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(XBOX)Erudite Prime

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Erudite Prime

  1. Utterly insane how this still hasn't been fixed. Aren't input errors a pretty major issue? It's like if tapping RT/RMB/R2 caused us to periodically reload while firing semi-auto weapons. 

    On 2020-01-03 at 4:53 PM, roniseyez said:

    Bump for TOGGLE! It gets frustrating to constantly lose x12 combo.

    I can't even GET my combo to x12 because I always heavy attack accidentally before I even get to x3.


    59 minutes ago, (XB1)eaglesdew said:

    for every 10,000 points earned you got 50 creds

    I... uh.. what?? Have you even looked at the screen? You absolutely do not earn 50 for every 10k Standing. After the initial 150 for the first rank, you get 50 creds every 50,000. Literally look at your screen. The rewards are all laid out to you, and shoved in your face when you earn them. You get more Creds after reaching rank 30 than you did getting to rank 30. Please avoid making thoughtless rants like this in the future.

    • Like 3
  3. 2 minutes ago, (XB1)KayAitch said:

    I have that on X1X, but maybe they cut it from the basic X1 - it is janky and broken with most ephemera and any translucency (lots of clipped syndanas).

    Both consoles run the same exact software when it comes to Warframe, with the sole exception of "Ludicrous" particle effects. Have you actually seen a smooth transition on a normal xbone?

  4. Just now, superiouz said:

    I dont. But i assume they still got the reward. Since i meet many player do this. Especially low mr. They do random stuff like emote and jumping and do mining. ( not really afk). Just like in hydron the player just do left right or emote with zero kill. Its not really afk. 

    Well then you can report them with an included game clip. 

  5. Make it so that they don't kill us when we fail a dice roll after we were kicking their ass. The animations don't even make sense. The whole point of a Lich is that they're undead and keep coming back, so why do we die instead of them? 

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  6. Wait... what do you people mean by "whip?" Do you mean WIP, as in Work In Progress?

    6 hours ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

    Forcing people to take extra steps to get important information is simply a poor way to design a user interface.

    It's funny because every change to the UI that DE has ever made does exactly this. Remember when new players would ask "How do I find which planets have which resources?" and you could just tell them to 1) scroll to planets to see the icons, and 1.5) click on the planet if they wanted to see the names too? Now it's 1) scroll to the planet 2) click on it 3) toggle from Nightwave to Resource Drones and finally 4) click on the Resource Drone icon. 

    Remember when linking Quests in chat to help new players brought up the Prerequisites so they could see right there how to unlock any given quest? Remember when, in the Market, you could just see something's stats without needing to dangerously hover over the Purchase button? Pepperidge Farm remembers. Remember when most things just had information when you checked them out, and now there's a bizarre and useless "About" thing in the top left you have to scroll to, despite there being a ton of empty space where the info used to happily sit? DE absolutely LOVES to add extra steps to get important information. I can only speculate as to why this is the case, and none of my theories are good. 


    13 hours ago, (XB1)MandlorPrime said:

    Also I thought Warframes all had different hieghts? With the exception of the feature one we are looking at, In the whip 3 of them are all the same height? Is that Canon now, er what?

    Uh, with all due respect, wtf are you talking about? Warframes have always been the exact same height (with the only exception being the shape of their heads). What do you mean "is that canon now?" Warframes have always been depicted as having the same height, especially Loki, Excalibur, and Rhino since they don't have particularly tall helmets. How did you even notice this non-detail when comparing these three? Is there a particular reason why you'd assume these three weren't the same height? And even if they weren't, those are just busts in the image. They could be different heights (which they aren't) but the images are just placed like that. 

    This comment just doesn't make sense from any direction. 


    7 hours ago, DrivaMain said:

    Take off that tinfoil hat.

    People these days.. too lazy to just hover the cursor a little bit into an icon to see what they got. 

    Is "tinfoil hat" a new buzzword? Stop trying to dismiss criticism with memes or whatever. Also, it's not about laziness, it's about the comparison of the current system and the proposed new one. With the current one, all you have to do is look at your damn screen to see what's what. You probably gotta scroll too, but that takes no time at all and then you can start up the next mission. If we had to scroll over each icon, it could take like five minutes to actually see what we got after finishing a long mission. How do you have time for that between each mission?

  7. Yeah yeah, everybody wants their favorite frames buffed. Sure, there's no real reason not to implement these buffs, but they really wouldn't make much of a difference. Instead of being able to easily survive to level 100, now you can easily survive to level 110. Hip-hip hooray.

  8. On 2020-01-08 at 2:54 PM, Colyeses said:

    I also want to point out that there's a line where the man in the wall says "There's something out there, kiddo. Watching us...", and he sounds concerned. 

    The being that quite possibly has enough power in his index finger to translocate a crewship from Earth to Saturn in under 30 seconds is concerned.

    We have reason to be mortified.

    He's just quoting what our parents said during the flashbacks in The War Within; and they were referring to him. He's referring to himself. 

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