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Posts posted by OrangutanGaming

  1. Pressing the hotkey for the mining drill, then pressing the hotkey for the synthesis scanner and then switching weapons makes your crosshair go invisible. It also hides the synthesis scanner UI.

  2. I found a bug where the people can get stuck so the only way to carry on is to let them die. 4W4jgT7.jpg


    There are also more bugs like the people staying at the capsule and not moving. They will just stay there and shoot enemies till they die.

  3. 38jyyZU.png When I open a tag (I've seen it confirmed on Arcanes and Mods), sometimes the preview will stay open and the only thing I can do in the game is chat and use the endless mode selection screen. The endless screen just overlays above the screen..eJwNyEEOhCAMQNG7cADqtKLibQgSNKOU0BoXk7m Pressing any button won't fix it and the only fix I've found is restarting. I also can't interact with the pop up (e.g scrolling down or pressing exit). After further testing, dying does nothing, you can't see the revive screen and you remain bugged, and finishing the mission and going back to your ship does fix this bug.

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