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(XBOX)Erudite Prime

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Erudite Prime

  1. 21 hours ago, DrakeWurrum said:

    Right?! If the Arbiters want to kill me so bad, why am I allowed to enter their enclave and purchase stuff with the Vitus Essence they allowed me to have during one of their Arbitration tests?

    DE doesn't care that much about the game in this way. 

  2. 21 hours ago, DrakeWurrum said:

    I ended up saying "screw it" and went through the hard work of actually switching factions months ago so that I could get all the weapon variants and Archguns from every faction. I haven't worked very hard at it, because I've been ignoring Syndicate missions week after week, but it all finally paid off.

    You could have simply traded away some Archwing weapon parts and augment mods, and then bought the parts you needed. You chose to take the hard way, so you can't really complain. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Rivyn said:

    People wouldn't scream content drought if they paced themselves instead of cramming it in as quickly as possible.

    People are allowed to play the game at their own pace and give feedback based on their experience. Running through content faster or slower doesn't magically make it seem like there's more or less of it. 

    • Like 1
  4. Rising Tides is a disaster of a quest. Six of the same mission once every 12 hours, and then a weird Key grab. Sure you get Cy's backstory, but the quest should have ended in a real story-driven tutorial for Railjack. It should have mirrored The Archwing quest, and walked you through all the stations and basic features of the ship. 

    • Like 4
  5. 8 minutes ago, SirTobe said:

    approach from different sides with walls for cover. 

    What version of Warframe are you playing where you have ever taken cover? Also, I feel like fighting off boarding parties would be way more engaging in a more limited environment. It'd be more intense and provide a better contrast to normal combat everywhere else. I suppose we can agree to disagree on this point.

  6. The whole point is to facilitate trading between players, and that's a good thing. It gives everybody a way to make slow and steady plat. 

  7. 16 minutes ago, Awazx said:

    Not now. Welcome to Warframe 2.0

    Yeah, I've noticed. The most recent updates have all been about adding more grind with less satisfying rewards - the Kuva Lich thing is testament to this. So many layers of RNG and hours of grind, all for a "pretty good" weapon, except you might just keep getting the same five weapons again and again, each with worse bonuses than the last time.

    • Like 3
  8. Vyra, that picture of getting four Forma doesn't provide an argument to the quoted section you paired it with. 

    16 minutes ago, Vyra said:

    And thus the map fills with emptiness because no one ever needs to go back there....

    Yes, because there are no other Corrupted Mods at all, whether you want them for yourself or to trade for plat.

    16 minutes ago, Vyra said:

    like almost everything in the game...

    Railjack isn't, it's a central progression system and will become more and more integrated into the main game as time goes on. 

    16 minutes ago, Vyra said:

    Welcome to Endgame...

    I sure hope not.

    16 minutes ago, Vyra said:

    none of the Drops are needed in any way...
    you don't miss anything out not having them except for some extra damage...

    You'd be surprised how much better "that extra damage" can be, not to mention how much more Avionics a god-roll Reactor can hold. As opposed to Riven Mods which are just gravy, Wreckage Bonuses are a very big deal. 

    16 minutes ago, Vyra said:

    i have none of these shiny things, void hole etc.. but i never needed them anyway...
    we go as 2 people into the Veil. 1-5 shot enemies ( mostly 1-3 ) in space, ground combat is a bit more difficult but for that we have melee i guess...

    Sure, you can do it without all the bells and whistles, but you can beat the whole game with a Forma-less Excalibur and Braton too. You think that the Veil is the hardest stuff that Railjack is going to offer? I feel like the Veil is the equivalent of the T1 Void. 

    16 minutes ago, Vyra said:

    So what are you complaining about?

    Read my post, my criticisms are clearly laid-out.

    16 minutes ago, Vyra said:

    Just avoid the stuff you don't like and focus on the things that appeal to you...

    "Just don't play it if you don't like it" is the weakest response to criticism I can imagine, is this really what you're concluding your argument with?

    16 minutes ago, Vyra said:

    DE has reasons to add it the way it is...

    Yeah, money. Also inflating the game with the grindiest content ever to make it seem like there's more to it than there really is.

    P.S. You really need to lay off the ellipses. It made taking you seriously very challenging.

    • Like 3
  9. I never bought for one second that DE didn't add shield gating because "it made no difference." It would stop you from getting randomly 1-shotted. There's no believable way that that would make no difference. Literally just give Hildryn's passive to everybody, adjust the duration to scale with shield capacity, and I will spend all my plat on buying Volt Value Packs if it really makes no noticeable difference at all. 

  10. Part of the appeal of Warframe for me was the fact that you didn't have to worry about grinding a mission a million times to get a god roll - once you got the gun you wanted, once you got the mods you wanted, that was it. You could move on and proceed with the game. It wasn't that bad of a grind. Once you finally got Heavy Caliber from the Orokin Derelict, you never had to try to get a better version of it. You never got stuck farming The Sergeant on Phobos for the perfect Mag Chassis after getting getting dozens of inferior versions. Sure, you might get a little stuck trying to get the item in the first place, but it was rarely an issue, and once you got it, you had it. Riven Mods were a surprise, but they are very optional, and at least have the neat feature of being able to pick which roll to keep when you reroll them. Also, since Kuva is so plentiful, it's not really that much of a grind anyway if you're hunting the perfect roll. Kuva weapons... well, aside from all the glaring, blatant flaws with the Lich system, you can at least replace the bonus with a better one if you find a better one, and more importantly, Kuva weapons are just a handful of special weapons that only exist as a special bonus to a certain branch of the game. Railjack stuff is very, very different.

    Railjack's randomized stats are a big deal because they are a part of every aspect of Railjack. Reactors, weapons, and avionics (to a lesser degree) all have different variations, you can get 10 Bulkheads without getting a good Bulkhead. Imagine doing a ton of Void Fissures, finally getting that Loki Prime Systems, but it's a cruddy Lavan instead of a glorious Zetki. Beyond the Sigma Series, all Railjack components have totally random stats bonuses that cannot be transferred to already-owned versions, and they have wildly different ranges in their possible stat values. You could get dozens of terrible Reactors before you get one that has enough to put on all the Avionics you need. If Railjack worked like the rest of the game, there would be no randomization at all. Railjack isn't "in tune" with the rest of the game, it's an entirely different flavor of grind. The three different Houses should be all the variation there is. With the new system, Railjack is 10x of a bigger grind. The lack of random stats is a big reason why I prefer Warframe over other games like Destiny and Borderlands, but now it seems DE has decided to just copy their competitor's approach to game design. That makes me sad.

    • Like 6
  11. 6 minutes ago, ntyd1s said:

    Well.. yeah the space flow seems to have been made for the game of tag with 2 access points in every room but at least it is kind of fun chasing boarding party around this art installation interior xD and at least it's not so cramped like the Grineer Crewships.

    I'd much rather have a much more compact interior that more closely matches what we see externally. 

  12. It's probably going to be like this. Tier 1: You can assign an NPC to a turret. Tier 2: You can assign an NPC to both turrets. Tier 3: NPCs automatically Refine resources when one hits 200! Tier 4: NPCs have a chance of repairing ship damage. Tier 5: NPCs will follow you to Away Team objectives and crew ships. 

    Tier 8 is being able to double-Blink, and Tier 10 is one of your NPCs can be a Kuva Lich (random one each time you load into a Railjack session.)

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