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(XBOX)Erudite Prime

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Erudite Prime

  1. There's just.. so much empty, wasted space, and it's designed rather unintuitively. The room where our Reliquary Drive is seems to be a cargo hold, but we don't have any cargo to hold. On top of that, why is our possessed Event Horizon sarcophagus just sitting in the middle of a cargo hold? The room right before Resource Processing is massive, and there's literally nothing in there either. It isn't even a straight line from the bridge to Resource Processing, which would make way more sense to be where the Reliquary room is. There is no reason, whatsoever, to go into the Reliquary room, so why is it directly accessible while Resource Processing is a floor down? If those two sections swapped, it'd make way more sense and going back and forth would be much smoother. As for the place where our Slingshot is, why isn't there a proper staircase/walkway or anything to get up there? It doesn't look like anyone is meant to be able to walk up there on the curved support beam. 

    The interior layout seems very illogical and poorly thought-out. At least we can teleport from station to station.

    • Like 2
  2. Just now, Paradoxity said:

    What it boils down to is that DE is telling a linear story from the beginning. 

    But anyone getting into the game now is jumping in at like, episode 60 or so. It's all perfectly linear and makes sense to me cos I've been here from the very beginning, but I'm also by far a minority anymore. 



    Yeah except there's no way for new players to catch up on the story without watching youtube or something.

  3. 2 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

    Making it plat-only would be so scuzzy.  Think about it the way a new person would: instead of paying for a cosmetic, DE adds a blemish to your frames that you can pay to remove early? That's just hilarious and horrendous. 😛

    How so? Building a Warframe without plat takes four-five days, and removing the cyst without plat takes a week. DE has always let you pay-to-skip.

  4. On one hand, sure, give people the option to pay plat to remove it early. If you really want to waste plat that badly, go ahead, it'll help DE's finances too.

    On the other hand, literally just wait a week to remove the one pink pixel on your screen.

  5. 13 minutes ago, Goodwill said:

    What I mean is that gameplay-wise, it doesn't make sense that we haven't conquered the known galaxy and beyond yet and why Grineer, Infested or Corpus even still exist.

    Well I'd say it's because the Tenno are unfathomably outnumbered. Sure, we can effortlessly mow them down, but they just keep coming. Even if in the story we're as strong as we are in the game, there's still a million enemies for each of us, and enemy numbers keep growing. Grineer keep cloning, Corpus keep manufacturing proxies, and the Infested do whatever it is that they do. 

  6. I see a lot of threads and replies where people discuss "abusing" or "exploiting" mechanics, mechanics which are seemingly working as intended. I've seen people talk about Zenurik, slash + viral damage, faction-damage mods, and tons of other things as abuse or exploitation. If/when it gets nerfed, I see people say "well that's what happens when the playerbase abuses it." Isn't that victim-blaming? DE is the one who made the thing too powerful, and only changes it when it becomes "too popular" I.E. people realize that it's simply the best choice. 

    Let's take Sanctuary Onslaught as a specific. The literal in-game direction for the objective, straight from the mouth of Cephalon Simaris, is to kill as many enemies as efficiently as possible. The playerbase wasted no time figuring out what the most efficient method was, DE swiftly removed it, and people said "well stop abusing the game's mechanics." Naturally, the playerbase went on to the next best thing, and it will only be a matter of time before DE tells us "whoa that's still too efficient!" 

    My point is, there's a weird divide in the playerbase where players criticize other players for abuse, when we should be rallying together and trying to push DE to test things more before releasing, and release more polished content that won't cause this sort of conflict. 

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  7. 18 minutes ago, Tayuuya said:

    I mean where i have more chance to drop whatever from mobs

    Dark Sectors have their bonus drop chances clearly displayed. Void Fissures have no indication of any bonuses at all. This isn't feedback  Read the wiki. 

  8. The Orokin hacked Natah and turned her into The Lotus to betray her kind, but this backfired and she ended up wiping out both the Sentient and Orokin. When Ballas visited her in the Apostasy Prologue, he fixed the malware and now she's back to her true self. 

    Born to die
    Origin System is a !@#$
    Kill em All 19890
    I am Sentient 
    410,757,864,530 DEAD DAX

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