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Posts posted by sv650racer

    • TYPE: In-Game
    • DESCRIPTION: RJ Crew AI CONSTANTLY stuck in role limbo completely ignore role assignment. It renders RJ crew useless unless you never assign them a role during missions.
    • REPRODUCTION: Every mission.
    • EXPECTED RESULT: Tell crew to pilot, I expect them to pilot, tell crew to man the guns, I expect them to man the guns.
    • OBSERVED RESULT: They IGNOR role assignment, either stuck or sleeping in the gun seat or walking around the ship doing nothing.
  1. [Railjack] It is now impossible to use the Slingshot solo if you have a designated NPC Pilot

    As soon as you teleport up to the Slingshot, the dude will go full GTA and already steered the RJ to some where else away like a dog chasing squirrels.

    You have to assign her role to something else so you can maintain your aim, then reassign the pilot role back to her after you landed.

    Possible Solution: Give the pilot AI a 5 sec delay before he start to do anything with the RJ.

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  2. 5 hours ago, [DE]Steve said:

    ...While it is our intention to phase out the old system we do intend to keep performance and scalability a priority in the new rendering engine. While the new system is dramatically faster for dynamic lighting and shadows, these are not a ‘free lunch’ (**) in any system and we will be vigilant to add additional options giving you the flexibility to tune the new system’s performance for the best Warframe experience possible.


    Raising the ceiling but keeping the floor where it is very a smart move. I take it the Switch and phones will likely run with baked lighting for performance reasons. I can't wait for DL to be fully implemented for the game. 🤘

  3. 16 hours ago, [DE]George said:

    Thanks for the report, we'll take a look at this.

    @[DE]George, it happened again today and this time I took a video. It almost looks like there is something wrong with crewship spawning causing it to phase in and out so the audio of cy was caught in a loop. At this point I am not sure if this is even a "sound" issue. Looks like something else is causing it to loop and when finally a new crewship managed to spawn, the loop suddenly stopped.


  4. First all, screen shake after you destroy the core of a crewship is EXCESSIVE; the intensity needs to be decrease by about 50%.

    BUG: If you exit the crewship right after you destroy the core as the screen is shaking, your screen will continue to shake for eternity and at any location. The ONLY ways to stop it is to either find another crewship and destroy the core but wait for the screen shake to stop before you exit, the problem is sometimes for some reason the game will kick you out of the ship and you won't have that choice OR go into option and turn off screen shake altogether.

  5. Quote

    The resources you pick up in space go to everyone in the team , the resources, mods, and even new weapon bp found on enemy structures/ships go only to the players who go into the structure/ship to pick it up.

    Away squad is always the most popular role so naturally it makes sense to screw people who stay in the railjack right?


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