 AM, notbydesign said:

    cringe-worthy complaints

    Yes, comparing what DE said Railjack will be and what Railjack actually is (so far) is SO CRINGE BRO!
    +1 upvote

    On 2020-01-10 at 9:18 AM, notbydesign said:

    LOL woops. Didn't mean to insult your waifu...

    Thank you for your constructive opinion that literally nobody asked for.

    lmao imagine being this mad at getting a response that didn't agree with you

  3. 1 hour ago, AuroraSonicBoom said:

    Lots of players playing warframe tend to be completionists and want to be done with everything for one reason or another. Personally I dont care one bit for liches and random weapon damage % rewards, but had to slog through the grind to get all the MR. Same goes for Railjack.

    How does that address DE's motivation to slow these players down? Do they just not like these kinds of players?

  4. 1 minute ago, taiiat said:

    Ivara has control tools, shrug. and you'd want to shoot Enemies in the Head or some other Weakpoint anyways, you do so much more Damage there that shooting elsewhere is kinda pointless unless the Enemies are Low Level and the amount of Damage you do is unimportant.

    Look, I only just now found out that the bonus was only activated on headshots and I'm sad okay!

  5. 1 minute ago, taiiat said:

    it's already pretty good, it gives what can be a large AoE to a Warframe that normally doesn't have AoE Damage.
    sacrificing Single / low Target Damage in order to hit potentially a pretty wide area instead. 

    Well at the very least, the extra crit chance and explosion should just be that. No need for requiring a headshot, since you can't even get headshots if enemies are facing a certain way half the time.

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  6. "Concentrated" implies that the normal fan of ~10 arrows are concentrated into a single one. This, however, is obviously not the case. The mod would be a lot better if A) Its bonus critical chance and explosion did not rely on headshots, or B) it dealt 5x damage (maybe remove reduce the 50% crit chance to compensate)


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