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Posts posted by (PSN)Lord_Bucket_

  1. Ever since the Dagath update, host migrations will now cause the game to freeze for a while, before eventually kicking you from your squad. The result is it placing you in a brand new squad, separate from anyone you're actually trying to play with, or simply kicking you back to your orbiter.

    Again, this has been happening since Abyss of Dagath, and I don't know if the devs have even acknowledged this problem yet

  2. With how limited weapon slots are without spending money, players are inclined to sell off bad weapons that they've already mastered. But thanks to the way Teshin's cave is more likely to select weapons that you don't own, all these mastery fodder weapons keep showing up and flooding out the more desirable weapons. The system would be so much better if it selected weapons based on mastery, rather than ownership. There would be relatively little change for newer players that don't have many weapons yet, but it would be huge for high MR players that keep getting forced to use weapons they got rid of

  3. I think there's actually a bug going on right now with riven challenges where the challenge isn't displaying entirely, or it's displaying incorrectly. I just completed a riven that simply said to get finisher kills. However, it was only working on unalerted enemies. My friend has been working on one to simply kill dargyns in flight with a bow, and it keeps resetting for some unknown reason. My guess is that your riven has some additional requirement to it; maybe sliding while getting the kills, or maybe have one of the dragon keys equipped

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  4. 34 minutes ago, (XB1)ALG Minuscule36 said:

    Hey Drew! I noticed that frames I've purchased the packs for did not receive a Prime noggle. Example being Vauban and Nekros Prime.

    Are other prime frame noggles from older packs still being made or...?

    Also, idea, Noggle Prime access. You could just straight sell a pack of that year's, or a collection of all, Prime Noggles.

    I suggest taking a look at all the previous prime access packs to see what was included in each one. I was also under the impression that I had purchased more prime access packs than what I was credited for. The big example for me being Loki Prime since he's one of my favorite frames. However, I saw that wyrm prime was included in that pack, and I remember getting that much later. Which means I did not actually buy the pack.

    There's also the glyphs that are included in each pack that you can use to verify which ones you bought.

  5. Since we now have the ability in plains of eidolon to leave the squad and keep our rewards in order to extract sooner, can we possibly get this in missions like survival and excavation? Individual extraction is something we've been requesting for years, and now we can see that possible. It would get rid of any conflict between those that want to leave early and those that want to stay longer. Please consider this, DE.

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